Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Public Comments
5. Report of Town Council Liaison
6. Report of Killingly High School Student Board Members
7. Report of Superintendent of Schools
7.A. Discussion with Possible Approval of 2019 Calendar Year Board Meeting Dates
7.B. 2017-18 Guided Reading Levels/SAT
7.C. CT Association of Public School Superintendents (CAPSS) Student Leadership Awards Ceremony
8. Reports by BoE Chair and Sub-Committee Chairs
8.A. Discussion Regarding Board Retreat
8.B. Community Engagement Sub-Committee
8.C. Curriculum Sub-Committee
8.D. Facilities Sub-Committee
8.D.1. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding KIS Fire Suppression System
8.D.2. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding KHS Trend Energy Management System
8.E. Fiscal Sub-Committee
8.E.1. October 2018 Financial Reports
8.F. Personnel Sub-Committee
8.G. Policy Sub-Committee
8.G.1. First Reading of Policy# 5145.511 Students, Exploitation
8.G.2. First Reading of Policy#0200, Mission-Goals Objectives, Missions and Functions
8.G.3. First Reading of Policy #5121 Students, Examination/Grading/Rating
9. Consent Items
9.A. October 10, 2018 Reg. BoE Meeting Minutes
9.B. October 24, 2018 Reg. Board Meeting Minutes
9.C. November, 2018 Employee of the Month Nominee
9.D. November 1, 2018 Student Enrollment
9.E. October, 2018 Issued Checks
10. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | November 14, 2018 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting | |
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1. Call to Order
Speaker(s): |
Mr. John Burns
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2. Roll Call
Speaker(s): |
Mr. John Burns
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3. Pledge of Allegiance
Speaker(s): |
Mr. John Burns
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4. Public Comments
Speaker(s): |
Mr. John Burns
Members of the Killingly community are encouraged to share their thoughts with the Board of Education and are invited to do so during this segment of the meeting. When appropriate to do so, members of the Board and the administration may respond to comments. However, in consideration of those in attendance and in an effort to proceed in a timely manner, follow-up discussion may need to take place outside of the meeting setting. |
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5. Report of Town Council Liaison
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6. Report of Killingly High School Student Board Members
Speaker(s): |
Terren Allen and Bryce Bentinck
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7. Report of Superintendent of Schools
Speaker(s): |
Mr. Steven Rioux
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7.A. Discussion with Possible Approval of 2019 Calendar Year Board Meeting Dates
State Statutes require that a list of Board meetings dates held in the coming calendar year-not fiscal year-be submitted to the Town clerk no later than 30 days before the first meeting, so that she in turn may submit it to the Secretary of State. The Town clerk is bound under State statutes to submit this list usually by December 1. When we develop the 2019-20 calendar this spring, we will list anticipated meeting dates for January through June 2020. Due to the day that Thanksgiving will fall on, (Nov. 28) it is suggested that there be one Board meeting in November.
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7.B. 2017-18 Guided Reading Levels/SAT
Speaker(s): |
Mr. Paul Brenton
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7.C. CT Association of Public School Superintendents (CAPSS) Student Leadership Awards Ceremony
Speaker(s): |
Mr. Steven Rioux
All Board members are invited to help celebrate with us, the annual CAPSS (Connecticut Association of Public School Superintendents) Student Award Ceremony on Tuesday, December 4th at 6:30 p.m. at Killingly High School. Superintendents and students representing eleven surrounding towns will also be in attendance. This is a very impressive honor that is awarded to carefully chosen students in Connecticut public schools. The goal in selecting students is to focus on student accomplishments and activities that go far beyond academic success including service and leadership, therefore making them role models for other students. Light refreshments will follow the ceremony. Students have been invited to attend and be recognized at the December 12th Board meeting. |
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8. Reports by BoE Chair and Sub-Committee Chairs
Speaker(s): |
Mr. John Burns
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8.A. Discussion Regarding Board Retreat
Speaker(s): |
Mr. John Burns
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8.B. Community Engagement Sub-Committee
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8.C. Curriculum Sub-Committee
Speaker(s): |
Mr. Chris Viens
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8.D. Facilities Sub-Committee
Speaker(s): |
Mr. John Burns
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8.D.1. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding KIS Fire Suppression System
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8.D.2. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding KHS Trend Energy Management System
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8.E. Fiscal Sub-Committee
Speaker(s): |
Dr. Diane Summa
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8.E.1. October 2018 Financial Reports
Speaker(s): |
Dr. Diane Summa
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8.F. Personnel Sub-Committee
Speaker(s): |
Dr. Diane Summa
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8.G. Policy Sub-Committee
Speaker(s): |
Mr. Jeff Buchbinder
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8.G.1. First Reading of Policy# 5145.511 Students, Exploitation
Speaker(s): |
Mr. Jeff Buchbinder
At the September 12 Board meeting, the Board asked that "alternate language" be determined in the policy. The policy sub-committee members met on Oct. 17 and followed through with this request.
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8.G.2. First Reading of Policy#0200, Mission-Goals Objectives, Missions and Functions
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8.G.3. First Reading of Policy #5121 Students, Examination/Grading/Rating
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9. Consent Items
Speaker(s): |
Mr. John Burns
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9.A. October 10, 2018 Reg. BoE Meeting Minutes
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9.B. October 24, 2018 Reg. Board Meeting Minutes
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9.C. November, 2018 Employee of the Month Nominee
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9.D. November 1, 2018 Student Enrollment
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9.E. October, 2018 Issued Checks
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10. Adjournment
Speaker(s): |
Mr. John Burns