Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order
II. Opening Ceremonies
II.A. Opening Ceremonies will be presented by the Ramirez/Burks Elementary 4th Grade class (teacher, Elsa Flores)
III. Determination that a quorum is present
IV. Citizens Comments
V.A. Approval of the September 20, 2010 (Regular), October 14, 2010 (Special), October 18, 2010 (Special), and October 28, 2010 (PUBLIC HEARING) School Board Meeting Minutes
VI.A. Update on Construction Projects
VI.B. Update on Construction Projects
VI.C. Activity Report on Delinquent Tax Collections for the month of September, 2010
VI.D. Curriculum & Instruction Report
VI.E. Technology Report
VI.F. Cafeteria Report
VI.G. Monthly Campus Enrollment Report
VI.H. Financial Reports (Highlights) for the month of September, 2010
VI.H.I. Highlights of Un-audited Financial Statements
VI.H.II. Disbursement Report
VI.H.III. Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and changes in Fund Balances (September, 2010)
VI.H.IV. Investment Report
VI.H.V. Tax Office Report
VI.I. Board President's Report
VI.J. Superintendent's Report
VI.J.I. Superintendent's Calendar
VI.J.II. Winter Governance and Legal Seminar - February 24 - 26, 2011 - Corpus Christi, Texas
VI.J.III. Equity Center Report "Money Does Matter"
VI.J.IV. Quorum Report - Declining Property Appraisals
VI.J.V. Article on "Teacher Quality"
VII.A. Consideration to approve the signature changes to the Cotulla ISD Signature Cards at Stockmen's National Bank
VII.B. Consideration to approve the action to extend the Texas General Land Office (GLO) agreement for electrical power with Cotulla ISD for a two year period
VII.C. Consideration to approve the 2010 - 2011 School Improvement Plan (SIP) for Newman Middle School
VII.D. Consideration to approve application #17 and #20 for the New Middle School, Concession Stand and Ramirez/Burks Elementary Renovations Project to Leyendecker Construction Co.
VII.E. Consideration to approve application #1 for the High School Gym A/C Project to Leyendecker Construction Co.
VII.F. Consideration to approve application # 7 for the Construction of the Transportation /Maintenance Building to Herrera and Hunt Inc.
VII.G. Consideration to approve the quote from Leyendecker Construction for the renovation to convert the Old Newman Band Hall into the Technology Department
VII.H. Consideration to approve the purchase of Laptops for the One-To-One Program for Cotulla High School
VII.H.I. One-To-One Plan
VII.H.II. Price quote for the One-To-One purchase
VII.I. Consideration to approve the purchase of Laptops
VII.I.I. Newman Middle School students, or
VII.I.II. All Teachers in the District
VII.J. Consideration to approve a resolution approving the proposal by the Board Of Directors of the La Salle County Appraisal District to sell real property (familiarly described as Account #10762, 10763, and 10764; City of Cotulla, Block 2, Lots 4,5,& 6)
VIII. Consideration to approve the resignation of a Board Member and establish procedures for replacement
IX.A. Pursuant to the Open Meetings, Texas Governance Code Chapter 551.001 Time In:__________Time Out: ___________ Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074 for the purpose of considering the appointment, employment, evaluation, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee, or to hear complaints or charges against a public officer or employee;
IX.A.I. Discussion on the Personnel In-District Transfers, Reassignments and Resignations Report
IX.A.II. Discussion on the Recommendations for Hiring Non-Contractual Personnel (At-Will Employees)
IX.A.III. Discussion on the Recommendations to hire personnel for Probationary Contract(s)
IX.A.III.a. Finance Director
IX.A.IV. Discussion on personnel and board member concerns
X.A. Items to approve from Closed Session
X.A.I. Consideration to approve the Personnel In-District Transfers, Reassignments and Resignations Report
X.A.II. Consideration to approve the Recommendations for Non-Contractual Personnel (At-Will Employees)
X.A.III. Consideration to approve the Recommendations on personnel for Probationary Contract(s)
X.A.III.a. Finance Director
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | November 1, 2010 at 6:00 PM - Regular | |
Subject: |
I. Call to Order
Subject: |
II. Opening Ceremonies
Subject: |
II.A. Opening Ceremonies will be presented by the Ramirez/Burks Elementary 4th Grade class (teacher, Elsa Flores)
Subject: |
III. Determination that a quorum is present
Subject: |
IV. Citizens Comments
Subject: |
Subject: |
V.A. Approval of the September 20, 2010 (Regular), October 14, 2010 (Special), October 18, 2010 (Special), and October 28, 2010 (PUBLIC HEARING) School Board Meeting Minutes
Presenter: |
Elizabeth C. Saenz - Superintendent
Subject: |
Subject: |
VI.A. Update on Construction Projects
Presenter: |
Fransisco Rendon - Herrera & Hunt Representative
Subject: |
VI.B. Update on Construction Projects
Presenter: |
John Williams, Pfluger and Associates Representative
Subject: |
VI.C. Activity Report on Delinquent Tax Collections for the month of September, 2010
Presenter: |
Ronald Rocha, Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP, Representative
Subject: |
VI.D. Curriculum & Instruction Report
Presenter: |
Paul Abundez - Asst. Superintendent
Subject: |
VI.E. Technology Report
Presenter: |
Richard Tollett, Technology Director
Subject: |
VI.F. Cafeteria Report
Presenter: |
Marcena Martinez, Food Service Director
Subject: |
VI.G. Monthly Campus Enrollment Report
Presenter: |
Louisa Franklin - Director of Student Services
Subject: |
VI.H. Financial Reports (Highlights) for the month of September, 2010
Presenter: |
Rosa Maria Torres, Financial Consultant
Subject: |
VI.H.I. Highlights of Un-audited Financial Statements
Subject: |
VI.H.II. Disbursement Report
Subject: |
VI.H.III. Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and changes in Fund Balances (September, 2010)
Subject: |
VI.H.IV. Investment Report
Subject: |
VI.H.V. Tax Office Report
Subject: |
VI.I. Board President's Report
Presenter: |
Roel (Roy) Rodriguz, Jr. - Board President
Subject: |
VI.J. Superintendent's Report
Presenter: |
Elizabeth C. Saenz - Superintendent
Subject: |
VI.J.I. Superintendent's Calendar
Subject: |
VI.J.II. Winter Governance and Legal Seminar - February 24 - 26, 2011 - Corpus Christi, Texas
Subject: |
VI.J.III. Equity Center Report "Money Does Matter"
Subject: |
VI.J.IV. Quorum Report - Declining Property Appraisals
Subject: |
VI.J.V. Article on "Teacher Quality"
Subject: |
Subject: |
VII.A. Consideration to approve the signature changes to the Cotulla ISD Signature Cards at Stockmen's National Bank
Subject: |
VII.B. Consideration to approve the action to extend the Texas General Land Office (GLO) agreement for electrical power with Cotulla ISD for a two year period
Presenter: |
Rosa Maria Torres, Financial Consultant
Subject: |
VII.C. Consideration to approve the 2010 - 2011 School Improvement Plan (SIP) for Newman Middle School
Presenter: |
Michael Murphy, NMS Principal
Subject: |
VII.D. Consideration to approve application #17 and #20 for the New Middle School, Concession Stand and Ramirez/Burks Elementary Renovations Project to Leyendecker Construction Co.
Presenter: |
Rosa Maria Torres, Financial Consultant
Subject: |
VII.E. Consideration to approve application #1 for the High School Gym A/C Project to Leyendecker Construction Co.
Presenter: |
Rosa Maria Torres, Financial Consultant
Subject: |
VII.F. Consideration to approve application # 7 for the Construction of the Transportation /Maintenance Building to Herrera and Hunt Inc.
Presenter: |
Rosa Maria Torres, Financial Consultant
Subject: |
VII.G. Consideration to approve the quote from Leyendecker Construction for the renovation to convert the Old Newman Band Hall into the Technology Department
Presenter: |
Richard Tollett, Technology Director
Subject: |
VII.H. Consideration to approve the purchase of Laptops for the One-To-One Program for Cotulla High School
Presenter: |
Richard Tollett, Technology Director and Dirk Dykstra, CHS Principal
Subject: |
VII.H.I. One-To-One Plan
Subject: |
VII.H.II. Price quote for the One-To-One purchase
Subject: |
VII.I. Consideration to approve the purchase of Laptops
Presenter: |
Richard Tollett, Technology Director
Subject: |
VII.I.I. Newman Middle School students, or
Subject: |
VII.I.II. All Teachers in the District
Subject: |
VII.J. Consideration to approve a resolution approving the proposal by the Board Of Directors of the La Salle County Appraisal District to sell real property (familiarly described as Account #10762, 10763, and 10764; City of Cotulla, Block 2, Lots 4,5,& 6)
Presenter: |
Annie Garcia, Chief Appraiser
Subject: |
VIII. Consideration to approve the resignation of a Board Member and establish procedures for replacement
Presenter: |
Elizabeth C. Saenz, Superintendent
Subject: |
Subject: |
IX.A. Pursuant to the Open Meetings, Texas Governance Code Chapter 551.001 Time In:__________Time Out: ___________ Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074 for the purpose of considering the appointment, employment, evaluation, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee, or to hear complaints or charges against a public officer or employee;
Subject: |
IX.A.I. Discussion on the Personnel In-District Transfers, Reassignments and Resignations Report
Subject: |
IX.A.II. Discussion on the Recommendations for Hiring Non-Contractual Personnel (At-Will Employees)
Subject: |
IX.A.III. Discussion on the Recommendations to hire personnel for Probationary Contract(s)
Subject: |
IX.A.III.a. Finance Director
Subject: |
IX.A.IV. Discussion on personnel and board member concerns
Subject: |
Subject: |
X.A. Items to approve from Closed Session
Subject: |
X.A.I. Consideration to approve the Personnel In-District Transfers, Reassignments and Resignations Report
Subject: |
X.A.II. Consideration to approve the Recommendations for Non-Contractual Personnel (At-Will Employees)
Subject: |
X.A.III. Consideration to approve the Recommendations on personnel for Probationary Contract(s)
Subject: |
X.A.III.a. Finance Director
Subject: |