Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Citizen's Comments
5. Recognition and Celebration
5.A. National Teacher Appreciation Day, (May 9) and National School Nurses Appreciation Day,(May 10)
5.B. April 2017 Employee of the Month- Lisa Siegmund
5.C. KHS Music Students
6. Report of Town Council Liaison
7. Report of Killingly High School Student Board Members
8. Interim Superintendent of Schools Report
8.A. Annual Healthy Food Certification (HFC) Statement
8.B. DRAFT Plans for Summer Programs
8.C. Update on End of the Year Events
9. Report of Board Chair, Sub-Committees
9.A. Update on the 2017-18 Board of Education Budget
9.B. Community Engagement Sub-Committee
9.C. Curriculum Sub-Committee
9.C.1. Discussion with Possible Action regarding High School Half-Credit Courses
9.D. Facilities Sub-Committee
9.E. Fiscal Sub-Committee
9.E.1. Review with Possible Action BASP/SCORE
9.E.2. Transfer of Funds for Virtual Server Replacement
9.F. Personnel Sub-Committee
9.G. Policy Sub-Committee
10. Consent Agenda
10.A. April 2017 Monthly Financial Report
10.B. April 2017 Issued Checks
10.C. April 2017 System Object Report
10.D. April 5 2017 BOE Meeting Minutes
10.E. April 24 2017 BOE SPECIAL Meeting Minutes
10.F. April 26, 2017 BOE Meeting Minutes
10.G. May 1 2017 Student Enrollment
10.H. On-Going 2017-18 School Readiness Entitlement Grant Program
11. Executive Session to Discuss Assistant Superintendent Salary Package
12. Possible Action regarding Assistant Superintendent Salary Package
13. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | May 10, 2017 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting | |
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1. Call to Order
Speaker(s): |
Mrs. Jennifer Thompson
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2. Roll Call
Speaker(s): |
Mrs. Jennifer Thompson
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3. Pledge of Allegiance
Speaker(s): |
Mrs. Jennifer Thompson
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4. Citizen's Comments
Speaker(s): |
Mrs. Jennifer Thompson
Members of the Killingly community are encouraged to share their thoughts with the Board of Education and are invited to do so during this segment of the meeting. When appropriate to do so, members of the Board and the administration may respond to comments. However, in consideration of those in attendance and in an effort to proceed in a timely manner, follow-up discussion may need to take place outside of the meeting setting.
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5. Recognition and Celebration
Speaker(s): |
Mrs. Jennifer Thompson
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5.A. National Teacher Appreciation Day, (May 9) and National School Nurses Appreciation Day,(May 10)
National School Nurses Day- May 10, 2017. In 1972, the National Association of School Nurses (NASN) created national School Nurse Day to recognize school nurses and acknowledge their role in the educational setting. We applaud the contribution school nurses make every day to improve the safety, health and academic success of all students. We believe that all teachers deserve to have school nurses in their buildings so that teachers can focus on instruction and students ' individual educational needs; and parents deserve to feel secure that children are safe at school and their health needs are met every day by specialized school nurses. School nurses have the skills to plan and implement care for students with chronic and medically complex conditions and prepare school staff to recognize and respond appropriately to potential emergencies. Prevention is key in school wellness and safety, but planned emergency response and disaster preparedness is an essential; part of the important role school nurses play. Healthy children learn better is a simple truth, and school nurses work to remove barriers to learning. |
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5.B. April 2017 Employee of the Month- Lisa Siegmund
Speaker(s): |
Mrs. Jennifer Thompson
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5.C. KHS Music Students
KHS Students who participated in the 2017 CT Eastern Regional Festival in January at UCONN * and Students who participated in the New England Festival of Music in March in Norwalk, CT ** and Students who also participated in the CT All-State Festival, in March in Hartford. *** *Terren Allen |
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6. Report of Town Council Liaison
Speaker(s): |
Mr. David Griffiths
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7. Report of Killingly High School Student Board Members
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8. Interim Superintendent of Schools Report
Speaker(s): |
Dr. Lynne Pierson
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8.A. Annual Healthy Food Certification (HFC) Statement
Speaker(s): |
Dr. Lynne Pierson
Option #2-Exemption for Food Items. Section 10-215f of Connecticut General Statutes (C.G.S.) requires that each local board of education or governing authority for all Connecticut public school districts participating in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) must take action annually to certify whether all food items sold to students will or will not meet the Connecticut Nutrition Standards (CNC). In the past several years, the Killingly Board has taken action to vote on Exemption for Food Items that do not meet the CNS to be sold with 1) an event occuring after the end of the regular school day or 2) on a weekend, the sale is at the location of the event and 3) the food items are not sold from a vending machine or school store. School event examples; soccer, football, baseball or basketball games, school plays. |
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8.B. DRAFT Plans for Summer Programs
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8.C. Update on End of the Year Events
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9. Report of Board Chair, Sub-Committees
Speaker(s): |
Mrs. Jennifer Thompson
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9.A. Update on the 2017-18 Board of Education Budget
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9.B. Community Engagement Sub-Committee
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9.C. Curriculum Sub-Committee
Speaker(s): |
Mr. Chris Viens
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9.C.1. Discussion with Possible Action regarding High School Half-Credit Courses
The BOE Curriculum Committee met on 4/18/17. Administration reviewed current practices at KHS regarding the half-credit model. Administration shared a brief review regarding how KHS assigned 0.5 credits for traditional full-year courses. In March of 2014 the KHS Principal, proposed changing to a half credit model, which was supported by administration and the BOE Curriculum Committee. The intent was to reduce the number of “F’s” students were receiving and to provide more opportunities for students to get “back on track." In April of 2014, the concept was shared with the BOE for informational purposes. The current administration reviewed the positive and negative impacts this grading practice has had on the failure rates at KHS. Administration discussed recent efforts to reduce the current number of Fs an Ds at KHS. KHS procedures requires all advisory teachers to monitor and report on efforts to support any student receiving an “F.” The administration shared the negative impacts of the current model out weigh the positive impacts. It is the recommendation of the administration team to return to a traditional full credit model. The concept was supported unanimously by present curriculum committee members. The concept will be shared at a full BOE meeting by the curriculum committee.
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9.D. Facilities Sub-Committee
Speaker(s): |
Mr. John Burns
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9.E. Fiscal Sub-Committee
Speaker(s): |
Ms. Hoween Flexer
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9.E.1. Review with Possible Action BASP/SCORE
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9.E.2. Transfer of Funds for Virtual Server Replacement
Board of Education approval for transfer of funds is requested for technology purchases, including the replacement of a virtual server and staff workstations. The current virtual server is experiencing issues impacting critical systems including email and the nursing software. Remaining funds will be used to replace workstations for custodial, nursing and secretarial staff. Funds within the Information Technology department budget totaling $52,674.61 will be transferred for the purchase of hardware.
From: 100-150-00-22300-5430 IT Repairs/Maintenance Services $14,000.00 From: 100-150-00-22300-5612 IT Instructional Supplies $17,000.00 From: 100-150-00-22300-5691 IT Office Supplies $ 1,750.33 From: 100-150-00-22300-5730 IT Non-Instructional Equipment $ 5,706.67 From: 100-150-00-22300-5731 IT Instructional Equipment $14,217.61 To: 100-150-00-22300-5734 IT Computer Hardware $52,674.61 |
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9.F. Personnel Sub-Committee
Speaker(s): |
Mrs. Alexis Rich
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9.G. Policy Sub-Committee
Speaker(s): |
Mr. Jeff Buchbinder
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10. Consent Agenda
Speaker(s): |
Mrs. Jennifer Thompson
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10.A. April 2017 Monthly Financial Report
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10.B. April 2017 Issued Checks
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10.C. April 2017 System Object Report
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10.D. April 5 2017 BOE Meeting Minutes
Speaker(s): |
Mrs. Jennifer Thompson
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10.E. April 24 2017 BOE SPECIAL Meeting Minutes
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10.F. April 26, 2017 BOE Meeting Minutes
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10.G. May 1 2017 Student Enrollment
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10.H. On-Going 2017-18 School Readiness Entitlement Grant Program
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11. Executive Session to Discuss Assistant Superintendent Salary Package
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12. Possible Action regarding Assistant Superintendent Salary Package
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13. Adjournment
Speaker(s): |
Mrs. Jennifer Thompson