Meeting Agenda
I. Call To Order:
II. Preview of Agenda: Dr. Jim Hess
III. Approval of Agenda
IV. Request to Remove Topics from Consent Agenda
V. Consent Agenda
V.A. Minutes of the meeting held May 21, 2019.
V.B. Current Bills and Special Checks totaling $159,723,69 (payroll) + $176,259.47 (bills) =$335,983.16
VI. Special Topics
VI.A. Innovation Zone Report: Pamela Holte
VI.B. West Elementary Report: Mary Niklaus
VII. Request for Public Participation:
VIII. Effective and Efficient Operations
VIII.A. Selection of District Worker's Compensation Insurance for 2019-20 School Year.
A motion Motion offered by______________and seconded by_________________. ____AYES______NAY to accept the administrative recommendation to renew Worker's Compensation Insurance coverage with RAM Insurance at a premium of $4,179.00 for the 2019-20 school year. |
VIII.B. Renewal of District Membership in Minnesota School Boards Association.
VIII.C. Board Control of Extra Curricular Activities/Funds New GASB 84 regulations state that as of July 1, 2019 all student activities are required to be under Board control. MSBA recommends the following resolution:
The following resolution was moved by__________and seconded by_________________. Resolution Regarding Board Control of Extra Curricular Activities whereas Minnesota Session Law 2019 1st Special Session, CH11, Art. 1 Sec. 5 will require changes in the accounting for student activity funds and school board must take change of and control all student activities of the public schools in the district and that all money received or expended for extracurricular activities shall be recorded in the same manner as other revenues and expenditures of the district. Therefore Be It Resolved that the School Board of the Norman County West ISD 2527 directs the district's administration to implement the requirements of Minnesota Session Laws 2019, 1st Special Session, CH11, Art. 1. Sec 5. ____AYES____NAYS. |
VIII.D. Renewal District Membership in Minnesota Rural Education Association.
VIII.E. Language Arts Program Adoption
IX. Highest Levels of Student Success
IX.A. Employment of Kelsey Menze, Elementary Teacher
IX.B. .
X. Safe and Welcoming Environment
X.A. Purchase additional camera(s) for external building security
X.B. .
XI. Other
XI.A. Committee Reports-Facilities/Transportation
XI.B. Budget Update-Handout
XI.C. Once Around the Table
XI.D. Set Special School Board Meeting Date June_______at ______________
XII. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | June 18, 2019 at 7:00 PM - Norman County West - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Call To Order:
Subject: |
II. Preview of Agenda: Dr. Jim Hess
Subject: |
III. Approval of Agenda
Subject: |
IV. Request to Remove Topics from Consent Agenda
Subject: |
V. Consent Agenda
Subject: |
V.A. Minutes of the meeting held May 21, 2019.
Subject: |
V.B. Current Bills and Special Checks totaling $159,723,69 (payroll) + $176,259.47 (bills) =$335,983.16
Subject: |
VI. Special Topics
Subject: |
VI.A. Innovation Zone Report: Pamela Holte
Subject: |
VI.B. West Elementary Report: Mary Niklaus
Subject: |
VII. Request for Public Participation:
Subject: |
VIII. Effective and Efficient Operations
Subject: |
VIII.A. Selection of District Worker's Compensation Insurance for 2019-20 School Year.
A motion Motion offered by______________and seconded by_________________. ____AYES______NAY to accept the administrative recommendation to renew Worker's Compensation Insurance coverage with RAM Insurance at a premium of $4,179.00 for the 2019-20 school year. |
Subject: |
VIII.B. Renewal of District Membership in Minnesota School Boards Association.
Subject: |
VIII.C. Board Control of Extra Curricular Activities/Funds New GASB 84 regulations state that as of July 1, 2019 all student activities are required to be under Board control. MSBA recommends the following resolution:
The following resolution was moved by__________and seconded by_________________. Resolution Regarding Board Control of Extra Curricular Activities whereas Minnesota Session Law 2019 1st Special Session, CH11, Art. 1 Sec. 5 will require changes in the accounting for student activity funds and school board must take change of and control all student activities of the public schools in the district and that all money received or expended for extracurricular activities shall be recorded in the same manner as other revenues and expenditures of the district. Therefore Be It Resolved that the School Board of the Norman County West ISD 2527 directs the district's administration to implement the requirements of Minnesota Session Laws 2019, 1st Special Session, CH11, Art. 1. Sec 5. ____AYES____NAYS. |
Subject: |
VIII.D. Renewal District Membership in Minnesota Rural Education Association.
Subject: |
VIII.E. Language Arts Program Adoption
Subject: |
IX. Highest Levels of Student Success
Subject: |
IX.A. Employment of Kelsey Menze, Elementary Teacher
Subject: |
IX.B. .
Subject: |
X. Safe and Welcoming Environment
Subject: |
X.A. Purchase additional camera(s) for external building security
Subject: |
X.B. .
Subject: |
XI. Other
Subject: |
XI.A. Committee Reports-Facilities/Transportation
Subject: |
XI.B. Budget Update-Handout
Subject: |
XI.C. Once Around the Table
Subject: |
XI.D. Set Special School Board Meeting Date June_______at ______________
Subject: |
XII. Adjourn