Meeting Agenda
1. Determine Quorum and Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Citizens Requesting to Appear Before the Board - non agenda items
This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Board concerning an issue pertaining to the District that is not on the agenda. A completed Request to Address the Board form must be submitted to the Presiding Officer before the meeting begins. The Presiding Officer may place a time limit on all comments from citizens. Response by the Board to any comments under this heading is limited to making a statement of specific factual information or reciting existing policy related to the issue. Any deliberation by the Board on the matter is limited to a proposal to place it on the agenda of a future Board Meeting.
Comments on agenda items must be made during Citizens Participation when the agenda item comes before the Board. |
4. Administration of Oath of Office to newly elected members for the Board of Directors.
- Administered by Loyd Smith, Notary
5. Discussion and possible action on Codifying or repealing an Old Piece of Legislation.
- Report from General Manager
- Citizens Participation
- Board discussion/action
6. Discussion and possible action Consenting to Partial Assignment of "Mediated Settlement Agreement By and Between Larry Neimann, Trustee The Schmidt Tract Partnership, and Lakeway Municipal Utility District" Dated March 24, 2000 to Lakeway 620, LLC.
- Report from General Manager
- Citizens Participation
- Board discussion/action
7. Discussion and possible action to approve Out of District pressure sewer system for the first 17 sections of Lakeway.
- report from General Manager
- Citizen Participation
- Board discussion/action
8. Discussion and possible action on the "Fourth Amendment to Commercial Contract Unimproved Property by and between the District and HSD-Lakeway Holdings, Ltd." pertaining to the sale of land generally situated at 1931 Lohmans Crossing, Lakeway, Texas. (This item may be discussed in Executive session as authorized by Texas Open Meetings Act 551).
- Report from General Manager
- Citizens Participation
- Board discussion/action
9. Discussion and Possible Action on Financials, Calendar,
A. Monthly financial Report March 2018
B. Budget versus Actual March 2018
C. Calendar
CONSENT AGENDA - The following consent items may be approved by one Board vote. Any Director may pull consent items from the consent agenda for discussion.
10. Approve Minutes of Regular Meeting on April 4, 2018
11. Approve expenditure to the Reynolds Company $15,603.75
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | May 9, 2018 at 9:30 AM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
Subject: |
1. Determine Quorum and Call to Order
Subject: |
2. Pledge of Allegiance
Subject: |
Subject: |
3. Citizens Requesting to Appear Before the Board - non agenda items
Subject: |
This is an opportunity for citizens to address the Board concerning an issue pertaining to the District that is not on the agenda. A completed Request to Address the Board form must be submitted to the Presiding Officer before the meeting begins. The Presiding Officer may place a time limit on all comments from citizens. Response by the Board to any comments under this heading is limited to making a statement of specific factual information or reciting existing policy related to the issue. Any deliberation by the Board on the matter is limited to a proposal to place it on the agenda of a future Board Meeting.
Comments on agenda items must be made during Citizens Participation when the agenda item comes before the Board. |
Subject: |
Subject: |
4. Administration of Oath of Office to newly elected members for the Board of Directors.
Subject: |
- Administered by Loyd Smith, Notary
Subject: |
5. Discussion and possible action on Codifying or repealing an Old Piece of Legislation.
Subject: |
- Report from General Manager
Subject: |
- Citizens Participation
Subject: |
- Board discussion/action
Subject: |
6. Discussion and possible action Consenting to Partial Assignment of "Mediated Settlement Agreement By and Between Larry Neimann, Trustee The Schmidt Tract Partnership, and Lakeway Municipal Utility District" Dated March 24, 2000 to Lakeway 620, LLC.
Subject: |
- Report from General Manager
Subject: |
- Citizens Participation
Subject: |
- Board discussion/action
Subject: |
7. Discussion and possible action to approve Out of District pressure sewer system for the first 17 sections of Lakeway.
Subject: |
- report from General Manager
Subject: |
- Citizen Participation
Subject: |
- Board discussion/action
Subject: |
8. Discussion and possible action on the "Fourth Amendment to Commercial Contract Unimproved Property by and between the District and HSD-Lakeway Holdings, Ltd." pertaining to the sale of land generally situated at 1931 Lohmans Crossing, Lakeway, Texas. (This item may be discussed in Executive session as authorized by Texas Open Meetings Act 551).
Subject: |
- Report from General Manager
Subject: |
- Citizens Participation
Subject: |
- Board discussion/action
Subject: |
9. Discussion and Possible Action on Financials, Calendar,
Subject: |
A. Monthly financial Report March 2018
Subject: |
B. Budget versus Actual March 2018
Subject: |
C. Calendar
Subject: |
CONSENT AGENDA - The following consent items may be approved by one Board vote. Any Director may pull consent items from the consent agenda for discussion.
Subject: |
10. Approve Minutes of Regular Meeting on April 4, 2018
Subject: |
11. Approve expenditure to the Reynolds Company $15,603.75