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Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order
II. Declaration of Quorum 
II.A. Announcement by President as to the presence of quorum, that this is a regular board meeting and the notice of the meeting was posted in the time and manner required.
III. Pledge/Invocation
IV.  Public Hearing - Texas Academic Performance Report 
V. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: February 18, 2025 at 5:45 PM - Regular Meeting (* All Meetings Are Posted at Buckholts USPS and the BISD Board Bulletin 72 Hours before all Meetings*)
I. Call to Order
II. Declaration of Quorum 
II.A. Announcement by President as to the presence of quorum, that this is a regular board meeting and the notice of the meeting was posted in the time and manner required.
III. Pledge/Invocation
IV.  Public Hearing - Texas Academic Performance Report 
V. Adjourn

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