Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Recognition of Visitors
5. Citizens Comments
6. Report of Town Council Liaison
7. Report of Killingly High School Student Board Members
8. Report of Superintendent of Schools and Assistant Superintendent of Schools
8.A. New Business
8.A.1. 2013-2014 Proposed Killingly District Calendar
8.A.2. Financial Audit Report
8.A.3. Discussion of Retirement Incentives
8.B. Old Business
8.B.1. Reconfiguration
8.B.2. Student Uniforms
8.B.3. School Security
9. Consent Agenda
9.A. Business Mangager's Financial Report
9.A.1. System Object Report
9.A.2. List of Issued Checks
9.A.3. Free and Reduced Lunch Student Eligibility Report
9.B. February 2013 EOM Nominee
9.C. January 9 2013 BOE Minutes
9.D. Jan. 23 2013 BOE Minutes
9.E. February Student Enrollment #'s
10. Report of Board Committees
10.A. Community Engagement
10.B. Policy Sub-Committee
10.B.1. Approval as a first reading Policy #3542 Food Service, School Lunch Service.
10.B.2. Approval as a first reading Policy#4131, Personnel-Certified, Staff Development
10.B.3. Approval as a first reading Policy #5117.1, School Attendance Areas, Intra-District Choice/Open Enrollment.
10.C. Curriculum Sub-Committee
10.C.1. Textbook Approval for Workplace Readiness
10.D. Fiscal Sub-Committee
10.E. Parks and Recreation Liaison
10.F. EASTCONN Liaison
10.G. Board of Ed. Liaison to Town Council
11. Executive Session, Specific Personnel Matter (if needed)
12. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | February 13, 2013 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting Template | |
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1. Call to Order
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2. Roll Call
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3. Pledge of Allegiance
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4. Recognition of Visitors
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5. Citizens Comments
Members of the Killingly community are encouraged to share their thoughts with the Board of Education and are invited to do so during this segment of the meeting. When appropriate to do so, members of the Board and the administration may respond to comments. However, in consideration of those in attendance and in an effort to proceed in a timely manner, follow-up discussion may need to take place outside of the meeting setting.
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6. Report of Town Council Liaison
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7. Report of Killingly High School Student Board Members
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8. Report of Superintendent of Schools and Assistant Superintendent of Schools
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8.A. New Business
Speaker(s): |
Kevin Farr
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8.A.1. 2013-2014 Proposed Killingly District Calendar
Speaker(s): |
Kevin Farr
The district calendar conforms with the EASTCONN regional calendar for the start of the school year and all major holidays, which will maximize transportation savings across the region.
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8.A.2. Financial Audit Report
Speaker(s): |
Kevin Farr
The completed audit for the 2011-12 fiscal year is attached; hard copies will be distributed. There were no material findings by the auditor and no recommendations that applied directly to us.
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8.A.3. Discussion of Retirement Incentives
Speaker(s): |
Kevin Farr
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8.B. Old Business
Speaker(s): |
Kevin Farr
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8.B.1. Reconfiguration
Speaker(s): |
Kevin Farr
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8.B.2. Student Uniforms
Speaker(s): |
Kevin Farr
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8.B.3. School Security
Speaker(s): |
Kevin Farr
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9. Consent Agenda
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9.A. Business Mangager's Financial Report
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9.A.1. System Object Report
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9.A.2. List of Issued Checks
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9.A.3. Free and Reduced Lunch Student Eligibility Report
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9.B. February 2013 EOM Nominee
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9.C. January 9 2013 BOE Minutes
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9.D. Jan. 23 2013 BOE Minutes
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9.E. February Student Enrollment #'s
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10. Report of Board Committees
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10.A. Community Engagement
Speaker(s): |
Angela Brower
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10.B. Policy Sub-Committee
Speaker(s): |
David Marcotte
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10.B.1. Approval as a first reading Policy #3542 Food Service, School Lunch Service.
Speaker(s): |
David Marcotte
Public Law 111-296, "The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act (HHFKA) of 2010" reauthorized numerous child nutrition programs until September 30, 2015. Though the Act was re-authorized and signed in December 2010, the federal regulations have been coming out over the past two years. The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act leaves much of its implementation up to the regulations, which are issued by the Secretary of the Department of Agriculture. This legislation marked the most comprehensive changes to the school nutrition environment in more than a generation. The last update to federal school meal standards occurred more than fifteen years ago. Since that time, tremendous advancements in our understanding of human nutrition have taken place. In response to that reality, the HHFKA required the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to update school meal nutrition standards to reflect the most current dietary science.
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10.B.2. Approval as a first reading Policy#4131, Personnel-Certified, Staff Development
Speaker(s): |
David Marcotte
P.A. 12-116 "An Act Concerning Educational Reform," eliminated the requirement that professional certificate holders successfully complete 90 CEU's every five years as a condition of certificate renewal. Starting July 1, 2013, all certified employees, including initial and provisional certificate holders, are required to participate in professional development programs. The reform legislation revised professional development to emphasize improved practice and individual and small-group coaching sessions. It continues current requirements that districts: (1) offer professional development according to plans developed in consultation with a professional development committee consisting of the district's certified personnel and other appropriate members; (2) determine specific professional development activities with the advice and help of their teachers, including their union representatives; and (3) that the activities give full consideration to the Connecticut State Board of Education's (SDE) priorities related to student achievement.
In addition, the administrative regulation which accompanied this policy has been replaced with a new version which reflects the statutory changes and the memorandum, dated September 21, 2012, from Nancy L. Pugliese, Chief of the Bureau of Educator Standards and Certification, pertaining to the substantive changes to the requirements for the professional educator certificate and the new requirements for professional development. The new administrative regulation is included and it reflects the changes to be in place for the 2013-2014 school year. |
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10.B.3. Approval as a first reading Policy #5117.1, School Attendance Areas, Intra-District Choice/Open Enrollment.
Speaker(s): |
David Marcotte
The United States Department of Education on May 29, 2012, approved Connecticut's waiver from certain provisions of the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) requirements. Connecticut created a system of differentiated recognition, accountability and support that places each school into one of five categories; Excelling, Progressing, Transition, Review, and Turnaround, base upon an index that includes student achievement, gains in student achievement, graduation rate, and the percentage of students meeting the State's highest performance level. Connecticut has constructed a School Performance Index that will give schools strong incentives to help all students improve. The state has established new performance targets for reading, math, writing, science, and graduation rates that will cut the gap to proficiency in half in six years.
Based upon Connecticut's ESEA Flexibility Request and Plan, certain requirements of the NCLB have been waived. Districts and schools are no longer required to offer "Supplementary Educational Services (SES)" and public school choice to schools that were previously designated under NCLB and the failure to meet Annual Yearly Progress (AYP) as "Schools in Need of Improvement." Since this waiver we now know that KMS is no longer "in need of improvement" and that no school choice now exists for students to attend KCS as tney had in the past due to NCLB. Any student that is currently enrolled as of this year at KCS can finish the highest grade (4th) before moving on to KIS. This policy will make this clear. The district also has the option of not transporting these students, however, it is our mission to continue to provide necessary transportation to and from KCS. |
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10.C. Curriculum Sub-Committee
Speaker(s): |
Richard Murray, Colin McNamara
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10.C.1. Textbook Approval for Workplace Readiness
Speaker(s): |
Colin McNamara
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10.D. Fiscal Sub-Committee
Speaker(s): |
Greg Keeley
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10.E. Parks and Recreation Liaison
Speaker(s): |
Hoween Flexer
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10.F. EASTCONN Liaison
Speaker(s): |
David Marcotte
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10.G. Board of Ed. Liaison to Town Council
Speaker(s): |
Jennifer Hyatt
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11. Executive Session, Specific Personnel Matter (if needed)
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12. Adjournment