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Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order
2. Closed Session
3. Action After Closed Session
4. Discussion / Action
4.A. Approval of Board of Trustees Statement Relating to Public Concerns Regarding Alleged Incident Involving Board Member Kimberly Johnson
4.B. Discuss & Consider Competitive Sealed Best Value Rank Offerors and Authorize the Superintendent to Value Engineer and Negotiate Best Value Offer, Terms, Conditions, Fees, and Contract for TMISD Intermediate Classroom Addition, FEMA/TSSI Multipurpose Safe Room Dome Project and TM Middle School Tennis Court Reconstruction Project.
5. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: October 6, 2014 at 7:00 PM - Special
1. Call to Order
2. Closed Session
3. Action After Closed Session
4. Discussion / Action
4.A. Approval of Board of Trustees Statement Relating to Public Concerns Regarding Alleged Incident Involving Board Member Kimberly Johnson
Board President Paul Mostella
4.B. Discuss & Consider Competitive Sealed Best Value Rank Offerors and Authorize the Superintendent to Value Engineer and Negotiate Best Value Offer, Terms, Conditions, Fees, and Contract for TMISD Intermediate Classroom Addition, FEMA/TSSI Multipurpose Safe Room Dome Project and TM Middle School Tennis Court Reconstruction Project.
Ricardo Rodriguez
5. Adjournment

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