Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order
II. Opening Ceremonies
II.A. The Opening Ceremonies will be presented by the Newman Middle School Junior National Honor Society Nominees
III. Determination that a quorum is present
IV. Citizen's Comments
V.A. Consideration to approve the January 18, 2010 (Regular), January 22, 2010 (Special), and February 02, 2010 (Special) Board Meeting Minutes
VI.A. Update on Construction Projects
VI.B. Activity Report on Delinquent Tax Collections for the month of January, 2010
VI.C. Curriculum and Instruction Report
VI.C.I. Discussion on the New Accountability Test
VI.C.II. End of Semester Grading Report
VI.D. Monthly Campus Enrollment Report
VI.E. Financial Reports (Highlights) for the month of January, 2010
VI.E.I. Highlights of Un-audited Financial Statements
VI.E.II. Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and changes in Fund Balances
VI.E.III. Disbursement Report
VI.E.IV. Investment Report
VI.E.V. Tax Office Report
VI.F. Appraisal District Report
VI.G. Board President's Report
VI.G.I. Debriefing on the TASB Winter Governance Seminar
VI.H. Superintendent's Report
VI.H.I. Superintendent's Calendar
VI.H.II. Update on the Encinal Cafetorium compliance approval by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation
VII.A. Consideration to approve an order authorizing the issuance of Cotulla Independent School District Unlimited Tax Refunding Bonds Series 2010; entering into an Escrow Agreement, a Bond Purchase Agreement, and a Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement; Delegating to certain District Administrative Staff and Officials the Authority to approve all final terms of the bonds; and other matters related thereto
VII.B. Consideration to approve the Order for School Trustee Election on May 08, 2010, and all matters pertaining thereto
VII.B.I. Order of Trustee Election
VII.B.II. Election Workers
VII.B.III. Joint Election Contract
VII.B.IV. Election Calendar
VII.C. Consideration to select a nominee for the 2010 Media Honor Roll Recognition Award
VII.D. Consideration to approve the purchase of Lots 11 & 12, Block 2, Oleander Heights, in Cotulla, Texas
VII.E. Consideration to approve a Science Teacher position at the Cotulla High School for the 2010 - 2011 school year
VII.F. Consideration to approve the Regional Day School Program for the Deaf SSA Agreement
VII.G. Consideration to approve the Repurposing and Renaming of the Old Newman Middle School
VII.H. Consideration to approve Policy BE Local - Board Meetings Amendment
VII.I. Consideration to approve the contract to Simplex Grinnell for the replacement of the High School Fire Alarm System
VII.J. Consideration to approve Budget Amendment for the General Fund in order to allocate the designated fund balance at the end of August 31, 2009
VII.K. Consideration to approve a tax refund to Muhammad Bashir Khan and Alamgir Ahmad Khan in the amount of $6,887.42 due to double assessment of property in accordance with the tax code.
VII.L. Consideration to approve the out of state Class of 2010 Senior Trip to Kissimmee, Florida
VII.M. Consideration to approve the out of state trip to Denver Colorado for CISD Administrators/ Teachers in order to visit Smart Lab Sites at their schools
VIII.A. Pursuant to the Open Meetings, Texas Governance Code Chapter 551.001 Time In:__________Time Out: ___________ Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074 for the purpose of considering the appointment, employment, evaluation, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee, or to hear complaints or charges against a public officer or employee
VIII.A.I. Discussion on the Personnel Report – Appointments, Reassignments, Resignations, Terminations and/or Retirements
VIII.A.II. Discussion on the Recommendations for Hiring Non-Contractual Personnel (At-Will Employees)
VIII.A.III. Discussion on the Recommendations to hire personnel for Probationary Contract(s)
IX.A. Items to approve from Closed Session
IX.A.I. Discussion on the Personnel Report – Appointments, Reassignments, Resignations, Terminations and/or Retirements
IX.A.II. Consideration to approve the Recommendations for Non-Contractual Personnel (At-Will Employees)
IX.A.III. Consideration to approve the Recommendations on personnel for Probationary Contract(s)
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | February 15, 2010 at 6:00 PM - Regular | |
Subject: |
I. Call to Order
Subject: |
II. Opening Ceremonies
Subject: |
II.A. The Opening Ceremonies will be presented by the Newman Middle School Junior National Honor Society Nominees
Subject: |
III. Determination that a quorum is present
Subject: |
IV. Citizen's Comments
Subject: |
Subject: |
V.A. Consideration to approve the January 18, 2010 (Regular), January 22, 2010 (Special), and February 02, 2010 (Special) Board Meeting Minutes
Presenter: |
Elizabeth C. Saenz - Superintendent
Subject: |
Subject: |
VI.A. Update on Construction Projects
Presenter: |
John Williams - Pfluger and Associates
Subject: |
VI.B. Activity Report on Delinquent Tax Collections for the month of January, 2010
Presenter: |
Ronald Rocha - Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP
Subject: |
VI.C. Curriculum and Instruction Report
Presenter: |
Paul Abundez - Asst. Superintendent
Subject: |
VI.C.I. Discussion on the New Accountability Test
Subject: |
VI.C.II. End of Semester Grading Report
Subject: |
VI.D. Monthly Campus Enrollment Report
Presenter: |
Louisa Franklin - Director of Student Services
Subject: |
VI.E. Financial Reports (Highlights) for the month of January, 2010
Presenter: |
Rosa Maria Torres - Finance Director
Subject: |
VI.E.I. Highlights of Un-audited Financial Statements
Subject: |
VI.E.II. Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and changes in Fund Balances
Subject: |
VI.E.III. Disbursement Report
Subject: |
VI.E.IV. Investment Report
Subject: |
VI.E.V. Tax Office Report
Subject: |
VI.F. Appraisal District Report
Presenter: |
George Trigo
Subject: |
VI.G. Board President's Report
Presenter: |
Elizabeth Ann Jones - President
Subject: |
VI.G.I. Debriefing on the TASB Winter Governance Seminar
Subject: |
VI.H. Superintendent's Report
Presenter: |
Elizabeth C. Saenz - Superintendent
Subject: |
VI.H.I. Superintendent's Calendar
Subject: |
VI.H.II. Update on the Encinal Cafetorium compliance approval by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation
Subject: |
Subject: |
VII.A. Consideration to approve an order authorizing the issuance of Cotulla Independent School District Unlimited Tax Refunding Bonds Series 2010; entering into an Escrow Agreement, a Bond Purchase Agreement, and a Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement; Delegating to certain District Administrative Staff and Officials the Authority to approve all final terms of the bonds; and other matters related thereto
Presenter: |
Robert A. Tijerina and Juan Aguilera- Estrada Hinojosa & Company, Inc.
Subject: |
VII.B. Consideration to approve the Order for School Trustee Election on May 08, 2010, and all matters pertaining thereto
Presenter: |
Elizabeth C. Saenz - Superintendent
Subject: |
VII.B.I. Order of Trustee Election
Subject: |
VII.B.II. Election Workers
Subject: |
VII.B.III. Joint Election Contract
Subject: |
VII.B.IV. Election Calendar
Subject: |
VII.C. Consideration to select a nominee for the 2010 Media Honor Roll Recognition Award
Presenter: |
Elizabeth C. Saenz - Superintendent
Subject: |
VII.D. Consideration to approve the purchase of Lots 11 & 12, Block 2, Oleander Heights, in Cotulla, Texas
Presenter: |
Elizabeth C. Saenz - Superintendent
Subject: |
VII.E. Consideration to approve a Science Teacher position at the Cotulla High School for the 2010 - 2011 school year
Presenter: |
Elizabeth C. Saenz - Superintendent
Subject: |
VII.F. Consideration to approve the Regional Day School Program for the Deaf SSA Agreement
Presenter: |
Elizabeth C. Saenz - Superintendent
Subject: |
VII.G. Consideration to approve the Repurposing and Renaming of the Old Newman Middle School
Presenter: |
Elizabeth C. Saenz - Superintendent
Subject: |
VII.H. Consideration to approve Policy BE Local - Board Meetings Amendment
Presenter: |
Elizabeth C. Saenz - Superintendent
Subject: |
VII.I. Consideration to approve the contract to Simplex Grinnell for the replacement of the High School Fire Alarm System
Presenter: |
Rosa Maria Torres - Finance Director
Subject: |
VII.J. Consideration to approve Budget Amendment for the General Fund in order to allocate the designated fund balance at the end of August 31, 2009
Presenter: |
Rosa Maria Torres - Finance Director
Subject: |
VII.K. Consideration to approve a tax refund to Muhammad Bashir Khan and Alamgir Ahmad Khan in the amount of $6,887.42 due to double assessment of property in accordance with the tax code.
Presenter: |
Rosa Maria Torres - Finance Director
Subject: |
VII.L. Consideration to approve the out of state Class of 2010 Senior Trip to Kissimmee, Florida
Presenter: |
Marisela Allala - Sponsor and Mr. Dyrk Dykstra - CHS Principal
Subject: |
VII.M. Consideration to approve the out of state trip to Denver Colorado for CISD Administrators/ Teachers in order to visit Smart Lab Sites at their schools
Presenter: |
Richard Tollett - Technology Director
Subject: |
Subject: |
VIII.A. Pursuant to the Open Meetings, Texas Governance Code Chapter 551.001 Time In:__________Time Out: ___________ Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074 for the purpose of considering the appointment, employment, evaluation, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee, or to hear complaints or charges against a public officer or employee
Subject: |
VIII.A.I. Discussion on the Personnel Report – Appointments, Reassignments, Resignations, Terminations and/or Retirements
Subject: |
VIII.A.II. Discussion on the Recommendations for Hiring Non-Contractual Personnel (At-Will Employees)
Subject: |
VIII.A.III. Discussion on the Recommendations to hire personnel for Probationary Contract(s)
Subject: |
Subject: |
IX.A. Items to approve from Closed Session
Subject: |
IX.A.I. Discussion on the Personnel Report – Appointments, Reassignments, Resignations, Terminations and/or Retirements
Subject: |
IX.A.II. Consideration to approve the Recommendations for Non-Contractual Personnel (At-Will Employees)
Subject: |
IX.A.III. Consideration to approve the Recommendations on personnel for Probationary Contract(s)
Subject: |