Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Recognitions
5. Citizens Comments
6. Report of Killingly High School Student Board Members
7. Report of Town Council Liaison
8. Information and Reports
8.A. KCS News
8.B. KHS NEAS&C Accreditation
8.C. Board Committee Reports
8.D. Lighthouse Project
9. Report of Superintendent of Schools and Assistant Superintendent of Schools
9.A. October 1 Enrollment
9.B. Quarterly Budget Report/Projection to End of Year
9.C. Teacher of the Year Banquet
9.D. High School/Library Media Center Dedication
9.E. High School Update
10. Consent Agenda
10.A. Minutes
10.B. Payment of Bills
10.C. Employee of the Month
10.D. Grant Applications
10.E. FFA Trip Request to National Convention in Indiana on October 20-24, 2010
10.F. Home Builders Association Trip Request to International Builder's Show in Florida on January 8-16, 2011
10.G. Video Technology Class Trip Request to Student Television Network Convention in Florida on March 9-12, 2011
10.H. Senior Class Trip Request to Maine on June 3 - 5, 2011
10.I. Systems Object Report
11. Action Items
11.A. Election of Vice-Chairperson to Board of Education
11.B. Nomination of Richard Murray as CABE Vice President of Government Relations
11.C. Appoint Delegate to CABE/CAPSS Convention
11.D. Approval of Special Board Meeting on October 20, 2010
11.E. Approve the 2010-2011 Board Agenda Calendar
11.F. Approval of Education Jobs Fund Recommendations
11.G. Approval of Nurses Contract
11.H. Approval as a First Reading Policy #5111, Admission/Placement
11.I. Approval as a First Reading Policy #5112.3, Dropouts
11.J. Approval of Revised Regulation #5114, Student Discipline
11.K. Approval of First Reading of Policy #5144.1, Use of Physical Force
11.L. Approval as a First Reading Bylaw #9321, Time, Place and Notification of Meetings
12. Executive Session (Negotiations)
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | October 13, 2010 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
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1. Call to Order
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2. Roll Call
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3. Pledge of Allegiance
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4. Recognitions
Speaker(s): |
Alexis Rich
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5. Citizens Comments
Members of the Killingly community are encouraged to share their thoughts with the Board of Education and are invited to do so during this segment of the meeting. When appropriate to do so, members of the Board and the administration may respond to comments. However, in consideration of those in attendance and in an effort to proceed in a timely manner, follow-up discussion may need to take place outside of the meeting setting.
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6. Report of Killingly High School Student Board Members
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7. Report of Town Council Liaison
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8. Information and Reports
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8.A. KCS News
Speaker(s): |
Joan Gardner
Joan Gardner will be at the meeting to give a brief report on KCS news.
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8.B. KHS NEAS&C Accreditation
Speaker(s): |
Andrew Rockett
We've been informed by NEAS&C that our full accreditation has been restored by the Commission at their meeting in September. This is a big step for the high school and the district. Credit for the accomplishments leading to the restoration goes the the high school staff and administration, the Board's provision of resources and leadership, and the Town Council and citizens of Killingly who supported the building project. There is still much work to do, but this is an acknowledgement of all we've accomplished since the last decennial accreditation visit.
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8.C. Board Committee Reports
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8.D. Lighthouse Project
Speaker(s): |
William Silver
As part of the Board's participation in the Lighthouse Project, our partners at CABE and the State Department of Education ask that the Board focus on one aspect of the training and the use of data to inform decisions at its regular business meeting. This month the discussion will focus on the cohort growth in CMT scores over the past four years in reading and math.
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9. Report of Superintendent of Schools and Assistant Superintendent of Schools
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9.A. October 1 Enrollment
Speaker(s): |
William Silver
October 1 is the official date for reporting student enrollment to the state for all state reports, ECS aid, and projections. Attached is a report showing the October 1 enrollment compared to the NESDEC projections for this year (based on last year's October 1 data) and attendance at the start of the school year. Overall, our enrollment is up slightly compared to the projections at both KIS and KHS; especially note the increase in grade nine enrollment compared to the projection. Elementary school enrollment, in aggregate, matches the projection, but there are significant grade-to-grade differences.
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9.B. Quarterly Budget Report/Projection to End of Year
Speaker(s): |
William Silver
The September 30 quarterly report shows that the current year budget is on a typical expenditure trajectory with no surprises. ARRA reporting requirements have us show the SFSF monies separately; those transfers can be seen on the "contingency" line item at the end of the report. This is the same as last year's reports, and does not impact the bottom line of the budget, our overall accounting for expenditures, or the total authorized expenditures as approved by the voters last spring. Projections to the end of the year show a modest balance; this year's budget will require careful monitoring throughout the year.
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9.C. Teacher of the Year Banquet
Speaker(s): |
William Silver
The Danielson Rotary Club is sponsoring the 27th Annual Teacher of the Year banquet for Killingly, Brooklyn and Ellis Tech on November 4th at 6:00 p.m. at the Imperial Room. Board members are encouraged to attend this festive evening. Please let Joni know if you'd like to attend.
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9.D. High School/Library Media Center Dedication
Speaker(s): |
William Silver
Put Saturday, November 6 at 2:00 p.m. on your calendars! We will be dedicating the new high school, dedicating the Edward P. Allard Media Center, and providing tours and demonstrations for the public that afternoon - the official "ribbon cutting" and an opportunity for members of the public at large to see the new KHS. A program for the day will be forthcoming.
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9.E. High School Update
Speaker(s): |
William Silver
I will give a brief update on the status of punch list, FF&E and technology items at the high school.
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10. Consent Agenda
Speaker(s): |
Alexis Rich
MOTION: to approve the consent agenda:
a. regular meeting minutes of September 1, 2010 and special meeting of September 22, 2010 b. payment of bills for the 2009-2010 year in September in the amount of $168,561.74 and for the 2010-2011 year in September in the amount of $976,747.26 c. Employee of the Month for October 2010 d. Grant Applications e. FFA Trip Request to National Convention in Indiana on October 19 - 23, 2010 f. Home Builders Association Trip Request to International Builder's Show in Florida on January 8-16, 2011 g. Video Technology Class Trip Request to Student Television Network Convention in Florida on March 9-12, 2011 h. Senior Class Trip Request to Maine on June 3 - 5, 2011 i. Systems Object Report |
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10.A. Minutes
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10.B. Payment of Bills
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10.C. Employee of the Month
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10.D. Grant Applications
We are requesting Board approval for the Consolidated Grant application (Titles I, II and III), the annual federal entitlement grant, and for our participation as a partner in a grant application by ECSU to improve science instruction.
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10.E. FFA Trip Request to National Convention in Indiana on October 20-24, 2010
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10.F. Home Builders Association Trip Request to International Builder's Show in Florida on January 8-16, 2011
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10.G. Video Technology Class Trip Request to Student Television Network Convention in Florida on March 9-12, 2011
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10.H. Senior Class Trip Request to Maine on June 3 - 5, 2011
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10.I. Systems Object Report
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11. Action Items
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11.A. Election of Vice-Chairperson to Board of Education
Speaker(s): |
Alexis Rich
In recognition that the procedure for election of officers (Policy #9120) was not strictly followed, Ms. Rich has asked that the the election for vice-chair be held again. Upon advice of Attorney Mills, this requires two actions: first, the Board must rescind the action to elect Mr. Keeley on September 22; and second, a vote for vice-chair that follows our policy requiring written ballot. By clearly notifying members of the motion to rescind in the posted agenda, a simple majority of the board is required to pass the motion. Any member of the board may make this motion.
to rescind the election of Mr. Keeley as vice-chair held on September 22, 2010. to nominate _____________ as vice-chair of the board of education. |
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11.B. Nomination of Richard Murray as CABE Vice President of Government Relations
Speaker(s): |
Alexis Rich
CABE bylaws require that the local board of education nominate a member for the state organization's executive board.
to nominate Richard Murray as CABE's Vice President for Government Relations. |
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11.C. Appoint Delegate to CABE/CAPSS Convention
Speaker(s): |
Alexis Rich
This action is necessary should the board want to appoint a voting delegate to the Delegate Assembly at the CABE/CAPSS Convention in November. The Assembly is held the day before the convention starts. In the past, the board has also selected an alternate.
to appoint _____________ as the Killingly Board of Education Delegate and ______________ as the alternate for Delegate Assembly at the CABE/CAPSS Convention. |
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11.D. Approval of Special Board Meeting on October 20, 2010
Speaker(s): |
Alexis Rich
Nick Caruso and Warren Logee have a conflict on October 27th and cannot be here that night to present the next Lighthouse Project module. They've asked if we could meet a week earlier, on October 20th. However, you are asked to hold October 27th for a possible joint meeting with the Town Council.
to approve the addition of a special board meeting on October 20, 2010. |
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11.E. Approve the 2010-2011 Board Agenda Calendar
Speaker(s): |
Alexis Rich
There have been a few changes to the draft calendar shared at the September meeting. Note the the agenda for the second meetings of the month are now all listed as Lighthouse Project; it is anticipated that to work through the remaining modules will take most of the rest of the year. Other curriculum presentations may be added as the year goes on, depending upon interest or the direction of the Curriculum Committee. It is requested that the board approve the 2010-11 Board of Education annual calendar as presented.
to approve the 2010-2011 Board Agenda Calendar as presented. |
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11.F. Approval of Education Jobs Fund Recommendations
Speaker(s): |
William Silver, Alexis Rich
As you are aware, Killingly received $891,423 in Federal Education Jobs Fund Program late this summer; the district has two years (until September, 2012) to expend the funds. The concensus was to split the funds over the 2010-11 and 2011-12 fiscal years. Discussions among administrators and the board in September yielded a list of ideas and priorities; see the attached summary of those discussions. A fiscal analysis of the cost of each of these priorities will be provided.
The priorities requiring board action to create positions or reinstate programs, and authorize expenditure of funds are: - an IT technician - special education instructional assistants (already approved) - K-8 math coordinator - late buses/after school intervention to approve the creation of positions and reinstatement of programs under the Education Jobs Fund or other funding sources, as presented. |
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11.G. Approval of Nurses Contract
Speaker(s): |
William Silver
The nurses' union has ratified the tentative agreement for a new two year contract. It is requested that the Board approve the agreement as presented.
to approve the successor contract between the BOE and Local 1303-310, Council 4, AFSCME (Nurses), with the term from July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2012 |
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11.H. Approval as a First Reading Policy #5111, Admission/Placement
Speaker(s): |
Greg Keeley, David Marcotte
Changes in this policy are required due to statutory changes in the required ages of mandatory school attendance and procedures for parent/guardian withdrawal of a child from school. Specifically, the law now prohibits withdrawal without parent permission through the age of seventeen, and requires an attestation that an administrator or guidance counselor has met with the family and provided information on educational opportunities available.
to approve as a first reading policy #5111, Admission/Placement. |
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11.I. Approval as a First Reading Policy #5112.3, Dropouts
Speaker(s): |
Greg Keeley, David Marcotte
This is a companion policy to #5111 and requires the same changes. Changes in this policy are required due to statutory changes in the required ages of mandatory school attendance and procedures for parent/guardian withdrawal of a child from school. Specifically, the law now prohibits withdrawal without parent permission through the age of seventeen, and requires an attestation that an administrator or guidance counselor has met with the family and provided information on educational opportunities available.
to approve as a first reading policy #5112.3, Dropouts. |
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11.J. Approval of Revised Regulation #5114, Student Discipline
Speaker(s): |
Greg Keeley, David Marcotte
Changes in this policy are required due to statutory changes in out-of-school suspension and the implementation of in-school suspension programs, and changes to the anti-bullying definitions in the statutes. Additionally, there are some additions and changes to the list of suspendible or expellable offenses at the recommendation of counsel.
to approve revised regulation #5114, Student Discipline. |
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11.K. Approval of First Reading of Policy #5144.1, Use of Physical Force
Speaker(s): |
Greg Keeley, David MarcotteChanges in this policy are required due to statutory changes in the required ages of mandatory school attendance and procedures for parent/guardian withdrawal of a child fro
Changes in this policy are required due to changes in the federal IDEA legislation and the subsequent CSDE regulations governing special education programs. The district is already in full compliance with these new requirements.
to approve as a first reading policy #5144.1, Use of Physical Force. |
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11.L. Approval as a First Reading Bylaw #9321, Time, Place and Notification of Meetings
Speaker(s): |
Greg Keeley, David Marcotte
Changes in this policy are recommended to reflect current board practices. The changes also bring the policy into alignment with state Open Meeting Law requirements for notice and posting of meetings; the recommended change is consistent with other Town bodies' practices requiring 24 hour notice.
to approve as a first reading revised bylaw #9321, Time, Place and Notification of Meetings. |
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12. Executive Session (Negotiations)