Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order - RCISD 2024-25 Tax Rate Public Hearing
II. Invocation (2 min)
III. Public Hearing: RCISD 2024-25 Tax Rate
IV. Consider action to approve the RCISD 2024-25 Tax Rate
V. Consider action to approve the Tex-Oma Builders Supply Company revised bid proposal estimate #210428 for security upgrades in the amount approximately $322,079 dollars (TIPS Contract #210304)
VI. Closed Session
VI.A) Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.071 matters having to do with private consultation with the Board's attorney
VI.B) Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, matters having to do with deliberation, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, dismissal, complaint or charge against a public officer or employee. This does not apply if the employee in question requests a public hearing.
VI.B)1. Consulation with attorney regarding issues related to the Texas Educator Health Plan (TEHP), including impact on individual employees
VII. Return to Open Session
VIII. Consider action if any of the agenda items as discussed in closed session
VIII.A) Consider action to approve payment to ESC 14 for Texas Educator Health Plan (TEHP) for 2021-22 Invoice in the amount of $14,857.25 dollars
VIII.B) Consider action to approve payment to ESC 14 for Texas Educators Health Plan (TEHP) for the 2022-2023 invoice in the amount of $127,001.64 dollars
VIII.C) Consider action related to healthcare invoices received by district employees as the result of claims not paid by the THEP.
IX. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | September 23, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Specially Called Board Meeting | |||
Subject: |
Call to Order - RCISD 2024-25 Tax Rate Public Hearing
Announcement by presiding officer whether a quorum is present, that the meeting was duly called, and that a notice of the meeting has been posted in the time and manner required by law
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Invocation (2 min)
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Public Hearing: RCISD 2024-25 Tax Rate
Subject: |
Consider action to approve the RCISD 2024-25 Tax Rate
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Consider action to approve the Tex-Oma Builders Supply Company revised bid proposal estimate #210428 for security upgrades in the amount approximately $322,079 dollars (TIPS Contract #210304)
The attached quote of approximately $322,079 dollars is the adjusted quote after RCISD did a final walk through and added the secure vestibule for the elementary which the original quote did not include. Safe School Standards and Cycle 1 Safety Grant will pay for the installation. The original quote approved by the Board in July 2024 for approximately $250,000.
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Closed Session
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Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.071 matters having to do with private consultation with the Board's attorney
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Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, matters having to do with deliberation, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, dismissal, complaint or charge against a public officer or employee. This does not apply if the employee in question requests a public hearing.
Subject: |
Consulation with attorney regarding issues related to the Texas Educator Health Plan (TEHP), including impact on individual employees
Subject: |
Return to Open Session
Subject: |
Consider action if any of the agenda items as discussed in closed session
Subject: |
Consider action to approve payment to ESC 14 for Texas Educator Health Plan (TEHP) for 2021-22 Invoice in the amount of $14,857.25 dollars
Subject: |
Consider action to approve payment to ESC 14 for Texas Educators Health Plan (TEHP) for the 2022-2023 invoice in the amount of $127,001.64 dollars
Subject: |
Consider action related to healthcare invoices received by district employees as the result of claims not paid by the THEP.
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