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Meeting Agenda
Open Session:
  1. Call to Order and Establish a Quorum
  2. Pledge to the American Flag
  3. Opening Prayer
  4. Public Comment and Participation
II. Information Item:
  1. Presentation of information about the roofing project by Wendall Olson of Coryell Roofing Company
  2. Presentation of information about a VATRE by Lance Terrell of Texas School Finance Center
III. Consent Agenda:
  1. Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting
  2. Approve Monthly Financial Reports
  3. Approve Monthly Cafeteria Reports
IV. Business Managers Report
  1. Purchase Orders
V. Action Items:
  1. Vote to certify unopposed School Board Candidates
  2. Vote to Cancel the School Board Elections
  3. Consideration and possible action on the CD that is currently at Donley County State Bank
  4. Accept the Resignation of Diane Conatser
  5. Accept the Resignation of Timber Lee Potts
  6. Discuss and vote to approve Teacher Contracts for the 2024-2025 school year
  7. Discuss and vote to approve the adoption of the Health Curriculum for grades K-8.
  8. Discuss and vote to approve an abstinence program for 7th grade and 9th grade students
  9. Closed Session
  10. Discuss Superintendent's evaluation and contract
VI. Principal's Report
  1. Enrollment and attendance
  2. Schedule for the month and activities
  3. Other important school information
VII. Superintendent's Report:
  1. Personnel Items
  2. Building maintenance
  3. Other pertinent information
Open Session
  1. Call to Order and Establish a Quorum
  2. Pledge to the American Flag
  3. Opening Prayer
  4. Public Comment and Participation
IX. Consent Agenda
  1. Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting
  2. Approve Monthly Financial Reports
  3. Approve Monthly Cafeteria Reports
X. Business Managers Report
  1. Purchase Orders
XI. Action Items
  1. Consideration and possible action to order a General Election for the election of two (2) Trustee positions for Places 1 and 2 to be held on May 4, 2024
  2. Consider Board approval of the Notice and Order of General for Early Voting and for Election Day
  3. Consider approval of the Early Voting locations and times and Election Day polling locations and times
  4. Consider and appoint Laverne Pinion as Elections Administrator
  5. Consider and appoint Laverne Pinion as the Early Voting Clerk
  6. Discuss and vote to accept the 2022-2023 Hedley ISD Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR)
  7. Discuss and vote to accept the 2022-2023 Hedley ISD State and Federal Report Cards
  8. Consideration and possible action on the CD currently at Donley County State Bank 
  9. Consideration and possible action on the investment of funds with Edward Jones
  10. Discuss and vote to approve new roof replacement by HH&R Roofing for the house on 306 Adamson
XII. Principal's Report
  1. Enrollment and Attendance
  2. Schedule for the Month and Activities
  3. Other Important School Information
XIII. Superintendent's Report
  1. Personnel Items
  2. Building Maintenance
  3. Other Pertinent Information
XIV. **Closed Session
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting

Notice of Regular Meeting

Board of Trustees for the Hedley Independent School District

March 18, 2024 @ 6:30 pm

Board Conference Room, 3rd and Jones St., Hedley, TX


The subjects to be discussed or considered or upon which formal action may be taken are listed below.  Items do not have to be taken in the same order as shown on this meeting notice.  Unless removed from the consent agenda, items identified within the consent agenda will be acted on one time.

Meeting: March 18, 2024 at 6:30 PM - March Board Meeting 2024
Open Session:
  1. Call to Order and Establish a Quorum
  2. Pledge to the American Flag
  3. Opening Prayer
  4. Public Comment and Participation
II. Information Item:
  1. Presentation of information about the roofing project by Wendall Olson of Coryell Roofing Company
  2. Presentation of information about a VATRE by Lance Terrell of Texas School Finance Center
III. Consent Agenda:
  1. Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting
  2. Approve Monthly Financial Reports
  3. Approve Monthly Cafeteria Reports
IV. Business Managers Report
  1. Purchase Orders
V. Action Items:
  1. Vote to certify unopposed School Board Candidates
  2. Vote to Cancel the School Board Elections
  3. Consideration and possible action on the CD that is currently at Donley County State Bank
  4. Accept the Resignation of Diane Conatser
  5. Accept the Resignation of Timber Lee Potts
  6. Discuss and vote to approve Teacher Contracts for the 2024-2025 school year
  7. Discuss and vote to approve the adoption of the Health Curriculum for grades K-8.
  8. Discuss and vote to approve an abstinence program for 7th grade and 9th grade students
  9. Closed Session
  10. Discuss Superintendent's evaluation and contract
Description: (K-5)
McGraw Hill Teen Health (6-8)

Worth the wait

VI. Principal's Report
  1. Enrollment and attendance
  2. Schedule for the month and activities
  3. Other important school information
VII. Superintendent's Report:
  1. Personnel Items
  2. Building maintenance
  3. Other pertinent information
Open Session
  1. Call to Order and Establish a Quorum
  2. Pledge to the American Flag
  3. Opening Prayer
  4. Public Comment and Participation
IX. Consent Agenda
  1. Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting
  2. Approve Monthly Financial Reports
  3. Approve Monthly Cafeteria Reports
X. Business Managers Report
  1. Purchase Orders
XI. Action Items
  1. Consideration and possible action to order a General Election for the election of two (2) Trustee positions for Places 1 and 2 to be held on May 4, 2024
  2. Consider Board approval of the Notice and Order of General for Early Voting and for Election Day
  3. Consider approval of the Early Voting locations and times and Election Day polling locations and times
  4. Consider and appoint Laverne Pinion as Elections Administrator
  5. Consider and appoint Laverne Pinion as the Early Voting Clerk
  6. Discuss and vote to accept the 2022-2023 Hedley ISD Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR)
  7. Discuss and vote to accept the 2022-2023 Hedley ISD State and Federal Report Cards
  8. Consideration and possible action on the CD currently at Donley County State Bank 
  9. Consideration and possible action on the investment of funds with Edward Jones
  10. Discuss and vote to approve new roof replacement by HH&R Roofing for the house on 306 Adamson
XII. Principal's Report
  1. Enrollment and Attendance
  2. Schedule for the Month and Activities
  3. Other Important School Information
XIII. Superintendent's Report
  1. Personnel Items
  2. Building Maintenance
  3. Other Pertinent Information
XIV. **Closed Session

Deliberation of appointment, employment, resignation, compensation, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of employees pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074.

Consultation with attorney regarding potential or contemplated litigation or matters involving attorney client privilege pursuant to

Texas Government Code Sections 551.071 and 551.129(a).

Deliberation on the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property pursuant to Texas Government Code 551.072

If, during the course of the meeting, discussion of any item on the agenda should be held in closed meeting, the board will conduct a closed meeting in accordance with the Texas Open Meeting Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, Subchapters D & E or Texas Government Code section 418.183(f).  Before any closed meeting is convened, the presiding officer will publicly identify the section or sections of the Act authorizing the closed meeting.  All final votes, actions, or decisions will be taken in open meeting.

Deliberation Regarding Implementation of Security Personnel, Security Devices and Security Audits Closed Session Pursuant to Sections 551.076 and 551.089 of the Texas Government Code and 37.108, 37.109, and 37.2071 of the Texas Education Code: A. Pursuant to 551.076

This notice was posted in compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act on March 14, 2024 at 6:00 p.m.

Tracey Bell:   For The Board of Trustees

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