Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Citizen's Comments
5. Recognition of Visitors
5.A. 2015-16 Teacher of the Year
5.B. September 2015 EOM
6. Report of Town Council Liaison
7. GECC and FRC Report
8. Report of Killingly High School Student Board Members
9. Superintendent of Schools and Assistant Superintendent of Schools Reports
9.A. Transportation Update
10. Report of Board Chair, Sub-Committees and Liaisons
10.A. Appointment of Delegate to CABE Delegate Assembly
10.B. Personnel Sub-Committee
10.C. Community Engagement Sub-Committee
10.D. Policy Sub-Committee
10.D.1. FIRST Reading of Policy# 5131,Students Conduct and Discipline, effecting Policy #s 5114 & 5144
10.D.2. FIRST Reading of Policy#5144.1, Students , Use of Physical Force, Physical Restraint/Seclusion
10.E. Curriculum Sub-Committee
10.F. CABE, Economic Development Information and Other
10.G. Fiscal Sub-Committee
10.H. Parks and Recreation Liaison
10.I. EASTCONN Liaison
10.J. Board of Education Liaison to the Town Council
11. Consent Agenda
11.A. OCTOBER 2015 Employee of the Month Nomination
11.B. Monthly 2015 Financial Report (September)
11.C. SEPTEMBER 2015 Payments-Checks Issued
11.D. September 2015 System Object Report
11.E. September 9 2015 BOE Minutes
11.F. September 30 2015 BOE Minutes
11.G. October 1 2015 Enrollment
11.H. Senior Class Rafting Trip to Maine
11.I. District Improvement Action Plan
12. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | October 14, 2015 at 7:00 PM - Regular Killingly Board of Education Meeting | |
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1. Call to Order
Speaker(s): |
Mrs. Alexis Rich
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2. Roll Call
Speaker(s): |
Mrs. Alexis Rich
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3. Pledge of Allegiance
Speaker(s): |
Mrs. Alexis Rich
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4. Citizen's Comments
Speaker(s): |
Mrs. Alexis Rich
Members of the Killingly community are encouraged to share their thoughts with the Board of Education and are invited to do so during this segment of the meeting. When appropriate to do so, members of the Board and the administration may respond to comments. However, in consideration of those in attendance and in an effort to proceed in a timely manner, follow-up discussion may need to take place outside of the meeting setting.
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5. Recognition of Visitors
Speaker(s): |
Mrs. Alexis Rich
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5.A. 2015-16 Teacher of the Year
Speaker(s): |
Mrs. Alexis Rich
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5.B. September 2015 EOM
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6. Report of Town Council Liaison
Speaker(s): |
Mr. John Sarantopoulos
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7. GECC and FRC Report
Speaker(s): |
Sally Sherman
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8. Report of Killingly High School Student Board Members
Speaker(s): |
Bernice Boateng and Cameron Schultz
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9. Superintendent of Schools and Assistant Superintendent of Schools Reports
Speaker(s): |
Mr. Kevin Farr and Mr. Steve Rioux
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9.A. Transportation Update
Speaker(s): |
Mr. Kevin Farr
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10. Report of Board Chair, Sub-Committees and Liaisons
Speaker(s): |
Mrs. Alexis G. Rich
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10.A. Appointment of Delegate to CABE Delegate Assembly
Speaker(s): |
Alexis Rich
This action is necessary should the board want to appoint a voting delegate to the Delegate Assembly at the CABE/Capss Convention in November. The Assembly is held the day before the convention starts which would be Thursday, November 19. In the past, the board has also selected an alternative.
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10.B. Personnel Sub-Committee
Speaker(s): |
Mrs. Alexis Rich
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10.C. Community Engagement Sub-Committee
Speaker(s): |
Jennifer Thompson
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10.D. Policy Sub-Committee
Speaker(s): |
Dave Marcotte
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10.D.1. FIRST Reading of Policy# 5131,Students Conduct and Discipline, effecting Policy #s 5114 & 5144
Public Act 15-96, Prohibiting Out-of-School Suspensions and Expulsions for Students in Preschool and Grades kindergarten to Two. With certain exceptions, prohibits boards of education from imposing out-of-school suspensions and expulsions for students in preschool and grades K through 2. Exceptions are conduct of violent or sexual nature that endangers other; possess firearms or certain other weapons or sell of distribution of controlled substances. Additionally, the Act requires school-based primary mental health programs administered by boards of education to include a component for systematic early detection and screening to identify children experiencing behavioral or disciplinary problems. If the Board accepts this policy, it is a complete code of conduct and if adopted, there is no need for policy 5114 or 5144. |
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10.D.2. FIRST Reading of Policy#5144.1, Students , Use of Physical Force, Physical Restraint/Seclusion
Public Act 15-141 An Act concerning seclusion and restraint in schools extends to students in grades K though 12, which currently applies predominantly to students receiving special education services. In addition the Act requires school boards to identify crisis intervention teams to respond to incidents of physical restraint or seclusion, limits how long students can be kept in allowable physical restraints/seclusion and the types of locations in which a student may be secluded.
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10.E. Curriculum Sub-Committee
Speaker(s): |
Richard Murray
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10.F. CABE, Economic Development Information and Other
Speaker(s): |
Richard Murray
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10.G. Fiscal Sub-Committee
Speaker(s): |
John Burns
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10.H. Parks and Recreation Liaison
Speaker(s): |
Hoween Flexer
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10.I. EASTCONN Liaison
Speaker(s): |
David Marcotte
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10.J. Board of Education Liaison to the Town Council
Speaker(s): |
John Burns
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11. Consent Agenda
Speaker(s): |
Mrs. Alexis Rich
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11.A. OCTOBER 2015 Employee of the Month Nomination
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11.B. Monthly 2015 Financial Report (September)
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11.C. SEPTEMBER 2015 Payments-Checks Issued
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11.D. September 2015 System Object Report
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11.E. September 9 2015 BOE Minutes
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11.F. September 30 2015 BOE Minutes
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11.G. October 1 2015 Enrollment
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11.H. Senior Class Rafting Trip to Maine
Questions asked by Board members in a June 2015 meeting. Jim Lackner responded to those questions. Q. Should more senior students be involved in the decisions and options of class trips? A. Students have been asked numerous times in class meetings to share ideas and we have over the past two years received nothing. The rafting trip was mentioned to some students while they were in class, eating lunch, etc. as a possible idea since no one had given any other suggestions. Students who were spoken to about the possibility of this type of trip were very excited about the idea. Class members of the 2016 were asked several times not only about the senior trip but other things as well and we get little to no response. Q. Is the class trip affordable for all students A. Concerns with cost are understandable; however there was a fundraiser last year (2014-15) for kids to earn money and only some students took advantage and raised money. There are also a few fundraising opportunities for this year (2015-16.) Opportunities are there; most students chose not to put forth the effort to raise money. Q. What is the safety of the students on this type of trip and liability? A. Students in 2007 and 2011 participated in this same senior class trip with about 50-60 students attending. There were no issues. Both of those trips were approved by some of the people still on the BOE. Update-September 18, 2015- A class vote took place on the trip options and the Whitewater rafting trip was selected by a vote of 99-40. Therefore, we'd like to get BOE approval. Most students don't want to fundraise and no matter the trip, turnout is poor. In both 2007 and 2011 white water rafting was offered, one was a 3-day trip and the other was a one-day trip. Both times the white water rafting was the overwhelming favorite. A lower cost trip might get a few more students participating, but not much more if any, from my experience and watching other classes plan trips as well. Most students in Killingly may never have the opportunity to experience this type of trip or do it with a bunch of their friends/classmates. It is a learning experience.
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11.I. District Improvement Action Plan
As presented during the September 30 Sp. BOE Meeting, The three-year district improvement plan is in it’s third year. The three Smart Goals were adjusted and the three priorities areas of need remain the same: Curriculum, Instruction, and Needs-Based Instruction (differentiation). We have adjusted a few strategies relating to each prioritized area of need. We also included a strategy to focus on individual reading plans for English Learners. Our EL coordinators will begin collaborating on a more detailed action plan to support English Learners.
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12. Adjournment
Speaker(s): |
Mrs. Alexis Rich