Meeting Agenda
3.A. Announcement of New Personnel
3.B. District Initiatives/Events
4.A. SISD students will be recognized for earning the Gold Medal Outstanding Performer Award at the 2023 UIL State Solo and Ensemble Contest
4.B. The Eastlake High School Saxophone and Trombone Quartets, Low Brass Quartet and Trumpet Quartet will be recognized for their selection and performance at national and international music conferences
4.C. SISD students will be recognized for their selection and participation in Education in Action’s Lone Star Leadership Academy summer camps
5.A. Discussion and possible action regarding a minor boundary modification for Pegasus Logistics and Foreign Trade Zone - 68 Expansion
7.A. Proposed 2023-2024 Tax Rate
8.A. Quarterly Investment Report
8.B. Annual Investment Report
8.C. Changes to the A-F Accountability System for 2023
8.D. Facilities Report
8.E. Strategic Plan - Priority 4: Objective 1-Facility Expansion and Objective 2-Equity of Funds
9.A. Consider approval of Board Meeting Minutes
9.A.1. July 25, 2023 Board of Trustees Workshop Meeting
9.A.2. July 26, 2023 Regular Board of Trustees Meeting
9.B. Consider approval of Budget Amendments
9.B.1. Amendments for August 16, 2023
9.C. Consider approval of Awarding of Bids
9.C.1. Elevator Maintenance Services - RFP No. E2404
9.C.2. Requests for Extension
9.C.2.a. District Advertising Materials and Services - RFP No. E2306
9.C.2.b. Employee Benefits Consulting Services - RFP No. E2135
9.C.2.c. System Software for Child Nutrition Services - RFP No. E2231
9.D. Consider approval of Contracts
9.D.1. Affiliation Agreement - El Paso Healthcare System Ltd. d/b/a Las Palmas Del Sol Healthcare Pathways in Technology Early College High School Program (PTECH)
9.D.2. Agreements
9.D.2.a. El Paso Community College Electrocardiogram Program
9.D.2.b. El Paso Community College Phlebotomy Program
9.D.2.c. Sul Ross State University Student Intern Program
9.D.3. Contracts
9.D.3.a. Amendment - National IPA/Omnia Partners Contract #221201 and Region 10 RAMS Services - TCG and First Financial Group of America
9.D.3.b. Approval - Region 19 (JOC) Contract #21-7411, Noble General Contractors, LLC
9.D.4. Interlocal Agreements
9.D.4.a. City of El Paso - Parking Citations
9.D.4.b. The University of Texas at Austin OnRamps Program
9.D.5. Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs)
9.D.5.a. City of El Paso Foster Grandparent Program (FGP)
9.D.5.b. El Paso County Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program (JJAEP) operated by Ysleta ISD
9.D.5.c. El Paso MHMR dba Emergence Health Network Clinician-Officer Remote Evaluation (CORE) and School-Based Crisis Intervention Team Program
9.D.5.d. Microsoft Philanthropies Technology Education and Literacy in Schools (TEALS) Program
9.E. Consider approval of purchases over $100,000
9.E.1. Choice Partners
9.E.1.a. Contract #23/036SG for a variety of vendors for IT products and services
9.E.1.b. Contract #23/036SG-01 Apple Financial Services - Master Lease Agreement for Financing Apple iPads
9.E.2. ESC Region 19 Allied States
9.E.2.a. Cooperative #17-7247 - Frontline
9.E.2.b. Cooperative #21-7409 - Solution Tree
9.E.3. Interlocal Clint ISD Athletic Officials DB Enterprises
9.E.4. OMNIA Partners Region 4 (#R200901) - Granite Telecommunications
9.F. Consider approval of revisions to Local Policy
9.F.1. BJCD (Local) - Superintendent Evaluation
9.G. Consider approval of Notice of Application to Schools
9.H. Consider approval of Donations for Fiscal Year 2022-2023
10.A. Consider approval of Resolution for adopting the Maintenance and Operations Tax Rate for 2023-2024 at $0.754600 per $100.00 of valuation of property in the School District and the Interest and Sinking Tax Rate for 2023-2024 at $0.495112 per $100.00 of valuation of property in the School District
10.B. Consider approval of an Order authorizing the defeasance and redemption of a portion of the District's outstanding Unlimited Tax Bonds; and approving other matters related to the subject
10.C. Consider approval of Final Deductive Change Order and Final Contract Payment for SISD Environmental System Upgrade Aquatics Center
10.D. Consider approval of T-TESS Certified Administrators
10.E. Discussion and possible action to consider and approve the Administration's recommendation regarding designation of ten (10) non-business Public Information Act days for Public Information Act requests received beginning September 1, 2023, and continuing throughout the 2023 and 2024 calendar year
10.F. Discuss and consider board approval of a Delegate and Alternate to the 2023 Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) Delegate Assembly
11.A. The meeting is to be closed to receive and discuss recommendation of administration regarding possible sale of District owned real property located at the subject property legally described as a portion of Lots 11, 12, and 13 and portions of right of way out of Saltzgaber Street, Chesterton Street, Fairglade Street, Chittenden Street, Ashtabula Avenue and Brandywine Road in the Gateway Estates Subdivision and El Paso County, Texas; and to consider administrative recommendations for Principal positions at John Drugan School, Montwood High School and Paso Del Norte School, Assistant Principal positions at Col. Ben Narbuth Elementary School, James P. Butler Elementary School, Americas High School, and Eastlake High School under Texas Government Code Sections 551.071, 551.072 and 551.074.
12.A. Discussion and possible action regarding recommendation of administration for possible sale of District owned real property located at the subject property legally described as a portion of Lots 11, 12, and 13 and portions of right of way out of Saltzgaber Street, Chesterton Street, Fairglade Street, Chittenden Street, Ashtabula Avenue and Brandywine Road in the Gateway Estates Subdivision and El Paso County, Texas
12.B. Consider approval of Administrative Recommendations
12.B.1. Principal
12.B.1.a. John Drugan School
12.B.1.b. Paso Del Norte Fine Arts Academy
12.B.1.c. Montwood High School
12.B.2. Assistant Principal
12.B.2.a. Col. Ben Narbuth Elementary School
12.B.2.b. James P. Butler Elementary School
12.B.2.c. Americas High School
12.B.2.d. Eastlake High School
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | August 16, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Agenda of Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
3.A. Announcement of New Personnel
Subject: |
3.B. District Initiatives/Events
Subject: |
Presenter: |
Presenter: Daniel Escobar
Subject: |
4.A. SISD students will be recognized for earning the Gold Medal Outstanding Performer Award at the 2023 UIL State Solo and Ensemble Contest
Subject: |
4.B. The Eastlake High School Saxophone and Trombone Quartets, Low Brass Quartet and Trumpet Quartet will be recognized for their selection and performance at national and international music conferences
Subject: |
4.C. SISD students will be recognized for their selection and participation in Education in Action’s Lone Star Leadership Academy summer camps
Subject: |
Subject: |
5.A. Discussion and possible action regarding a minor boundary modification for Pegasus Logistics and Foreign Trade Zone - 68 Expansion
Presenter: |
Presenter: Vicki Perez
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
7.A. Proposed 2023-2024 Tax Rate
Presenter: |
Presenter: Vicki Perez
INFO: **The Board of Trustees is required to conduct a public hearing for the purpose of discussing the proposed tax rate before the adoption of the said item. The public is invited to provide comment on the proposed tax rate.
Subject: |
Subject: |
8.A. Quarterly Investment Report
Presenter: |
Presenter: Rene Vargas
INFO: **A presentation of the quarterly investment report will be provided for the Board of Trustees in accordance with Board Policy CDA (Local) and the Public Fund Investment Act (PFIA).
Subject: |
8.B. Annual Investment Report
Presenter: |
Presenter: Rene Vargas
INFO: **A presentation on the annual investment report for fiscal year 2022-2023 will be provided for the Board of Trustees in accordance with Board Policy CDA (Local) "Other Revenues, Investments," and the Public Fund Investment Act (PFIA). Administration has received all the pertinent information from the investment pools, Wells Fargo, and TCG Advisors.
Subject: |
8.C. Changes to the A-F Accountability System for 2023
Presenter: |
Presenter: Kelly McBain
INFO: **This presentation will outline information regarding the release of the TEA Accountability Ratings that will be released September 28, 2023.
Subject: |
8.D. Facilities Report
Presenter: |
Presenter: Liliana Fierro
INFO: **A presentation of the 2017 Bond Program will be provided for the Board of Trustees.
Subject: |
8.E. Strategic Plan - Priority 4: Objective 1-Facility Expansion and Objective 2-Equity of Funds
Presenter: |
Presenter: Vicki Perez
Subject: |
Subject: |
9.A. Consider approval of Board Meeting Minutes
Subject: |
9.A.1. July 25, 2023 Board of Trustees Workshop Meeting
Subject: |
9.A.2. July 26, 2023 Regular Board of Trustees Meeting
Subject: |
9.B. Consider approval of Budget Amendments
Subject: |
9.B.1. Amendments for August 16, 2023
Subject: |
9.C. Consider approval of Awarding of Bids
Subject: |
9.C.1. Elevator Maintenance Services - RFP No. E2404
INFO: **The district solicited a Request for Proposal (RFP) for Elevator Maintenance Services as needed district wide. (Maximum $350,000.00-General Fund Budget)
Subject: |
9.C.2. Requests for Extension
Subject: |
9.C.2.a. District Advertising Materials and Services - RFP No. E2306
INFO: **Extend for an additional 1-year, through September 19, 2024, which is the first possible extension. (Maximum $500,000.00 per year - General Funds and Federal Funds)
Subject: |
9.C.2.b. Employee Benefits Consulting Services - RFP No. E2135
INFO: **Extend for an additional 1-year, through October 9, 2024, which is the first possible extension. (Maximum $63,000.00 - General Funds)
Subject: |
9.C.2.c. System Software for Child Nutrition Services - RFP No. E2231
INFO: **Extend for an additional 1-year, through July 31, 2024, which is the first and last possible extension. (Maximum $90,000.00 - National School Breakfast and Lunch Program)
Subject: |
9.D. Consider approval of Contracts
Subject: |
9.D.1. Affiliation Agreement - El Paso Healthcare System Ltd. d/b/a Las Palmas Del Sol Healthcare Pathways in Technology Early College High School Program (PTECH)
INFO: **The purpose is to offer a Health Sciences Cluster for a Career and Technical Education Program (CTE) and/or Pathways in Technology Early College High School Program (PTECH) (the "Educational Program").
Subject: |
9.D.2. Agreements
Subject: |
9.D.2.a. El Paso Community College Electrocardiogram Program
INFO: **The purpose is to continue providing a program of entry-level Electrocardiogram course(s) at the high school level. This opportunity is offered to the senior students enrolled in the Project Lead The Way (PLTW) Biomedical program and at the completion of the program, students are eligible to sit for the board exam. (Maximum $5,040.00-per cohort - CTE Funds)
Subject: |
9.D.2.b. El Paso Community College Phlebotomy Program
INFO: **The purpose is to continue providing a program of entry-level Phlebotomy course(s) at the high school level. This opportunity is offered to the senior students enrolled in the PLTW Biomedical program and at the completion of the program, students are eligible to sit for the board exam. (Maximum $14,400.00 per cohort - CTE Funds)
Subject: |
9.D.2.c. Sul Ross State University Student Intern Program
INFO: **The purpose is to establish a partnership with Sul Ross University for student intern placements in Socorro ISD schools. The Institution will cooperate with Socorro ISD in selecting qualified student interns for this program. All tuition and fees required by the program are the responsibility of the individual student intern.
Subject: |
9.D.3. Contracts
Subject: |
9.D.3.a. Amendment - National IPA/Omnia Partners Contract #221201 and Region 10 RAMS Services - TCG and First Financial Group of America
INFO: **The Board approved the use of the cooperative contract National IPA/OMNIA # 221201 to obtain Third Party Services to administer the District’s Cafeteria 125 Benefit Program on July 26, 2023. Administration recommends amending the contract to include the 457, 403(b), and FICA retirement services through the Interlocal Agreement with Region 10.
Subject: |
9.D.3.b. Approval - Region 19 (JOC) Contract #21-7411, Noble General Contractors, LLC
INFO: **On June 20, 2023, the Board approved the utilization of Region 19 Cooperative Contract #21-7411 for installation of electric water coolers. As stated in Board Policy CV (Local), construction contracts valued at or above $100,000, the Superintendent shall also submit the resulting contract to the Board for approval. Administration recommends consideration and approval of the contract as presented. (Maximum $375,585.75 - ESSER Funds)
Subject: |
9.D.4. Interlocal Agreements
Subject: |
9.D.4.a. City of El Paso - Parking Citations
INFO: **Currently, the SISD Police Department (SISD PD) issues citations to violators under the authority of the El Paso County Justice of the Peace courts. The Justice of the Peace Courts do not allow the issuance of a citation to a vehicle, only to an offender. This MOU is not intended to replace the current system in place and will only supplement the Department's ability to enforce parking violations.
Subject: |
9.D.4.b. The University of Texas at Austin OnRamps Program
INFO: **This is an ongoing interlocal agreement. UT Austin and SISD are collaborating to continue offering eligible high school students the opportunity to enroll in college courses while attending high school and receive simultaneous academic credits from UT Austin and their SISD high school. Both parties will continue sharing the responsibility for the OnRamps program offering distance college courses through a dual-enrollment model, as well as high school teacher training and professional learning. OnRamps offers high school students the opportunity to earn high school credits from SISD and college credits from UT Austin through a distance education course. The cost of the OnRamps course materials, technical support and course implementation support outlined in this Agreement for SISD will be defined on a per-student, per-course basis. (Maximum $60,000.00 - General Funds)
Subject: |
9.D.5. Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs)
Subject: |
9.D.5.a. City of El Paso Foster Grandparent Program (FGP)
INFO: **The purpose of this MOU is to continue the ongoing working relationships, and mutual responsibilities related to placement by the Sponsoring Agency of Foster Grandparent volunteers with Socorro ISD. Foster Grandparents volunteers will be assigned up to four (4) children having special or exceptional needs and tutor or mentor children to improve their intellectual thinking, social/emotional, motor and/or language development skills.
Subject: |
9.D.5.b. El Paso County Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program (JJAEP) operated by Ysleta ISD
INFO: **This is for the continuation and operation of a Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program (JJAEP), for the students, school districts, and the juvenile board in El Paso County. This agreement is between El Paso County Juvenile Board, the Ysleta Independent School District (YISD-Fiscal Agent) and Socorro ISD. The agreement will serve to combine into one system the operational, programmatic and educational standards for the JJAEP for required students who have been expelled from school for conduct for which expulsion is mandatory.
Subject: |
9.D.5.c. El Paso MHMR dba Emergence Health Network Clinician-Officer Remote Evaluation (CORE) and School-Based Crisis Intervention Team Program
INFO: **For the purpose of partnering for the school-based Clinician Officer Remote Evaluation Program with the SISD’s Police Department. The SISD Police Department (SISD PD) is currently seeing a large influx of calls where some mental health assistance would be a better alternative to just placing the student under arrest. SISD PD currently has five (5) trained and certified Critical Incident Team members that will be working closely with Emergence, counselors and students to reduce the risk of suicide, or on-campus violence. SISD PD's goal is to identify and prevent major incidents within the District.
Subject: |
9.D.5.d. Microsoft Philanthropies Technology Education and Literacy in Schools (TEALS) Program
INFO: **The purpose is to continue with the responsibilities and outcomes of the joint engagement between Socorro ISD’s administration, the Partner Classroom Teacher (PCT), the Microsoft Philanthropies Technology Education and Literacy in Schools (TEALS) Program and the TEALS volunteer teaching team. This document, together with the Implementation Guide, outlines the shared goals and responsibilities of Microsoft Philanthropies (organization within Microsoft Corporation) and Socorro ISD to ensure a successful TEALS joint engagement for teachers and students. The TEALS program pairs trained computer science professionals from across the technology industry who volunteer their time to work with classroom teachers to team-teach computer science.
Subject: |
9.E. Consider approval of purchases over $100,000
Subject: |
9.E.1. Choice Partners
Subject: |
9.E.1.a. Contract #23/036SG for a variety of vendors for IT products and services
INFO: **The purpose is for campuses and departments to purchase from a variety of vendors for IT products and services to include desktop computers, laptops, tablets, servers, storage, network, communications, software licensing, technology services, communications services, and cybersecurity services through June 30, 2024, as per Texas Education Code Sec. 44.031 (i). (Maximum $2,000,000.00-General and Federal Fund Budget)
Subject: |
9.E.1.b. Contract #23/036SG-01 Apple Financial Services - Master Lease Agreement for Financing Apple iPads
INFO: **Administration recommends consideration and approval to utilize the purchasing cooperative program to lease 9,000 iPads. The lease agreement will be through Choice Partners Apple Financial Services for 4 (four) years, for the iPad Refresh Program (PK-1st). The initial lease payment will be paid for by maximizing the trade-in value of our current used devices in production, for the 2023-24 budget year. The remaining amounts will be paid according to the signed terms and conditions and, in the respective budget year. (Maximum $3,904,425.00-Principal and $0-Interest - General and Federal Fund Budget) |
Subject: |
9.E.2. ESC Region 19 Allied States
Subject: |
9.E.2.a. Cooperative #17-7247 - Frontline
INFO: **For the renewal of the Special Education student system ESPED. (Maximum $137,748.56 - Federal Funds)
Subject: |
9.E.2.b. Cooperative #21-7409 - Solution Tree
INFO: **For Professional Development Services. (Maximum $343,200.00 - ESSER Funds)
Subject: |
9.E.3. Interlocal Clint ISD Athletic Officials DB Enterprises
INFO: **Administrative services to include working with the state of Texas Associations of Sports Officials (TASO) and each specific local association for each sport to develop estimated costs, monitor officials and make payments to individual officials. (Not to exceed $550,000.00 - General Funds)
Subject: |
9.E.4. OMNIA Partners Region 4 (#R200901) - Granite Telecommunications
INFO: **The district will be switching carriers from AT&T to Granite Telecommunications, due to annual cost savings. (Maximum $350,000.00 per year - General and Federal Fund Budget)
Subject: |
9.F. Consider approval of revisions to Local Policy
INFO: **Administration recommends consideration and approval of the revisions to local policy as presented.
Subject: |
9.F.1. BJCD (Local) - Superintendent Evaluation
Subject: |
9.G. Consider approval of Notice of Application to Schools
INFO: **Administration has received notice as required by Sec. 109.33 of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code, that plans have been made for an original application or supplemental application to be submitted to the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission for a permit authorizing the retail sale or service of alcoholic beverages at a location that is within 1,000 feet of the school property line.
Subject: |
9.H. Consider approval of Donations for Fiscal Year 2022-2023
INFO: **A list of donations is being submitted for the Board's consideration.
Subject: |
Subject: |
10.A. Consider approval of Resolution for adopting the Maintenance and Operations Tax Rate for 2023-2024 at $0.754600 per $100.00 of valuation of property in the School District and the Interest and Sinking Tax Rate for 2023-2024 at $0.495112 per $100.00 of valuation of property in the School District
Presenter: |
Presenter: Vicki Perez
Subject: |
10.B. Consider approval of an Order authorizing the defeasance and redemption of a portion of the District's outstanding Unlimited Tax Bonds; and approving other matters related to the subject
Presenter: |
Presenter: Vicki Perez
Subject: |
10.C. Consider approval of Final Deductive Change Order and Final Contract Payment for SISD Environmental System Upgrade Aquatics Center
Presenter: |
Presenter: Liliana Fierro
INFO: **The Department of Facilities and Construction has completed our due diligence on the SISD Environmental System Upgrade Aquatics Center and presents the original contract sum, final deductive change order, final contract sum and final payment for Board acceptance.
Subject: |
10.D. Consider approval of T-TESS Certified Administrators
Presenter: |
Presenter: Dr. Angela Gonzalez
INFO: **In accordance with Policy DNA (LEGAL), the school district shall establish a calendar for teacher appraisals 19 TAC 150.1003(d). The school district shall be responsible for documenting that appraisers have met training criteria established by the district 19 TAC 244.3.
Subject: |
10.E. Discussion and possible action to consider and approve the Administration's recommendation regarding designation of ten (10) non-business Public Information Act days for Public Information Act requests received beginning September 1, 2023, and continuing throughout the 2023 and 2024 calendar year
Presenter: |
Presenter: Thomas Redlinger
Subject: |
10.F. Discuss and consider board approval of a Delegate and Alternate to the 2023 Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) Delegate Assembly
Presenter: |
Presenter: Board President Michael Najera
INFO: **The 2023 TASB Delegate Assembly will be held September 30, 2023, during txEDCON23 TASA/TASB Convention in Dallas, TX.
Subject: |
Subject: |
11.A. The meeting is to be closed to receive and discuss recommendation of administration regarding possible sale of District owned real property located at the subject property legally described as a portion of Lots 11, 12, and 13 and portions of right of way out of Saltzgaber Street, Chesterton Street, Fairglade Street, Chittenden Street, Ashtabula Avenue and Brandywine Road in the Gateway Estates Subdivision and El Paso County, Texas; and to consider administrative recommendations for Principal positions at John Drugan School, Montwood High School and Paso Del Norte School, Assistant Principal positions at Col. Ben Narbuth Elementary School, James P. Butler Elementary School, Americas High School, and Eastlake High School under Texas Government Code Sections 551.071, 551.072 and 551.074.
Subject: |
Subject: |
12.A. Discussion and possible action regarding recommendation of administration for possible sale of District owned real property located at the subject property legally described as a portion of Lots 11, 12, and 13 and portions of right of way out of Saltzgaber Street, Chesterton Street, Fairglade Street, Chittenden Street, Ashtabula Avenue and Brandywine Road in the Gateway Estates Subdivision and El Paso County, Texas
Presenter: |
Presenter: Legal Counsel
Subject: |
12.B. Consider approval of Administrative Recommendations
Presenter: |
Presenter: Dr. Nate Carman
Subject: |
12.B.1. Principal
Subject: |
12.B.1.a. John Drugan School
Subject: |
12.B.1.b. Paso Del Norte Fine Arts Academy
Subject: |
12.B.1.c. Montwood High School
Subject: |
12.B.2. Assistant Principal
Subject: |
12.B.2.a. Col. Ben Narbuth Elementary School
Subject: |
12.B.2.b. James P. Butler Elementary School
Subject: |
12.B.2.c. Americas High School
Subject: |
12.B.2.d. Eastlake High School
Subject: |