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Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order
2. Special Called Board Meeting in Session
3. Public Open Forum
4. Budget Workshop
4.A. Presentation by Mr. Philip Carroll, Deputy Superintendent 
5. Closed Session
  • Deliberations regarding the purchase or value of real property for the acquisition of land for new Junior High School and matters related thereto
  • Discuss Educator Contracts
  • Discuss Administrative Contracts
  • Discuss Employment of Certified Personnel
  • Discuss Employment of Non-Chapter 21 Contract Personnel
  • Discuss Duties, Responsibilities, Reassignments, Employment, Termination, Resignation of District Employees
6. Action After Closed Session
  • Discussion, consideration, and possible action authorizing District Administration and legal counsel to negotiate a Letter of Intent for the acquisition of property for the location of the new Junior High School Campus and matters related thereto
  • Discuss, Consider, and Take Possible Action Regarding Educator Contracts
  • Discuss, Consider, and Take Possible Action Regarding Administrative Contracts
  • Discuss, Consider, and Take Possible Action Regarding Employment of Certified Personnel
  • Discuss, Consider, and Take Possible Action Regarding Employment of Non-Chapter 21 Contract Personnel
  • Discuss and Consider Duties, Responsibilities, Reassignments, Employment, Termination, Resignation of District Employees
7. Discussion / Action Agenda
7.A. Discuss and Consider approval of authorization of contract for the TMISD Primary School & Administration Building HVAC Equipment Replacement project with Protech Mechanical, LLC of Corpus Christi, Texas for the Base Bid and Bid Alternative No. 2 for the amount of $2,440,000.00
7.B. Discuss and Consider approval of Order and Notice of Election for Tuloso-Midway ISD Board of Trustees on November 5, 2024
8. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: August 12, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Special Called Meeting
1. Call to Order
2. Special Called Board Meeting in Session
3. Public Open Forum
4. Budget Workshop
4.A. Presentation by Mr. Philip Carroll, Deputy Superintendent 
Mr. Philip Carroll, Deputy Superintendent
5. Closed Session
  • Deliberations regarding the purchase or value of real property for the acquisition of land for new Junior High School and matters related thereto
  • Discuss Educator Contracts
  • Discuss Administrative Contracts
  • Discuss Employment of Certified Personnel
  • Discuss Employment of Non-Chapter 21 Contract Personnel
  • Discuss Duties, Responsibilities, Reassignments, Employment, Termination, Resignation of District Employees
6. Action After Closed Session
  • Discussion, consideration, and possible action authorizing District Administration and legal counsel to negotiate a Letter of Intent for the acquisition of property for the location of the new Junior High School Campus and matters related thereto
  • Discuss, Consider, and Take Possible Action Regarding Educator Contracts
  • Discuss, Consider, and Take Possible Action Regarding Administrative Contracts
  • Discuss, Consider, and Take Possible Action Regarding Employment of Certified Personnel
  • Discuss, Consider, and Take Possible Action Regarding Employment of Non-Chapter 21 Contract Personnel
  • Discuss and Consider Duties, Responsibilities, Reassignments, Employment, Termination, Resignation of District Employees
7. Discussion / Action Agenda
7.A. Discuss and Consider approval of authorization of contract for the TMISD Primary School & Administration Building HVAC Equipment Replacement project with Protech Mechanical, LLC of Corpus Christi, Texas for the Base Bid and Bid Alternative No. 2 for the amount of $2,440,000.00
7.B. Discuss and Consider approval of Order and Notice of Election for Tuloso-Midway ISD Board of Trustees on November 5, 2024
8. Adjournment

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