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Meeting Agenda
1. Roll Call
2. Student/Staff Recognition
A).  Recognition of the 2023-2024 Special Olympics Athletes

B).  Roma HS Choir

C).  Roma ISD Orchestra Program

D).  Roma HS Drama

E).  Roma ISD Mariachi Program
RHS Varsity  

F) Roma ISD Band Program
RHS Concert Band
RHS Symphonic Band
RHS Symphonic Winds
RHS Percussion
RBMS Symphonic Band
RBMS Symphonic Winds
RMS Symphonic Band
RMS Symphonic Winds

G). UIL State Members(Band, Choir, Orchestra, Mariachi)

H).  TMEA Area Participants(Band, Choir, Orchestra)

I).  TMEA All State Members (Band, Mariachi)

J). NAMM Award(Performing Arts District Recognition)
3. Public Comments
4. Discussion, consideration, and possible action to rank and select a proposal offering
regarding RFP #24-83 audio upgrades at Yamil R. Yunes Performing Arts Center and
authorize the Superintendent to negotiate and execute a final contract with the selected offeror and any other documents related thereto, subject to review by legal counsel.
5. Discussion, consideration, and possible action to reissue RFP for video and lighting
upgrades at Yamil R. Yunes Performing Arts Center.
6. Discussion, consideration, and possible action to rank and select the proposal regardingRFP#24-87 Project #2 Softball Field dressing rooms and parking lot and Project #3 FJScott Elementary School Gymnasium and authorize the Superintendent to negotiate and execute a final contract with the selected offeror and any other documents related thereto, subject to legal review by legal counsel.
7. Discussion, consideration, and possible action to reissue RFP for Roma High School
Band Hall Addition, Transportation Shop, and Transportation Shop Parking Lots.
8. Discussion, consideration, and possible action to rank and select a proposal offering
regarding RFP#24-91 Cosmetology and Barbering Services to provide comprehensive Barbering and Cosmetology classes to Roma ISD students.
9. Discussion, consideration, and possible action to purchase Pre-K furniture through theTexas BuyBoard Purchasing Cooperative. Contracts 653-21 and 657-21.
10. Discussion, consideration, and possible action to renew the district’s employee health insurance, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas, for the School Year 2024-2025.
11. Employment and Resignation of Professionals and Paraprofessionals
12. Adjournment
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Notice of School District Special Called Meeting 

A Special Called Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Roma Independent School District will be held on {{Date}}, beginning at {{Time}} in the{{Location}}

The subjects to be discussed or considered, or upon which any formal action may be taken, are as listed below.  Items do not have to be taken in the order as shown on the meeting notice. 


Meeting: May 15, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Special Called Meeting
1. Roll Call
Ricardo A. Perez
2. Student/Staff Recognition
A).  Recognition of the 2023-2024 Special Olympics Athletes

B).  Roma HS Choir

C).  Roma ISD Orchestra Program

D).  Roma HS Drama

E).  Roma ISD Mariachi Program
RHS Varsity  

F) Roma ISD Band Program
RHS Concert Band
RHS Symphonic Band
RHS Symphonic Winds
RHS Percussion
RBMS Symphonic Band
RBMS Symphonic Winds
RMS Symphonic Band
RMS Symphonic Winds

G). UIL State Members(Band, Choir, Orchestra, Mariachi)

H).  TMEA Area Participants(Band, Choir, Orchestra)

I).  TMEA All State Members (Band, Mariachi)

J). NAMM Award(Performing Arts District Recognition)
Dr. Adrian Guerra/Daniel Renteria
3. Public Comments
Carlos M. Gonzalez, Jr.
4. Discussion, consideration, and possible action to rank and select a proposal offering
regarding RFP #24-83 audio upgrades at Yamil R. Yunes Performing Arts Center and
authorize the Superintendent to negotiate and execute a final contract with the selected offeror and any other documents related thereto, subject to review by legal counsel.
Pedro Alaniz
5. Discussion, consideration, and possible action to reissue RFP for video and lighting
upgrades at Yamil R. Yunes Performing Arts Center.
Pedro Alaniz
6. Discussion, consideration, and possible action to rank and select the proposal regardingRFP#24-87 Project #2 Softball Field dressing rooms and parking lot and Project #3 FJScott Elementary School Gymnasium and authorize the Superintendent to negotiate and execute a final contract with the selected offeror and any other documents related thereto, subject to legal review by legal counsel.
Pedro Alaniz
7. Discussion, consideration, and possible action to reissue RFP for Roma High School
Band Hall Addition, Transportation Shop, and Transportation Shop Parking Lots.
Pedro Alaniz
8. Discussion, consideration, and possible action to rank and select a proposal offering
regarding RFP#24-91 Cosmetology and Barbering Services to provide comprehensive Barbering and Cosmetology classes to Roma ISD students.
Pedro Alaniz
9. Discussion, consideration, and possible action to purchase Pre-K furniture through theTexas BuyBoard Purchasing Cooperative. Contracts 653-21 and 657-21.
Pedro Alaniz
10. Discussion, consideration, and possible action to renew the district’s employee health insurance, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas, for the School Year 2024-2025.
Pedro Alaniz
11. Employment and Resignation of Professionals and Paraprofessionals
Carlos M. Gonzalez, Jr.
12. Adjournment
Ricardo A. Perez


 Mr. Ricardo A. Perez
 School Board President 
 Mr. Carlos Gonzalez
 Superintendent of Schools

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