Meeting Agenda
1. Roll Call
2. Invocation: Adryel Rosales Juarez
University: University of Texas at Austin Major: Electrical Engineering |
3. Pledge of Allegiance- Chaylem Pena
University: University of Texas Rio Grande Valley Major: Integrated Health Sciences |
4. Student/Staff Recognition/ Character Trait-Ruben Eden Gomez-Justice
University: University of Texas at Austin Major: Electrical and Computer Engineering A). District Gladiator Wall of Fame-Mr. Rodrigo Bazan B). Battle of the Book Regional Competition |
5. Public Comments
6. Superintendent's Report
A). Positive Culture and Collaborative Climate B). System of Continuous Growth |
7. Discussion, Consideration, and Possible Action to rank and select the proposal regarding CSP#-106 Roma High School Gladiator Arena Restrooms, Dressing Rooms and Concession Stands and authorize the Superintendent or designer to negotiate and execute a final contract with the selected offeror and any other documents related thereto, subject to legal review by legal counsel
8. Consideration, Discussion and Possible Action on Adopting the Resolution of the Roma Independent School District Board of Trustees Approving Wage Payments During Emergency School Closings.
9. Employment and Resignation of Professionals and Paraprofessionals
10. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Notice of School District Special Called Meeting A Special Called Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Roma Independent School District will be held on {{Date}}, beginning at {{Time}} in the{{Location}} The subjects to be discussed or considered, or upon which any formal action may be taken, are as listed below. Items do not have to be taken in the order as shown on the meeting notice.
Meeting: | March 5, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Special Called Meeting | ||||||||
Subject: |
1. Roll Call
Presenter: |
Ricardo A. Perez
Subject: |
2. Invocation: Adryel Rosales Juarez
University: University of Texas at Austin Major: Electrical Engineering |
Subject: |
3. Pledge of Allegiance- Chaylem Pena
University: University of Texas Rio Grande Valley Major: Integrated Health Sciences |
Subject: |
4. Student/Staff Recognition/ Character Trait-Ruben Eden Gomez-Justice
University: University of Texas at Austin Major: Electrical and Computer Engineering A). District Gladiator Wall of Fame-Mr. Rodrigo Bazan B). Battle of the Book Regional Competition |
Subject: |
5. Public Comments
Subject: |
6. Superintendent's Report
A). Positive Culture and Collaborative Climate B). System of Continuous Growth |
Subject: |
7. Discussion, Consideration, and Possible Action to rank and select the proposal regarding CSP#-106 Roma High School Gladiator Arena Restrooms, Dressing Rooms and Concession Stands and authorize the Superintendent or designer to negotiate and execute a final contract with the selected offeror and any other documents related thereto, subject to legal review by legal counsel
Presenter: |
Pedro Alaniz
Subject: |
8. Consideration, Discussion and Possible Action on Adopting the Resolution of the Roma Independent School District Board of Trustees Approving Wage Payments During Emergency School Closings.
Presenter: |
Edgar Garza
Subject: |
9. Employment and Resignation of Professionals and Paraprofessionals
Subject: |
10. Adjournment
Presenter: |
Ricardo A. Perez