Meeting Agenda
I. Call Regular Meeting to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance.
III. Quorum Call
David Baer Sara Daley Jenny Koverman Daniel Kreidermacher Bree Maki Dave Pringle Sarah Sommer |
IV. Approve the December 18 Meeting Agenda
V. L-A High School Student Report
VI. Truth in Taxation Presentation by Superintendent Carman
VII. Truth in Taxation and Other Public Comments
VIII. Open Forum
Guideline: Three minutes per speaker; 15 minutes maximum. Complaints about personnel or individuals are prohibited. No Board action is taken during the Open Forum. This is the only time during the Board meeting that audience participation is allowed unless scheduled prior. |
IX. Consent Agenda
A. Board Meeting Minutes: June 12th (Corrected to include FY24 Budget Approval that was inadvertently omitted from original minutes), November 18th, November 27th - Special Meeting, November 27th - Workshop Session. B. Financial Reports a. Board Bills
b. Voucher Detail Report c. Wire Payments d. Statement of Expenditures Approve hire of Madeline Foss, Cardinal Care Paraprofessional effective November 13, 2023.
Approve Cole Mundt to be 7th and 8th grade boys basketball coach and receive 1.5 x the Jr. High Coaches salary in accordance with EdMN/L-A Master Agreement. Approve FMLA Leave for Kayleen Scheck, teacher, effective approximately February 9, 2024. Approve permissions for Julie Schreiber and Frances Long to access Minnwest Bank, Merchants Bank, People's State Bank and MSDLAF account information and remove Sheala Hall and Kara Prosen from any account access permissions. Approve hire of Emilee Buringa as a substitute paraprofessional at the rate of $13.50/hour. |
X. Certify the FY23 Pay 24 Levy for $1,377,268.30.
XI. Accept FY23 Audit
XII. Discussion re FY24 and FY 25 Budgets
XIII. Approve High School Athletics Admissions Prices effective January 8, 2023
- All Adults (post High School through Senior Citizens): $6.00 per event ($4.00 if a Booster Club member) -All Students: $4.00 (under kdg free if accompanied by a paid adult) -Students with Gold Cards: Free |
XIV. Approve Community Post Referendum Survey
XV. Resolution Establishing Combined Polling Sites
XVI. Policies and Forms on 1st/Final Reading
A, 708 Transportation of Nonpublic School Students B. 709 Student Safety Transportation Policy C. 806 Crisis Management Policy |
XVII. PK-6 Principal's Report
XVIII. L-A High School Principal's Report
XIX. Superintendent's Report
XX. Board Committee Reports
XXI. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | December 18, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular School Board Meeting of ISD 857 | |
Subject: |
Call Regular Meeting to Order
Subject: |
Pledge of Allegiance.
Subject: |
Quorum Call
David Baer Sara Daley Jenny Koverman Daniel Kreidermacher Bree Maki Dave Pringle Sarah Sommer |
Subject: |
Approve the December 18 Meeting Agenda
Subject: |
L-A High School Student Report
Subject: |
Truth in Taxation Presentation by Superintendent Carman
Subject: |
Truth in Taxation and Other Public Comments
Subject: |
Open Forum
Guideline: Three minutes per speaker; 15 minutes maximum. Complaints about personnel or individuals are prohibited. No Board action is taken during the Open Forum. This is the only time during the Board meeting that audience participation is allowed unless scheduled prior. |
Subject: |
Consent Agenda
A. Board Meeting Minutes: June 12th (Corrected to include FY24 Budget Approval that was inadvertently omitted from original minutes), November 18th, November 27th - Special Meeting, November 27th - Workshop Session. B. Financial Reports a. Board Bills
b. Voucher Detail Report c. Wire Payments d. Statement of Expenditures Approve hire of Madeline Foss, Cardinal Care Paraprofessional effective November 13, 2023.
Approve Cole Mundt to be 7th and 8th grade boys basketball coach and receive 1.5 x the Jr. High Coaches salary in accordance with EdMN/L-A Master Agreement. Approve FMLA Leave for Kayleen Scheck, teacher, effective approximately February 9, 2024. Approve permissions for Julie Schreiber and Frances Long to access Minnwest Bank, Merchants Bank, People's State Bank and MSDLAF account information and remove Sheala Hall and Kara Prosen from any account access permissions. Approve hire of Emilee Buringa as a substitute paraprofessional at the rate of $13.50/hour. |
Subject: |
Certify the FY23 Pay 24 Levy for $1,377,268.30.
Subject: |
Accept FY23 Audit
Subject: |
Discussion re FY24 and FY 25 Budgets
Subject: |
Approve High School Athletics Admissions Prices effective January 8, 2023
- All Adults (post High School through Senior Citizens): $6.00 per event ($4.00 if a Booster Club member) -All Students: $4.00 (under kdg free if accompanied by a paid adult) -Students with Gold Cards: Free |
Subject: |
Approve Community Post Referendum Survey
Subject: |
Resolution Establishing Combined Polling Sites
Subject: |
Policies and Forms on 1st/Final Reading
A, 708 Transportation of Nonpublic School Students B. 709 Student Safety Transportation Policy C. 806 Crisis Management Policy |
Subject: |
PK-6 Principal's Report
Subject: |
L-A High School Principal's Report
Subject: |
Superintendent's Report
Subject: |
Board Committee Reports
Subject: |