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Meeting Agenda
I. Endowment Management Committee 
I.A. Call to Order
Presenter:  Chair Durga Agrawal
I.B. Approval of Committee Minutes

       - November 20, 2024, Special Called Endowment Management Committee Workshop Meeting
       - November 21, 2024, Endowment Management Committee Meeting     
Action:   Approval
I.C. Report from NEPC regarding the University of Houston System endowment and non-endowed portfolios

Action:   Information
Presenter:  Raymond Bartlett, Senior Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance
I.D. Approval is requested to rebalance the portfolio of the University of Houston System Endowment Fund to align with policy targets which will include the hiring and partial redemption of managers and to make changes to the University of Houston System Endowment Fund Statement of Objectives and Policies

Action:   Approval
Presenter: Raymond Bartlett, Senior Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance

I.E. Approval is requested to rebalance the portfolio of the University of Houston System Non-Endowed Fund and to make changes to the University of Houston System Investment Policy for Non-Endowed Funds

Action:    Approval

Presenter: Raymond Bartlett, Senior Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance

II. Executive Session
Presenter: Chair Durga Agrawal
II.A. 1. Consultation with System Attorney Regarding Legal Matters and/or Contemplated Litigation or Settlement Offers.
     Texas Gov't Code Section 551.071

2. Deliberations regarding the Purchase, Exchange, Sale or Value of Real Property.
     Texas Gov't Code Section 551.072

3. Deliberation Regarding a Prospective Gift
     Texas Gov't Code Section 551.073

4. Personnel Matters Relating to Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Assignment, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of Officers or Employees including but not limited to the Chancellor, President, Vice Chancellors, in the Division of Athletics and members of the Board of Regents.
     Texas Gov't Code Section 551.074
III. Report and Action from Executive Session
Presenter: Chair Durga Agrawal
IV. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: February 19, 2025 at 10:00 AM - Endowment Management Committee Meeting
I. Endowment Management Committee 
I.A. Call to Order
Presenter:  Chair Durga Agrawal
I.B. Approval of Committee Minutes

       - November 20, 2024, Special Called Endowment Management Committee Workshop Meeting
       - November 21, 2024, Endowment Management Committee Meeting     
Action:   Approval
I.C. Report from NEPC regarding the University of Houston System endowment and non-endowed portfolios

Action:   Information
Presenter:  Raymond Bartlett, Senior Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance
I.D. Approval is requested to rebalance the portfolio of the University of Houston System Endowment Fund to align with policy targets which will include the hiring and partial redemption of managers and to make changes to the University of Houston System Endowment Fund Statement of Objectives and Policies

Action:   Approval
Presenter: Raymond Bartlett, Senior Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance

I.E. Approval is requested to rebalance the portfolio of the University of Houston System Non-Endowed Fund and to make changes to the University of Houston System Investment Policy for Non-Endowed Funds

Action:    Approval

Presenter: Raymond Bartlett, Senior Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance

II. Executive Session
Presenter: Chair Durga Agrawal
II.A. 1. Consultation with System Attorney Regarding Legal Matters and/or Contemplated Litigation or Settlement Offers.
     Texas Gov't Code Section 551.071

2. Deliberations regarding the Purchase, Exchange, Sale or Value of Real Property.
     Texas Gov't Code Section 551.072

3. Deliberation Regarding a Prospective Gift
     Texas Gov't Code Section 551.073

4. Personnel Matters Relating to Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Assignment, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of Officers or Employees including but not limited to the Chancellor, President, Vice Chancellors, in the Division of Athletics and members of the Board of Regents.
     Texas Gov't Code Section 551.074
III. Report and Action from Executive Session
Presenter: Chair Durga Agrawal
IV. Adjourn

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