Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Public Comment
IV. Consent Agenda
V. Superintendent's Update
VI. Preston PTO
VII. Principals'/Director of Student Services Reports
VIII. Committee Reports
IX. Financial/Capital Reports
X. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | November 18, 2024 at 7:00 PM - Regular BOE Meeting | |
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I. Call to Order
Speaker(s): |
Megan Gallant: Board Chair
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II. Pledge of Allegiance
Speaker(s): |
Megan Gallant: Board Chair
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III. Public Comment
Speaker(s): |
Megan Gallant: Board Chair
Option 1: Members of the public wishing to provide Public Comment must submit an email to Gloria Homiski at by 12 noon on November 18, 2024. Emails received will be acknowledged and summarized by the chair during the Public Comment portion of the meeting and will become part of the meeting minutes.
Option 2: Members of the public attending in person may provide public comment during the Public Comment portion of the meeting. Option 3: Members of the Public wishing to record the meeting are requested to inform the Board Chair in advance. |
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IV. Consent Agenda
Speaker(s): |
Megan Gallant: Board Chair
1. BOE Regular Meeting Minutes of 10-21-24
2. BOE Special Executive Session Meeting Minutes of 10-21-24 3. LEARN 4. CABE 5. No Policies at First Read |
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V. Superintendent's Update
Speaker(s): |
Dr. Seitsinger: Superintendent
1. Student Achievement
2. Policies at Second Read: 0523: Equity and Diversity Purpose 4000.1: Students Title IX 5113: Attendance 5131.911: Hazing Bullying |
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VI. Preston PTO
Speaker(s): |
Megan Gallant: Board Chair
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VII. Principals'/Director of Student Services Reports
Speaker(s): |
Megan Gallant: Board Chair
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VIII. Committee Reports
Speaker(s): |
Megan Gallant: Board Chair
1. Finance Committee
2. Curriculum Committee 3. Communication Committee 4. LEARN Rep 5. CABE Rep 6. Building Needs Assessment Committee |
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IX. Financial/Capital Reports
Speaker(s): |
Cindy Varricchio: Director of Finance
1. Financials
2. Capital Projects Critical Draft 3. Non-Lapsing Education Fund Management Plan |
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X. Adjournment
Speaker(s): |
Megan Gallant: Board Chair