Meeting Agenda
1. Invocation
2. Open Community Forum
3. Consent Agenda Approval
3.A. Minutes of the October 8, 2012, Regular Meeting
3.B. Bills and Salaries to be Paid
4. Superintendent's Report
4.A. Financial Report
4.B. Ad Valorem Tax Report
4.C. Student Enrollment and Attendance
4.D. Student Achievements
4.E. Update on Rental House Repairs
4.F. Christmas Dinner Quotes
4.G. January, 2013 Board Meeting
5. New Business
5.A. Canvass the Results of the November 6, 2012 Trustee Election
5.B. Installation of Newly Election Trustees
5.C. Organization of the Board by Selecting a President, Vice-President and Secretary
5.D. Discuss and Consider TASB Board Policy Manual Update 95
5.E. Discuss and Consider the Establishment of Kelton Scholarship Committee and Scholarship Guidelines
5.F. Discuss and Consider Allowing the Kelton ISD to Allow At Least Four (4) College Visitation Days Conducted by School Staff
5.G. Discuss and Consider Bids Received for Covered Play Area
5.H. Discuss and Consider Capital Improvements
5.I. Receive Report from Matt Moore and Barry Price Concerning the Role of the School Board
5.J. Discuss and Consider Action Regarding the Sale or Donation of Real Property (a tract of land out of the Northwest Quarter of Section 20, block L, J.M. Lindsey Survey, Wheeler County, Texas)
5.K. Discuss and Consider Employing Paul McCollough, Architectural Concepts, Inc., for Future Capital Improvements as Deemed Necessary by the Board of Trustees
5.L. Discuss and Consider Action Regarding the Purchase of Real Property (a tract of land out of the Northwest Quarter of Section 20, block L, J.M. Lindsey Survey, Wheeler County, Texas)
5.M. Discuss and Consider Progress Relating to the Sale or Donation of Property to the Kelton Volunteer Fire Department
6. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | November 12, 2012 at 7:15 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Invocation
Subject: |
2. Open Community Forum
Presenter: |
Matt Moore, President
Subject: |
3. Consent Agenda Approval
Presenter: |
Matt Moore, President
The Board will receive the minutes of the October 8 meeting and the current bills and salaries to be paid.
Subject: |
3.A. Minutes of the October 8, 2012, Regular Meeting
Subject: |
3.B. Bills and Salaries to be Paid
Subject: |
4. Superintendent's Report
Presenter: |
Heather Hardcastle, Principal
The Board will receive the monthly financial statement, the monthly ad valorem report and the current enrollment.
Subject: |
4.A. Financial Report
Subject: |
4.B. Ad Valorem Tax Report
Subject: |
4.C. Student Enrollment and Attendance
Subject: |
4.D. Student Achievements
Subject: |
4.E. Update on Rental House Repairs
Subject: |
4.F. Christmas Dinner Quotes
Subject: |
4.G. January, 2013 Board Meeting
Subject: |
5. New Business
Subject: |
5.A. Canvass the Results of the November 6, 2012 Trustee Election
Presenter: |
Matt Moore, President
The Board will receive the results of the November 6, 2012 Trustee Election and will canvass and certify the returns.
Subject: |
5.B. Installation of Newly Election Trustees
Presenter: |
Matt Moore, President
After canvassing the Trustee Election results, the Board should install the newly elected trustees, including the Oath of Office.
Subject: |
5.C. Organization of the Board by Selecting a President, Vice-President and Secretary
Presenter: |
Matt Moore, President
In accordance with Board Policies BDAA(LEGAL) and BDAA(LOCAL), "at the first meeting after each election ..., the members of the Board shall organize by selecting: ..."
Subject: |
5.D. Discuss and Consider TASB Board Policy Manual Update 95
Presenter: |
Heather Hardcastle, Principal
The Board will receive the TASB Board Policy Manual Update 95.
Subject: |
5.E. Discuss and Consider the Establishment of Kelton Scholarship Committee and Scholarship Guidelines
Presenter: |
Heather Hardcastle, Prinicpal
The Board will establish the Kelton Scholarship Committee membership and Scholarship Guideline and submit such recommendations to the Wheeler Area Activities Improvements Council, Inc.
Subject: |
5.F. Discuss and Consider Allowing the Kelton ISD to Allow At Least Four (4) College Visitation Days Conducted by School Staff
Presenter: |
Heather Hardcastle, Principal
The Board will receive a recommendation to allow the school staff to initiate and transport current junior and senior class members to attend at least four (4) college visitation days organized by the school counselor. The colleges/universities to be visited include: Frank Phillips Community College, Amarillo College, West Texas A&M, and Texas Tech University.
Subject: |
5.G. Discuss and Consider Bids Received for Covered Play Area
Presenter: |
Matt Moore, President
The Board will receive the bids for the covered play area and award the bid as appropriate.
Subject: |
5.H. Discuss and Consider Capital Improvements
Presenter: |
Matt Moore, President
This item is placed on the agenda to hear any input from the Board concerning future capital improvements.
Subject: |
5.I. Receive Report from Matt Moore and Barry Price Concerning the Role of the School Board
Presenter: |
Matt Moore and Barry Price
Subject: |
5.J. Discuss and Consider Action Regarding the Sale or Donation of Real Property (a tract of land out of the Northwest Quarter of Section 20, block L, J.M. Lindsey Survey, Wheeler County, Texas)
Presenter: |
Jay Watson, Superintendent
The Kelton Volunteer Fire Department and the Kelton ISD Board of Trustees have discussed the possible sale or donation of a parcel of land located at 16728 FM 2697, Wheeler (Kelton), Texas, formerly the Kelton First Baptist Church.
Subject: |
5.K. Discuss and Consider Employing Paul McCollough, Architectural Concepts, Inc., for Future Capital Improvements as Deemed Necessary by the Board of Trustees
Presenter: |
Jay Watson, Superintendent
Paul McCollough has developed three concept drawings for a Cafeteria/Kitchen Expansion, Remodel of the Gymnasium Locker Rooms, and Activity Center with Half Court Basketball/Stage.
Subject: |
5.L. Discuss and Consider Action Regarding the Purchase of Real Property (a tract of land out of the Northwest Quarter of Section 20, block L, J.M. Lindsey Survey, Wheeler County, Texas)
Presenter: |
Jay Watson, Superintendent
The Board will discuss the possible actions associated with the purchase of a tract of land from the France Young Estate.
Subject: |
5.M. Discuss and Consider Progress Relating to the Sale or Donation of Property to the Kelton Volunteer Fire Department
Presenter: |
Jay Watson, Superintendent
Paul Calcote has asked for an update on the progress of the removal of the debris of the old First Baptist Church demolition.
Subject: |
6. Adjourn