Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order
1.A. Opening Ceremonies
1.B. Roll Call
2. Public Portion
3. Executive Session
4. Appointment of New Hires
5. Subcommittee Reports
6. Superintendent's Report
7. Administrator's Reports
7.A. Technology Report
7.B. Facilities Report
8. Financial Report
9. Update on ReOpening Plan
10. Remote Learning
11. Approval of Minutes
12. Adjourn
13. Vacancy List
14. 2020 Check Registers
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | July 22, 2021 at 6:30 PM - Board of Education Meeting | |
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1. Call to Order
Speaker(s): |
Mr. Gildea
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1.A. Opening Ceremonies
Speaker(s): |
Mr. Gildea
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1.B. Roll Call
Speaker(s): |
Mr. Gildea
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2. Public Portion
Speaker(s): |
Mr. Gidea
* Prior to the commencement of any public meeting of any board of the city, the agenda for said meeting shall be posted in the meeting room and the first order of business of said meeting shall be the entertainment of public discussion on any item on said agenda and the conduct, length, and method of terminating said public discussion shall be determined by majority vote of the members of said board of commission. |
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3. Executive Session
Speaker(s): |
Mr. Gildea
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4. Appointment of New Hires
Speaker(s): |
Mr. Gildea
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5. Subcommittee Reports
Speaker(s): |
Mr. Gildea
Finance Committee Mrs. O'Hara Negotiations and Personnel Committee Mr. Kurtyka School/Community Relations and Policy Mrs. Harris Plant and Facilities Committee Mr. Gildea Academic & Curriculum Mrs. Hyder Regionalization Mr. Gildea Athletic Committee Mr. Marcucio Student Health and Safety Committee Mrs. Netto |
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6. Superintendent's Report
Speaker(s): |
Dr. Conway
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7. Administrator's Reports
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7.A. Technology Report
Speaker(s): |
Mr. Langridge
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7.B. Facilities Report
Speaker(s): |
Mr. Cunningham
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8. Financial Report
Speaker(s): |
Mr. Passarelli
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9. Update on ReOpening Plan
Speaker(s): |
Dr Matthew Conway
DPS Safe Return for 2021-2022
APR ESSERS Budget - Draft New This Week
Lunch rooms do not need to continue with single use trays, silverware etc.
PCR Testing: DPH is working on a feasibility plan to provide PCR weekly PCR testing for all schools K-6. Webinar scheduled for this Friday.
Ventilation Systems: All ventilation protocols stay the same.
Cleaning/Disinfecting: Surfaces are no longer considered a transmittable space. We will maintain our additional staffing and cleaning and disinfecting of high touch areas. They do not recommend mass deep cleanings.
Contact Tracing: Exceptions - for students only: Students wearing a mask and 3’ or more from another student will no longer be considered a contact.
Revised Addendum 5 & 9 will be coming soon.
Fall Sports: Anticipate a normal fall sports schedule.
Music/Band: Plan to maintain current mitigation strategies. Additional spacing, outdoors, slotted masks, bell covers etc.
Buses: Per CDC masks must be worn on public transportation including school buses.
School visitors: DPH/CSDE - Do not limit essential services. Non essential visitors may be allowed after school hours.
Isolation Rooms: No longer required. DPH/CSDE recommend to try to segregate.
Vaccination Consent Forms: Consent forms are allowed. We will work with NVHD to set up clinics in schools. (let’s think of incentives. Do they work?)
Requesting Vaccination Status: EEOC Guidance allows employers to ask employees for vaccination status and documentation. Same for students. You cannot exclude students from coming to school if they choose not to provide documentation. It is a voluntary response.
Water Fountains: Contact water suppliers to restart fountains. Try to limit filling water bottles as opposed to drinking out of fountain.
Remote Learning: See update. Remote learning will not be allowed to count toward the required 180 days. For quarantined students, remote learning will only be allowed if the Governor issues an executive order allowing such for health reasons.
Per Public Act No 21-46 the CSDE will be drafting remote learning standards by January 2022 to be reviewed and approved by the SBOE. Remote Learning will be offered, per approval of Local Board of Education plans, for the 2022-2023 school year for grades 9-12 only. |
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10. Remote Learning
Speaker(s): |
Dr Matthew Conway
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11. Approval of Minutes
Speaker(s): |
Mrs. Netto
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12. Adjourn
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13. Vacancy List
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14. 2020 Check Registers