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Meeting Agenda
I. Regular Meeting
Open Session:
  1. Call to Order and Establish a Quorum
  2. Pledge to the American Flag
  3. Opening Prayer
  4. Public Comment and Participation
II. Concent Agenda:
  1. Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting
  2. Approve Financial Reports
  3. Approve Monthly Cafeteria Reports
III. Business:
  1. Purchase Orders
  2. Collingsworth County Appraisal District August 2023 Statement 
IV. Action Items:
  1. Discussion and approval of the insurance claim/settlement on the 2008 Chevrolet Suburban
  2. Discussion and vote to approve the Collingsworth County Appraisal District, Hedley School District Director Election 
V. Principal's Report
  1. Enrollment and Attendance
  2. Schedule for the month and activities
  3. Other important school information
VI. Superintendent's Report:
  1. Personnel items
  2. Building and maintenance
  3. Other pertinent information
VII. **Closed Session
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: October 16, 2023 at 6:30 PM - October Board Meeting
I. Regular Meeting
Open Session:
  1. Call to Order and Establish a Quorum
  2. Pledge to the American Flag
  3. Opening Prayer
  4. Public Comment and Participation

II. Concent Agenda:
  1. Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting
  2. Approve Financial Reports
  3. Approve Monthly Cafeteria Reports
III. Business:
  1. Purchase Orders
  2. Collingsworth County Appraisal District August 2023 Statement 
IV. Action Items:
  1. Discussion and approval of the insurance claim/settlement on the 2008 Chevrolet Suburban
  2. Discussion and vote to approve the Collingsworth County Appraisal District, Hedley School District Director Election 
V. Principal's Report
  1. Enrollment and Attendance
  2. Schedule for the month and activities
  3. Other important school information
VI. Superintendent's Report:
  1. Personnel items
  2. Building and maintenance
  3. Other pertinent information
VII. **Closed Session

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