Meeting Agenda
1. Roll Call
2. Invocation
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Student/Staff Recognition/Character Trait - Honesty- Juan Rodriguez
4.A) District Gladiator Wall of Fame
4.B) Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting
5. Public Comments
6. Consent Agenda
6.A) Approval of Minutes of Previous Meetings
6.B) Approval of Bills
6.C) Investment Report
6.D) Financial Update Report
6.E) Transportation Report
6.F) Tax Collection Report
6.G) Fixed Assets Report
6.H) Student Enrollment Report
7. Consideration/Possible Action regarding approval of additional bills and expenses for goods and services
8. New Elementary # 7 construction progress update
9. Delinquent Tax Collection Report for the period of September 1, 2016 through August 31, 2017
10. Local District Update, Affecting Local Policies:
BQA (Local)-Planning and Decision-Making ProcessDistrict Level BQB (Local)-Planning and Decision-Making ProcessCampusLevel |
11. Employment and Resignation of Professionals and Paraprofessionals
12. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | September 21, 2017 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Roll Call
Presenter: |
Board President
Subject: |
2. Invocation
Presenter: |
A. Perez
Subject: |
3. Pledge of Allegiance
Presenter: |
R. Rodriguez, Jr.
Subject: |
4. Student/Staff Recognition/Character Trait - Honesty- Juan Rodriguez
Presenter: |
Board President
Subject: |
4.A) District Gladiator Wall of Fame
Presenter: |
L. Cadena
Subject: |
4.B) Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting
Subject: |
5. Public Comments
Subject: |
6. Consent Agenda
Presenter: |
L. Garza-Galvan
Subject: |
6.A) Approval of Minutes of Previous Meetings
Presenter: |
A. Perez
Subject: |
6.B) Approval of Bills
Presenter: |
A. Perez
Subject: |
6.C) Investment Report
Presenter: |
A. Perez
Subject: |
6.D) Financial Update Report
Presenter: |
A. Perez
Subject: |
6.E) Transportation Report
Presenter: |
A. Perez
Subject: |
6.F) Tax Collection Report
Presenter: |
O. Vasquez
Subject: |
6.G) Fixed Assets Report
Presenter: |
A. Perez
Subject: |
6.H) Student Enrollment Report
Presenter: |
M. Garcia
Subject: |
7. Consideration/Possible Action regarding approval of additional bills and expenses for goods and services
Presenter: |
A. Perez
Subject: |
8. New Elementary # 7 construction progress update
Presenter: |
T. Tijerina, G.Gallegos, E. Vela and G. Enriquez
Subject: |
9. Delinquent Tax Collection Report for the period of September 1, 2016 through August 31, 2017
Presenter: |
Mr. Gustavo Martinez
Subject: |
10. Local District Update, Affecting Local Policies:
BQA (Local)-Planning and Decision-Making ProcessDistrict Level BQB (Local)-Planning and Decision-Making ProcessCampusLevel |
Presenter: |
L. E. Garza
Subject: |
11. Employment and Resignation of Professionals and Paraprofessionals
Presenter: |
C. Guzman
Subject: |
12. Adjournment
Presenter: |
Board Preseident