Meeting Agenda
3.A. Announcement of New Personnel
3.B. District Initiatives/Events
4.A. SISD Student-Athletes will be recognized for qualifying for and competing at the state 2023 UIL Wrestling Meet
4.B. Mariachi groups from SISD's six comprehensive high schools will be recognized for qualifying for and competing at the 2023 UIL State Competition
5.A. Employees will be recognized for 25+ years of service in Socorro ISD
6.A. Consider approval of Month of the Military Child Proclamation
6.B. Consider approval of School Library Month Proclamation, April 2023
6.C. Consider approval of Theater in Schools Month Proclamation, March 2023
8.A. Facilities Report
8.B. Health and Pharmacy Benefits - Employee/Member Communications
8.C. Quarterly Investment Report
9.A. Consider approval of Board Meeting Minutes
9.A.1. February 23, 2023 Regular Board of Trustees Meeting
9.A.2. February 27, 2023 Board Workshop Meeting
9.A.3. March 1, 2023 Special Board Meeting
9.A.4. March 14, 2023 Special Board Meeting
9.B. Consider approval of Requests for the Use of School Facilities
9.B.1. Americas Flags for the use of Capt. Walter E. Clarke Middle School
9.B.2. Baker Dance Studio for the use of Montwood High School
9.C. Consider approval of Budget Amendments
9.C.1. March 21, 2023
9.D. Consider approval of Awarding of Bids
9.D.1. Bond Counsel - RFQ No. E2363
9.D.2. Building and Carpentry Materials - RFP No. E2333
9.D.3. Food Service Equipment, Smallware, Utensils and Supplies - RFP No. E2347
9.D.4. Identification System Equipment & Supplies - RFP No. E2351
9.D.5. Relocation of Portables and Related Services - RFP No. E2318
9.D.6. Requests for Extension
9.D.6.a. Depository for District Funds - RFP No. E2124
9.D.6.b. Filters and Accessories - RFP No. E2238
9.D.6.c. Painting Materials - RFP No. E2237
9.D.6.d. Pump and Motor Services and Repair - RFP No. E2121
9.D.7. Requests for Increase
9.D.7.a. Catering Services - RFP No. E2259
9.D.7.b. Physical Education Supplies - RFP No. E2243
9.E. Consider approval of Contracts
9.E.1. Memorandum of Understanding - El Paso Community College American Heart Association (AHA) Program
9.F. Consider approval of purchases over $100,000
9.F.1. 1GPA Cooperative 1 GPA Contract #19-03DP-08 - Veregy
9.F.2. Buy-Board Contract #625-20, Record Retention Consultants, Inc.
9.F.3. Buy-Board Contract #657-21, Electric Water Coolers
9.F.4. Region 19 #21-7404 Video Security/Door Access Equipment, Materials, and Installation
9.F.5. Region 19 #21-7403 - Cafeteria Tables for Eastlake Middle School
9.F.6. TIPS Contract #170103 - Performance Services Inc.
9.F.7. TIPS (JOC) Contract #21060102 - E3 Entegral Solutions Inc.
9.G. Consider approval of appointment of SISD Representative to the Tax Advisory Committee
9.H. Consider approval of TASB Update 120 and Local Policy
9.H.1. TASB Update 120 Local Policy
9.H.1.a. BBB (Local) - Board Members Elections
9.H.1.b. CB (Local) - State and Federal Revenue Sources
9.H.1.c. CKC (Local) - Safety Program/Risk Management - Emergency Plans
9.H.1.d. FNG (Local) - Student Rights and Responsibilities - Student and Parent Complaints/Grievances
9.H.1.e. FO (Local) - Student Discipline
9.H.2. Local Policy
9.H.2.a. DCE (Local) - Employment Practices: Other Types of Contracts
9.I. Consider approval of TEA Waiver: Low Attendance Waiver
9.J. Consider approval of CPR Instructor Stipend
9.K. Consider approval of Holiday Extra Duty Pay update to the Compensation Plan
10.A. Consider approval of new member to fill a vacancy on the SISD Foundation Board of Directors
10.B. Consider approval of Administrator Certified and Non-Certified Contract Recommendations for the 2023-2024 School Year
10.C. Consider approval of Professional Contract Recommendations for the 2023-2024 School Year
10.D. Consider approval of Montwood High School Campus - Maintenance to Parking Lots, CSP No. 2354
10.E. Consider approval of the Final Contract Sum for the Eastlake High School Sports Lighting
10.F. Discussion and possible action regarding the 2023 Facilities Advisory Committee (FAC) Charter
10.G. Discussion and possible action to lower the Health Care Co-Pay Rates
10.H. Discussion and possible action regarding TASB Resolution Supporting Public Education
11.A. The meeting is to be closed to consult with legal counsel regarding TEA special investigation IR2023-01-002 et al. and on the investigation of a deputy superintendent's allegations of discrimination; to deliberate on the proposed nonrenewal, reassignment, renewal, resignation and termination of contractual employees; to deliberate the duties of G.I.S. employees; to consider administrative recommendations for Assistant Principal positions at Eastlake High School and Sun Ridge Middle School; and to conduct Superintendent's Annual Appraisal under Texas Government Code Sections 551.071, 551.072 and 551.074.
12.A. Discussion and possible action on the proposed nonrenewal, reassignment, renewal, resignation and termination of contractual employees
12.B. Consider approval of Administrative Recommendations
12.B.1. Assistant Principal
12.B.1.a. Eastlake High School
12.B.1.b. Sun Ridge Middle School
12.C. Consider approval of Superintendent's Annual Appraisal
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | March 21, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Agenda of Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
3.A. Announcement of New Personnel
Subject: |
3.B. District Initiatives/Events
Subject: |
Presenter: |
Presenter: Daniel Escobar
Subject: |
4.A. SISD Student-Athletes will be recognized for qualifying for and competing at the state 2023 UIL Wrestling Meet
Subject: |
4.B. Mariachi groups from SISD's six comprehensive high schools will be recognized for qualifying for and competing at the 2023 UIL State Competition
Subject: |
Presenter: |
Presenter: Daniel Escobar
Subject: |
5.A. Employees will be recognized for 25+ years of service in Socorro ISD
Subject: |
Subject: |
6.A. Consider approval of Month of the Military Child Proclamation
Presenter: |
Presenter: Dr. Andrea Cruz
INFO: **The Proclamation recognizes the month of April as "Month of the Military Child" and April 19, 2023, will be "Purple-Up Day" recognizing all sacrifices our military-connected parents and their children have made.
Subject: |
6.B. Consider approval of School Library Month Proclamation, April 2023
Presenter: |
Presenter: Marcy Sparks
INFO: **This April, the American Association of School Librarians (AASL) will observe the 38th Anniversary of School Library Month (SLM). School Library Month is celebrated in conjunction with National Library Week, April 23-29, 2023.
Subject: |
6.C. Consider approval of Theater in Schools Month Proclamation, March 2023
Presenter: |
Presenter: Armando Martinez
INFO: **The Texas Thespians Chapter of the National Educational Theater Association each year recognizes the month of March as Theater in School Month. The Department of Fine Arts requests the SISD School Board to approve the proclamation to honor our theater programs, students, and teachers in the month of March.
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
8.A. Facilities Report
Presenter: |
Presenter: Liliana Fierro
INFO: **A presentation of the 2017 Bond Program and other construction projects will be provided for the Board of Trustees.
Subject: |
8.B. Health and Pharmacy Benefits - Employee/Member Communications
Presenter: |
Presenters: Dr. Angela Gonzalez and Mario Carmona
INFO: **Notice to communicate medication tier changes, exclusions, auto immune and diabetic supplies with alternate medication options to members who are potentially impacted by a formulary change.
Subject: |
8.C. Quarterly Investment Report
Presenter: |
Presenter: Rene Vargas
INFO: **A presentation of the quarterly investment report will be provided for the Board of Trustees.
Subject: |
Subject: |
9.A. Consider approval of Board Meeting Minutes
Subject: |
9.A.1. February 23, 2023 Regular Board of Trustees Meeting
Subject: |
9.A.2. February 27, 2023 Board Workshop Meeting
Subject: |
9.A.3. March 1, 2023 Special Board Meeting
Subject: |
9.A.4. March 14, 2023 Special Board Meeting
Subject: |
9.B. Consider approval of Requests for the Use of School Facilities
Subject: |
9.B.1. Americas Flags for the use of Capt. Walter E. Clarke Middle School
Subject: |
9.B.2. Baker Dance Studio for the use of Montwood High School
Subject: |
9.C. Consider approval of Budget Amendments
Subject: |
9.C.1. March 21, 2023
Subject: |
9.D. Consider approval of Awarding of Bids
Subject: |
9.D.1. Bond Counsel - RFQ No. E2363
INFO: **The District is soliciting Requests for Qualifications (RFQ) to secure the services of a firm or individual to provide Bond Counsel Legal Consulting Services to Socorro Independent School District.
Subject: |
9.D.2. Building and Carpentry Materials - RFP No. E2333
INFO: **Solicitation to purchase building and carpentry materials as needed district wide. (Maximum $500,000-General Fund Budget and Federal Fund)
Subject: |
9.D.3. Food Service Equipment, Smallware, Utensils and Supplies - RFP No. E2347
INFO: **Solicitation to provide the Child Nutrition Services Department with food service equipment, smallware, utensils and supplies as needed district wide. (Maximum $380,000-National School Lunch Program Funds)
Subject: |
9.D.4. Identification System Equipment & Supplies - RFP No. E2351
INFO: **Solicitation to purchase identification system required and supplies as needed district wide. (Maximum $350,000-General Fund Budget and Special Fund)
Subject: |
9.D.5. Relocation of Portables and Related Services - RFP No. E2318
INFO: **Solicitation to provide the Facilities and Planning Department with services to relocate portable buildings as needed district wide. (Maximum $180,000-General Fund Budget)
Subject: |
9.D.6. Requests for Extension
Subject: |
9.D.6.a. Depository for District Funds - RFP No. E2124
INFO: **Administration recommends approval to extend this bid for an additional 2 years, through June 30, 2025, which is the first possible extension. (Maximum $70,000-General Fund)
Subject: |
9.D.6.b. Filters and Accessories - RFP No. E2238
INFO: **Administration recommends approval to extend this bid for an additional year, through February 14, 2024, which is the first possible extension. (Maximum $300,000-General Fund Budget, ESSER Fund, and Federal Fund)
Subject: |
9.D.6.c. Painting Materials - RFP No. E2237
INFO: **Administration recommends approval to extend this bid for an additional year, through March 25, 2024, which is the first possible extension. (Maximum $220,000-General Fund)
Subject: |
9.D.6.d. Pump and Motor Services and Repair - RFP No. E2121
INFO: **Administration recommends approval to extend this bid for an additional year, through April 20, 2024, which is the first and last possible extension. (Maximum $150,000-General Fund)
Subject: |
9.D.7. Requests for Increase
Subject: |
9.D.7.a. Catering Services - RFP No. E2259
INFO: **Administration recommends approval to increase the total annual awarded amount by $200,000 for a new total annual amount of $700,000 for this current term and any remaining extended terms. (Maximum $700,000-General Fund Budget and Federal Fund Budget)
Subject: |
9.D.7.b. Physical Education Supplies - RFP No. E2243
INFO: **Administration recommends approval to increase the total annual awarded amount by $1,500,000 for a new total annual amount of $2,000,000 for this current term and any remaining extended terms. The increase will accommodate the ordering of approved supplies for fiscal year 2022-2023. (Maximum: $2,000,000-General, Federal Budget and ESSER Fund)
Subject: |
9.E. Consider approval of Contracts
Subject: |
9.E.1. Memorandum of Understanding - El Paso Community College American Heart Association (AHA) Program
INFO: **The purpose is to continue the agreement with EPCC to support SISD to conduct training courses as approved by the American Heart Association using the AHA educational curricula. The program will be used by the Career and Technical Education, Athletics and Health Services Departments.
Subject: |
9.F. Consider approval of purchases over $100,000
Subject: |
9.F.1. 1GPA Cooperative 1 GPA Contract #19-03DP-08 - Veregy
INFO: **For HVAC replacements/upgrades in the amount of $4,676,801 for Montwood Middle School, Elfida Chavez Elementary School, Sun Ridge Middle School, and Lujan-Chavez Elementary School. (Maximum $4,676,801-General Fund)
Subject: |
9.F.2. Buy-Board Contract #625-20, Record Retention Consultants, Inc.
INFO: **For the purchase of a records management program to meet the guidelines of the Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC). RCI will review, prepare, or amend, as required, a Records Retention Control Schedule, based on a listing of all records, whether active or inactive, maintained by all departments and locations in the district. (Maximum $166,140-General Fund)
Subject: |
9.F.3. Buy-Board Contract #657-21, Electric Water Coolers
INFO: **For the acquisition of supplies, materials, services, and related products. (Maximum $386,208.92-ESSER Fund)
Subject: |
9.F.4. Region 19 #21-7404 Video Security/Door Access Equipment, Materials, and Installation
INFO: **For the acquisition of supplies, materials, services, and related products. (Maximum $500,000-General Fund)
Subject: |
9.F.5. Region 19 #21-7403 - Cafeteria Tables for Eastlake Middle School
INFO: **To purchase cafeteria tables in the amount of up to $115,998.44 for the 2022-2023 school year. (Maximum $115,998.44-General Fund Budget)
Subject: |
9.F.6. TIPS Contract #170103 - Performance Services Inc.
INFO: **For LED retrofit, lighting and HVAC upgrades in the amount of $2,358,801 for Ernesto Serna School, Socorro Middle School, Salvador H. Sanchez Middle School, and Col John O. Ensor Middle School. (Maximum $2,358,801-Federal Fund)
Subject: |
9.F.7. TIPS (JOC) Contract #21060102 - E3 Entegral Solutions Inc.
INFO: **For LED retrofitting and replacement of fixtures in the amount of $791,266 for Elfida Chavez Elementary School, Escontrias STEAM Academy, Hueco Elementary School, Lujan-Chavez Elementary School, Montwood Middle School, Robert R. Rojas Elementary School, and Sun Ridge Middle School. (Maximum $791,266-Federal Funds)
Subject: |
9.G. Consider approval of appointment of SISD Representative to the Tax Advisory Committee
INFO: **Administration is requesting approval to appoint the Chief Financial Officer as the district's representative to the Tax Advisory Committee.
Subject: |
9.H. Consider approval of TASB Update 120 and Local Policy
INFO: **Administration recommends consideration and approval of the revisions to the following policy as presented.
Subject: |
9.H.1. TASB Update 120 Local Policy
Subject: |
9.H.1.a. BBB (Local) - Board Members Elections
Subject: |
9.H.1.b. CB (Local) - State and Federal Revenue Sources
Subject: |
9.H.1.c. CKC (Local) - Safety Program/Risk Management - Emergency Plans
Subject: |
9.H.1.d. FNG (Local) - Student Rights and Responsibilities - Student and Parent Complaints/Grievances
Subject: |
9.H.1.e. FO (Local) - Student Discipline
Subject: |
9.H.2. Local Policy
Subject: |
9.H.2.a. DCE (Local) - Employment Practices: Other Types of Contracts
Subject: |
9.I. Consider approval of TEA Waiver: Low Attendance Waiver
INFO: **TEA Low Attendance Waiver: Safety Related on February 3, 2023 at Ernesto Serna School.
Subject: |
9.J. Consider approval of CPR Instructor Stipend
INFO: **CPR Instructor stipend of $300 for CPR Nurse Instructors and Athletic Trainers. SISD Nurses are certified as CRP Instructors to certify SISD employees to include campus emergency response teams.
Subject: |
9.K. Consider approval of Holiday Extra Duty Pay update to the Compensation Plan
INFO: **Holiday Extra Duty Pay resulting in updates to the Compensation Plan.
Subject: |
Subject: |
10.A. Consider approval of new member to fill a vacancy on the SISD Foundation Board of Directors
Presenter: |
Presenter: Dr. Andrea Cruz
INFO: **The SISD Foundation met on February 21, 2023, and unanimously selected the individual to fill the current vacancy on the SISD Foundation Board of Directors.
Subject: |
10.B. Consider approval of Administrator Certified and Non-Certified Contract Recommendations for the 2023-2024 School Year
Presenter: |
Presenter: Dr. Angela Gonzalez
INFO: **Administration recommends consideration and approval of the item as presented.
Subject: |
10.C. Consider approval of Professional Contract Recommendations for the 2023-2024 School Year
Presenter: |
Presenter: Dr. Angela Gonzalez
INFO: **Administration recommends consideration and approval of the contract recommendations for teachers, librarians, nurses, counselors, speech therapists and education diagnosticians as presented.
Subject: |
10.D. Consider approval of Montwood High School Campus - Maintenance to Parking Lots, CSP No. 2354
Presenter: |
Presenter: Vicki Perez
INFO: **Solicitation to provide all labor and materials for the maintenance of the parking lots at Montwood High School at a maximum cost of $1,524,000-General Fund Budget.
Subject: |
10.E. Consider approval of the Final Contract Sum for the Eastlake High School Sports Lighting
Presenter: |
Presenter: Vicki Perez
INFO: **The Facilities and Planning Department is pleased to present final contract sum for the Eastlake High School Sports Lighting project. (Maximum $43,583.80-Bond 2017 Fund)
Subject: |
10.F. Discussion and possible action regarding the 2023 Facilities Advisory Committee (FAC) Charter
Presenter: |
Presenter: Daniel Escobar
INFO: **A Charter for the creation of the 2023 Facilities Advisory Committee will be presented for the Board's consideration.
Subject: |
10.G. Discussion and possible action to lower the Health Care Co-Pay Rates
Presenter: |
Presenters: Dr. Angela Gonzalez and Mario Carmona
INFO: **Administration will provide information regarding the health care co-pay rates.
Subject: |
10.H. Discussion and possible action regarding TASB Resolution Supporting Public Education
Presenter: |
Presenter: Trustee Cynthia Najera
Subject: |
Subject: |
11.A. The meeting is to be closed to consult with legal counsel regarding TEA special investigation IR2023-01-002 et al. and on the investigation of a deputy superintendent's allegations of discrimination; to deliberate on the proposed nonrenewal, reassignment, renewal, resignation and termination of contractual employees; to deliberate the duties of G.I.S. employees; to consider administrative recommendations for Assistant Principal positions at Eastlake High School and Sun Ridge Middle School; and to conduct Superintendent's Annual Appraisal under Texas Government Code Sections 551.071, 551.072 and 551.074.
Subject: |
Subject: |
12.A. Discussion and possible action on the proposed nonrenewal, reassignment, renewal, resignation and termination of contractual employees
Presenter: |
Presenter: Legal Counsel
Subject: |
12.B. Consider approval of Administrative Recommendations
Presenter: |
Presenter: Dr. Nate Carman
Subject: |
12.B.1. Assistant Principal
Subject: |
12.B.1.a. Eastlake High School
Subject: |
12.B.1.b. Sun Ridge Middle School
Subject: |
12.C. Consider approval of Superintendent's Annual Appraisal
Presenter: |
Presenter: Board President Eduardo Mena
Subject: |