Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order, Invocation, and Pledge to the Flag
2. Approval of Adoption of Agenda (Policy BCBD)
3. Approval of the October 8, 2024 Regular Board Meeting Minutes and the October 16, 2024 Special Call Meeting Minutes - (Policy BCBH)
4. Approval of Consent Agenda
4.1. Approval of Personnel Agenda
4.2. Approval of the Use of the Multi-Purpose Room for the Peace-Sanders Headstart's Christmas Program on December 10, 2024
4.3. Approval of the ProCare Therapy, LLC Client Services Agreement
4.4. Approval of the Out-of-State Travel for Four Employees to Attend the Beyond School Hours Conference in Orlando, Florida on February 13-16, 2025 to cover Registration Fees. Air Fare, Hotel Fees and Travel Expenses
4.5. Approval of the Core Educational Services for Math and Science
4.6. Approval of the Renewal of the Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant
4.7. Approval of Fixed Assets Deletions and Additions
4.8. Approval of T.R. Sanders Fundraiser for School Pictures on November 13th through Robinson-White Studio
4.9. Approval of the Proposal from Performance Based Education Company, Inc.
4.10. Approval of the Independent Contractual Agreement with J. Edwards for 21st CCLC ACT Prep
4.11. Approval of the Independent Contractual Agreement with J. E. Wise for Student Support Services
4.12. Approval of the Agreement with Betty Newell Counseling Services
5. Financials:
5.1. Approval of Claims Dockets 018583 to 018772- (Policy DJ & IB)
5.2. Bank Reconciliation Reports
5.3. Revenue Budget ((Policy DIB)
5.4. Budget Status Statement (Policy DIB)
5.5. Cash Balance Statement
5.6. Approval of Fund Balances
5.7. Audit Update
6. Discussion & Approval:
6.1. Discussion and Consideration of the Benchmark Assessment and Proposed Consulting Plan – Marshall Anderson, Slaughter & Willingham Urban Planning Consultants
7. Informational
7.1. Principal's Report
8. Superintendent's Report: (Policy CO)
9. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | November 12, 2024 at 5:30 PM - Regular Board Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Call to Order, Invocation, and Pledge to the Flag
Subject: |
2. Approval of Adoption of Agenda (Policy BCBD)
Subject: |
3. Approval of the October 8, 2024 Regular Board Meeting Minutes and the October 16, 2024 Special Call Meeting Minutes - (Policy BCBH)
Subject: |
4. Approval of Consent Agenda
Subject: |
4.1. Approval of Personnel Agenda
Subject: |
4.2. Approval of the Use of the Multi-Purpose Room for the Peace-Sanders Headstart's Christmas Program on December 10, 2024
Subject: |
4.3. Approval of the ProCare Therapy, LLC Client Services Agreement
Subject: |
4.4. Approval of the Out-of-State Travel for Four Employees to Attend the Beyond School Hours Conference in Orlando, Florida on February 13-16, 2025 to cover Registration Fees. Air Fare, Hotel Fees and Travel Expenses
Subject: |
4.5. Approval of the Core Educational Services for Math and Science
Subject: |
4.6. Approval of the Renewal of the Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant
Subject: |
4.7. Approval of Fixed Assets Deletions and Additions
Subject: |
4.8. Approval of T.R. Sanders Fundraiser for School Pictures on November 13th through Robinson-White Studio
Subject: |
4.9. Approval of the Proposal from Performance Based Education Company, Inc.
Subject: |
4.10. Approval of the Independent Contractual Agreement with J. Edwards for 21st CCLC ACT Prep
Subject: |
4.11. Approval of the Independent Contractual Agreement with J. E. Wise for Student Support Services
Subject: |
4.12. Approval of the Agreement with Betty Newell Counseling Services
Subject: |
5. Financials:
Subject: |
5.1. Approval of Claims Dockets 018583 to 018772- (Policy DJ & IB)
Subject: |
5.2. Bank Reconciliation Reports
Subject: |
5.3. Revenue Budget ((Policy DIB)
Subject: |
5.4. Budget Status Statement (Policy DIB)
Subject: |
5.5. Cash Balance Statement
Subject: |
5.6. Approval of Fund Balances
Subject: |
5.7. Audit Update
Subject: |
6. Discussion & Approval:
Subject: |
6.1. Discussion and Consideration of the Benchmark Assessment and Proposed Consulting Plan – Marshall Anderson, Slaughter & Willingham Urban Planning Consultants
Subject: |
7. Informational
Subject: |
7.1. Principal's Report
Subject: |
8. Superintendent's Report: (Policy CO)
Subject: |
9. Adjournment