Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order: Announce Quorum Present
II. Prayer
III. Public Comments / Audience Participation
IV. Construction Update and Review: Athletic Renovations
V. ACTION ITEM: Consent Agenda
V.A. Minutes
V.B. Bills Paid
V.C. Budget Update
VI. ACTION ITEM: Review and Approve the TASB Risk Management Fund Interlocal Participation Agreement effective May 1, 2022.
VII. ACTION ITEM: Review and Approve the Agreement for Release of Tower.
VIII. ACTION ITEM: Approve or Reject the Bids on the following properties from the January 21, 2021 Board Meeting.
"XI. ACTION ITEM: Discussion and possible approval of pursuit of sale for bid of real property at 1701 Ave. F, Legal Description White PE Blk 15 W50'OFE125'OFN104.5' and 1104 Ave. F, Legal Description OT PE Blk 47 E70'OF 10-12 and to allow the superintendent, Dr. Brian Bibb, to act on the District's behalf to post these properties for bid with a minimum purchase price of the appraised value as determined by the Hale County Appraisal District." |
IX. ACTION ITEM: Approve the SY22-23 Interlocal Agreement to remain a member of the WTFSC. (Food Services)
X. Closed Session: Closed Session will be held for purposes permitted by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.
X.A. Discuss personnel matters and/or hear complaints against personnel
XI. Reconvene: Open Session for any action relative to discussion during Closed Session
XII. ACTION ITEM: Approved Revised 2022-2023 Salary Schedule.
XIII. ACTION ITEM: Review and Approve the 2022-2023 Academic Calendar.
XIV. Topics of Discussion
XIV.A. Superintendent's Report
XIV.A.1. Construction Update
XIV.A.2. Accepted Resignations.
XIV.A.3. 3 Year Old and PK Program
XIV.A.4. April Board Meeting Date
XV. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | March 23, 2022 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Call to Order: Announce Quorum Present
Subject: |
II. Prayer
Subject: |
III. Public Comments / Audience Participation
A maximum of thirty (30) minutes will be allotted for this section, with each person being allowed no more than five (5) minutes. Any person/group wishing to address the Board must sign in on the Open Forum list no later than 5:30 pm. Groups of five or more shall select a representative to speak for the group; the representative will have five minutes. The board may not act on any matter not on the agenda. Any person/group wishing to have a specific item placed on the Board Agenda must complete a Board of Trustees Item Request no later than noon of the tenth calendar day before the meeting. Per Board Policy GF (Local), members of the public having complaints or concerns may present their complaints or concerns to the Board only after following the procedure defined in that policy. The Board intends that, whenever feasible, complaints shall be resolved at the lowest possible administrative level. If a complaint comes before the Board that involves concerns or charges regarding an employee or student, it shall be heard by the Board in closed session unless the employee or student to whom the complaint pertains requests that it be heard in open session.
Subject: |
IV. Construction Update and Review: Athletic Renovations
Presenter: |
Lee Lewis Construction and BGR Arcitects
Subject: |
V. ACTION ITEM: Consent Agenda
Subject: |
V.A. Minutes
Subject: |
V.B. Bills Paid
Subject: |
V.C. Budget Update
Subject: |
VI. ACTION ITEM: Review and Approve the TASB Risk Management Fund Interlocal Participation Agreement effective May 1, 2022.
Subject: |
VII. ACTION ITEM: Review and Approve the Agreement for Release of Tower.
Subject: |
VIII. ACTION ITEM: Approve or Reject the Bids on the following properties from the January 21, 2021 Board Meeting.
"XI. ACTION ITEM: Discussion and possible approval of pursuit of sale for bid of real property at 1701 Ave. F, Legal Description White PE Blk 15 W50'OFE125'OFN104.5' and 1104 Ave. F, Legal Description OT PE Blk 47 E70'OF 10-12 and to allow the superintendent, Dr. Brian Bibb, to act on the District's behalf to post these properties for bid with a minimum purchase price of the appraised value as determined by the Hale County Appraisal District." |
Subject: |
IX. ACTION ITEM: Approve the SY22-23 Interlocal Agreement to remain a member of the WTFSC. (Food Services)
Subject: |
X. Closed Session: Closed Session will be held for purposes permitted by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.
Subject: |
X.A. Discuss personnel matters and/or hear complaints against personnel
Subject: |
XI. Reconvene: Open Session for any action relative to discussion during Closed Session
Subject: |
XII. ACTION ITEM: Approved Revised 2022-2023 Salary Schedule.
Subject: |
XIII. ACTION ITEM: Review and Approve the 2022-2023 Academic Calendar.
Subject: |
XIV. Topics of Discussion
Subject: |
XIV.A. Superintendent's Report
Subject: |
XIV.A.1. Construction Update
Subject: |
XIV.A.2. Accepted Resignations.
Subject: |
XIV.A.3. 3 Year Old and PK Program
Subject: |
XIV.A.4. April Board Meeting Date
Subject: |
XV. Adjourn
This meeting will be held in compliance with Gov. Code, Ch. 551. The meeting is also being conducted in accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act {42 U.S.C. 12101 (1991)}. The facility where the meeting is to be held is wheelchair-accessible and handicap parking is also available. Requests for sign interpretive services are available upon request received at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. To make arrangements for those services, please call (806) 667-3585.
Todd Newberry, PISD Superintendent |