Meeting Agenda
IV.A. Approval of the Consent Agenda *(Items in the Consent Agenda may become separate action items.)
IV.A.1. Minutes
IV.A.2. Disbursements
IV.A.3. Budget Amendments
IV.A.4. Harris County Pct 3 Law Officers Agreement
IV.A.5. Job Order Contracting with Brown & Root, Millennium, and Jamail & Smith
IV.A.6. Child Nutrition Adult Meal Prices
IV.A.7. Shared Service Agreement with Deer Park ISD
IV.A.8. Purchase over $25,000 for Fiber Replacement to Kimmie M. Brown Elementary
IV.A.9. Canon Service Agreement for uniFLOW Online
IV.A.10. Contract with DayNet via the Interlocal Agreement with the City of Dayton
IV.A.11. Discovery Education with Region 11 Contract
IV.A.12. Purchase over $25,000 for New Buses from Thomas Bus (2GenEd and 1 SpEd)
IV.A.13. Purchase over $25,000 - Lassetter for Bus Repair
IV.A.14. Increase Purchase Amount for CEV Curriculum Access for Woodrow Wilson Junior High
IV.B. Consideration and Approval of a Resolution By the Board of Trustees of the Dayton Independent School District Providing for the Defeasance and Calling for Redemption of Certain Currently Outstanding Obligations; Directing that the Board Secretary, or Designee, Effectuate the Redemption of these Obligations; Authorizing the Execution of an Escrow Agreement; and Other Matters in Connection Therewith
IV.C. Consider a Resolution Approving Independent Sources of Investment Officer Training
IV.D. Consider a Resolution Stating Review of Investment Policy and Investment Strategies and Designation of Investment Officer of Dayton ISD
IV.E. Consider List of Qualified Brokers / Dealers for Investment Purposes
IV.F. Consider Workers' Compensation Insurance Renewal for 2023-2024 School Year
IV.G. Consider Unemployment Compensation Insurance Renewal for 2023-2024 School Year
IV.H. Consider Liberty CAD Board of Directors Nominations
IV.I. Consider Updated Agreement with The Village Centers Specialized Services
IV.J. Consider Interlocal Agreement with Liberty ISD for Transportation Services to The Village Kingwood
V. ITEMS FOR BOARD INFORMATION: *(Items for information may become action items.)
V.A. Superintendent's Report
V.A.1. Facilities Update
V.B. Associate Superintendent Pierce's Report
V.B.1. Dayton ISD Employee Handbook Update
V.B.2. Quarterly Investment Report
V.B.3. Financial/Budget Statements
V.B.4. Check Register from Activity Funds
V.B.5. Tax Collector's Report
V.C. Assistant Superintendent Dr. Young's Report
V.C.1. Enrollment Update
V.C.2. Accountability Update
VI. EXECUTIVE SESSION *(Items discussed may become action items in open session)
VI.A. 551.074 - Personnel
VI.B. 551.074 - Personnel - Substitute List
VI.C. 551.074 - Personnel - Contract Abandonment
VI.D. 551.072 - Property - Declare Real Property Surplus on South Cleveland Street
VI.E. 551.072 - Foreclosed Property
VII.A. Consider Contract Abandonment
VII.B. Consider Recommendations and Resignations
VII.C. Consider Local Teaching Permit List
VII.D. Consider Substitutes List
VII.E. Consider Updated Job Description & Title for the 2023-2024 School Year
VII.F. Consider Special Education Positions at Stephen F. Austin Elementary and Kimmie M. Brown Elementary
VII.G. Consider a Resolution to Declare Real Property Surplus
VII.H. Consider Foreclosed Property
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | August 15, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
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Subject: |
IV.A. Approval of the Consent Agenda *(Items in the Consent Agenda may become separate action items.)
Subject: |
IV.A.1. Minutes
Subject: |
IV.A.2. Disbursements
Subject: |
IV.A.3. Budget Amendments
Subject: |
IV.A.4. Harris County Pct 3 Law Officers Agreement
Subject: |
IV.A.5. Job Order Contracting with Brown & Root, Millennium, and Jamail & Smith
Subject: |
IV.A.6. Child Nutrition Adult Meal Prices
Subject: |
IV.A.7. Shared Service Agreement with Deer Park ISD
Subject: |
IV.A.8. Purchase over $25,000 for Fiber Replacement to Kimmie M. Brown Elementary
Subject: |
IV.A.9. Canon Service Agreement for uniFLOW Online
Subject: |
IV.A.10. Contract with DayNet via the Interlocal Agreement with the City of Dayton
Subject: |
IV.A.11. Discovery Education with Region 11 Contract
Subject: |
IV.A.12. Purchase over $25,000 for New Buses from Thomas Bus (2GenEd and 1 SpEd)
Subject: |
IV.A.13. Purchase over $25,000 - Lassetter for Bus Repair
Subject: |
IV.A.14. Increase Purchase Amount for CEV Curriculum Access for Woodrow Wilson Junior High
Subject: |
IV.B. Consideration and Approval of a Resolution By the Board of Trustees of the Dayton Independent School District Providing for the Defeasance and Calling for Redemption of Certain Currently Outstanding Obligations; Directing that the Board Secretary, or Designee, Effectuate the Redemption of these Obligations; Authorizing the Execution of an Escrow Agreement; and Other Matters in Connection Therewith
Subject: |
IV.C. Consider a Resolution Approving Independent Sources of Investment Officer Training
Subject: |
IV.D. Consider a Resolution Stating Review of Investment Policy and Investment Strategies and Designation of Investment Officer of Dayton ISD
Subject: |
IV.E. Consider List of Qualified Brokers / Dealers for Investment Purposes
Subject: |
IV.F. Consider Workers' Compensation Insurance Renewal for 2023-2024 School Year
Subject: |
IV.G. Consider Unemployment Compensation Insurance Renewal for 2023-2024 School Year
Subject: |
IV.H. Consider Liberty CAD Board of Directors Nominations
Subject: |
IV.I. Consider Updated Agreement with The Village Centers Specialized Services
Subject: |
IV.J. Consider Interlocal Agreement with Liberty ISD for Transportation Services to The Village Kingwood
Subject: |
V. ITEMS FOR BOARD INFORMATION: *(Items for information may become action items.)
Subject: |
V.A. Superintendent's Report
Subject: |
V.A.1. Facilities Update
Subject: |
V.B. Associate Superintendent Pierce's Report
Subject: |
V.B.1. Dayton ISD Employee Handbook Update
Subject: |
V.B.2. Quarterly Investment Report
Subject: |
V.B.3. Financial/Budget Statements
Subject: |
V.B.4. Check Register from Activity Funds
Subject: |
V.B.5. Tax Collector's Report
Subject: |
V.C. Assistant Superintendent Dr. Young's Report
Subject: |
V.C.1. Enrollment Update
Subject: |
V.C.2. Accountability Update
Subject: |
VI. EXECUTIVE SESSION *(Items discussed may become action items in open session)
Subject: |
VI.A. 551.074 - Personnel
Subject: |
VI.B. 551.074 - Personnel - Substitute List
Subject: |
VI.C. 551.074 - Personnel - Contract Abandonment
Subject: |
VI.D. 551.072 - Property - Declare Real Property Surplus on South Cleveland Street
Subject: |
VI.E. 551.072 - Foreclosed Property
Subject: |
Subject: |
VII.A. Consider Contract Abandonment
Subject: |
VII.B. Consider Recommendations and Resignations
Subject: |
VII.C. Consider Local Teaching Permit List
Subject: |
VII.D. Consider Substitutes List
Subject: |
VII.E. Consider Updated Job Description & Title for the 2023-2024 School Year
Subject: |
VII.F. Consider Special Education Positions at Stephen F. Austin Elementary and Kimmie M. Brown Elementary
Subject: |
VII.G. Consider a Resolution to Declare Real Property Surplus
Subject: |
VII.H. Consider Foreclosed Property
Subject: |