Meeting Agenda
1. Call To Order
2. Roll Call of Attendance
3. Approval of Agenda
4. Board Calendar Dates
5. Questions and/or Comments from Citizens Present on Non-Agenda Items
6. Presentations and Discussion Items
6.1. Legislative Update
6.2. 2023 Q-Comp Results
6.3. 2022-23 Strategic Actions Impact Report
6.4. First Reading of Board Policies
7. Superintendent's Report
8. Approval of the Consent Agenda
8.1. Minutes
8.2. Payment of Bills and ACH Payments
8.3. Personnel
8.4. Donations
8.5. Bid Award – Maintenance Supplies – Primary Vendor
8.6. Establishment of Board Professional Memberships for 2023-24
8.7. Waiver of Pledge of Allegiance Requirement
9. Action Items
9.1. Approval of the 2022-23 Superintendent Evaluation
9.2. Approval of School Board Policies
9.3. Approval of Administrative Organizational Chart
9.4. Approval of E-Learning Plan
9.5. Substitute Teacher, Education Assistant Specialist and Education Assistant Pay Rates for the 2023-24 School Year
9.6. Approval of Canvas Health Contract
9.7. Approval of Playworks Contract
9.8. Approval of the Purchase of Emergency Push-to-Talk Radios and Services from FirstNet and AT&T Mobility National Accounts
10. Board Forum
11. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | August 2, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular School Board Meeting | |
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1. Call To Order
Speaker(s): |
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2. Roll Call of Attendance
Speaker(s): |
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3. Approval of Agenda
Speaker(s): |
Recommended Motion(s):
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4. Board Calendar Dates
Speaker(s): |
Wednesday, September 6, 2023 - School Board Meeting at 6:00 p.m. Wednesday, September 27, 2023 - School Board Retreat at 4:30 p.m. at Quora Education Center |
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5. Questions and/or Comments from Citizens Present on Non-Agenda Items
Speaker(s): |
Visitors attending the meeting who wish to address the school board on any issue that is not on the agenda may do so at this time. We ask that you complete the Request to Address the School Board form linked here prior to the school board meeting. |
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6. Presentations and Discussion Items
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6.1. Legislative Update
Speaker(s): |
Val Rae Boe
Valerie Dosland, lobbyist, Ewald Consulting |
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6.2. 2023 Q-Comp Results
Speaker(s): |
Scott Thomas
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6.3. 2022-23 Strategic Actions Impact Report
Speaker(s): |
Shannon Hunter
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6.4. First Reading of Board Policies
Speaker(s): |
Kim Thebault
Policy 504: Student Dress and Appearance Policy 506: Student Discipline Policy 515: Protection and Privacy of Pupil Records Policy 516.5: Overdose Medication Policy 624: Online Instruction |
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7. Superintendent's Report
Speaker(s): |
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8. Approval of the Consent Agenda
Speaker(s): |
Recommended Motion(s):
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8.1. Minutes
Meeting Minutes from June 7, 2023. |
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8.2. Payment of Bills and ACH Payments
$8,981,251.27 for check numbers *601829 - 602027, ACH payments and Wires except for voids as marked on the check register. |
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8.3. Personnel
Employment, Resignation/Termination, Rescind Resignation, Eliminate Positions, Adjust Hours/FTE, Leave of Absence, Reassignments/Transfers, Recall, New Positions, Rescind Non-Renewal, Renewal of Individual Contracts, Variance Notice |
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8.4. Donations
A $600 donation was made to the Automotive Technology Program to purchase tools for Auto Tech from Vida Macdonald. A $434 donation was made to Northeast Metro 916 in appreciation of their great work with students from Steven Brunner at Council #3657 from Forest Lake of the Knights of Columbus. A $1456 donation was made to Northeast Metro 916 in appreciation of their great work with students from Jeffrey Schmidt at Council #4967 from North St Paul of the Knights of Columbus. |
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8.5. Bid Award – Maintenance Supplies – Primary Vendor
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8.6. Establishment of Board Professional Memberships for 2023-24
Association of Metropolitan School Districts (AMSD) - $6,973.00 Minnesota School Boards Association (MSBA) - $11,491.00 Association of Educational Service Agencies (AESA) - $1315.00 Brightworks (formerly Metro ECSU) - $1200.00 916 Education Foundation - $2,500.00 |
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8.7. Waiver of Pledge of Allegiance Requirement
Our school board policy 531 outlines the pledge of allegiance expectations. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 121A.11, subd. 3 (2) local school boards may waive this requirement annually. It is recommended that Northeast Metro 916 waive this requirement for all programs. |
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9. Action Items
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9.1. Approval of the 2022-23 Superintendent Evaluation
Speaker(s): |
School Board Chairperson Marilynn Forsberg will provide an overview of and comments about the 2022-23 performance evaluation of Northeast Metro 916’s Superintendent of Schools. |
Recommended Motion(s):
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9.2. Approval of School Board Policies
Speaker(s): |
These policies were presented for a first reading at the May 3 board meeting and presented for approval at the June 7 board meeting. There was a request for further clarification of these policies. A change was made to Policy 208 since the last review: 208: Development, Adoption, and Implementation of Policies 722 Form: Public Data Requests Form |
Recommended Motion(s):
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9.3. Approval of Administrative Organizational Chart
Speaker(s): |
Attached is the 2023-24 organizational chart for Northeast Metro 916. |
Recommended Motion(s):
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9.4. Approval of E-Learning Plan
Speaker(s): |
The Minnesota legislature amended the length of the school year and required hours of instruction to provide districts with the option of developing a plan for e-learning for up to 10 days so that students have continued access to learning when district buildings are closed due to inclement weather or other reasons. Using guidance from the Minnesota Department of Education, 916 has developed an e-learning plan, which can be adapted to meet individual program priorities and student needs. During the 2023 legislative session, a change was made that requires an e-learning day plan to be adopted by the board after meeting and negotiating with the teacher’s union. This revision makes the topic of e-Learning a term and condition of employment under PELRA. However, the need for board approval prior to the start of the 2023-2024 school year remains. The plan presented for adoption was drafted according to statutory language. Adoption of the proposed plan satisfies statutory timelines, but the plan will continue to be subject to collective bargaining between the District and the teacher’s union and is subject to change. |
Recommended Motion(s):
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9.5. Substitute Teacher, Education Assistant Specialist and Education Assistant Pay Rates for the 2023-24 School Year
Northeast Metro 916 utilizes Teachers on Call (TOC) to fill Teacher, Education Assistant Specialist and Education Assistant absences with qualified substitutes. The administrative fee for services provided by TOC for the 2023-2024 school year is 28% and proposed substitute rates are as follows: Teacher Full Day: $185 Teacher Half Day: $92.50 Long Term Substitute Teacher Full Day: $210 Long Term Substitute Teacher Half Day: $105 Retired Teacher Full Day: $260 Retired Teacher Half Day: $130 Education Assistant: First step on salary schedule Education Assistant Specialist: First step on salary schedule |
Recommended Motion(s):
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9.6. Approval of Canvas Health Contract
Speaker(s): |
The purpose of this agreement is to facilitate the delivery of mental health and related services to students attending Northeast Metro 916 programs. These services are provided through the School-Linked Mental Health Grant and delivered by Canvas Health TAP therapists and in the EMHC classrooms. |
Recommended Motion(s):
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9.7. Approval of Playworks Contract
Speaker(s): |
Playworks believes in the power of play to bring out the best in every child. Playworks helps schools, districts, youth programs, and other organizations make the most of recess (or their play time) through on-site staffing, consultative support, professional development, and free resources. |
Recommended Motion(s):
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9.8. Approval of the Purchase of Emergency Push-to-Talk Radios and Services from FirstNet and AT&T Mobility National Accounts
Speaker(s): |
In the interest of improving our emergency responsiveness plan, resolving classroom intervention issues during situations like student elopement and cross-building communication, and adding capacity to our currently limited system, the district has sought to replace our existing Motorola Push-To-Talk radio solution with something more technologically capable. We engaged in discussions with four different vendors to evaluate alternatives and received two quotes for a cellular-based solution that, in addition to providing push-to-talk, gives us the following additional features: Unlimited Range Push-To-Talk Emergency 911 calling from every radio Hands-Off programming changes Building-to-building communication groups Automated building-wide emergency broadcasting during emergencies Federally funded bolstering of cellular signals at challenging sites Expanded capacity to serve the number of devices programs are requesting This purchase would take place under Minnesota State Contract No. 138528 and would be month-to-month with no long-term contracts or commitments. After some additional negotiation, our quoted costs are slightly below state-contract pricing to meet our unique needs. |
Recommended Motion(s):
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10. Board Forum
Speaker(s): |
The Board Forum provides School Board members with an opportunity to share items of interest and information from their home district. Board members may share verbal updates at the meeting which are pertinent to all of the member districts related to the following:
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11. Adjournment
Speaker(s): |
Recommended Motion(s):