Meeting Agenda
3.A. Announcement of New Personnel
3.B. District Initiatives/Events
4.A. Students and employees who won the SISD 4th Annual What's Poppin Pop Art Contest will be recognized
4.B. An SISD Athlete will be recognized for competing at the 2022 UIL State Cross Country Meet
5.A. An SISD Community Education Graduate will be recognized for winning the 2022 Texas Workforce Commission Scholar of the Year Award
5.B. SISD teachers will be honored for earning The Arc of El Paso Everyday Hero of IDD Award
5.C. SISD Counseling Teams will be recognized for being 2022-2023 Lone Star State School Counselor Association Award Recipients
5.D. A representative from New York Life will present a $25,000 donation for Socorro ISD campuses
5.E. Presentation on Redistricting of Single-Member Trustee District's Boundaries
6.A. Community Input on Redistricting of Single-Member Trustee District's Boundaries
6.B. Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas (FIRST)
8.A. Districtwide Intruder Detection Audit Report Findings
9.A. Consider approval of Board Meeting Minutes
9.A.1. October 17, 2022 Board Workshop
9.A.2. October 18, 2022 Regular Board of Trustees Meeting
9.A.3. October 19, 2022 Board Workshop
9.B. Consider approval of Requests for the Use of School Facilities
9.B.1. All-Star Football Game and Combine for the use of the Student Activities Complex (SAC)
9.B.2. Sun Bowl Football Team for the use of the Student Activities Complex (SAC)
9.B.3. Urban Institute of Dance & Performing Arts for the use of Montwood High School Theater
9.C. Consider approval of Budget Amendments
9.D. Consider approval of Awarding of Bids
9.D.1. Instructional Materials, Supplies, and Services - RFP No. E2328
9.E. Consider approval of Contracts
9.E.1. Agreements
9.E.1.a. Care Solace, Inc.
9.E.1.b. Texas Tech University (Lubbock) Student Intern
9.E.2. Amendment - Project SEARCH at The Hospitals of Providence East Campus Agreement, Tenet Hospitals Limited
9.E.3. Interlocal Agreements
9.E.3.a. El Paso Community College Operation of Mission Early College High School
9.E.3.b. Region 13 Education Service Center Purchasing Membership
9.E.4. Memorandums of Understanding
9.E.4.a. El Paso County Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program (JJAEP) operated by Ysleta ISD
9.E.4.b. New Mexico State University Student Teacher Experience
9.E.4.c. Western Carolina University Educator Preparation Program
9.E.5. Purchasing Cooperatives (Purchases over $100,000)
9.E.5.a. Advanced Network Management, Inc. Texas DIR Contract DIR-TSO-4167
9.E.5.b. ESC Region 19 Allied States Cooperative #17-7247, Frontline
9.E.5.c. Legal Services - RFQ No. E2254
9.E.5.d. OMNIA Partners Contract #R190503, School Specialty
9.E.5.e. OMNIA Partners Contract #R220601, Daktronics
9.E.6. Texas Education Agency Optional Flexible School Day Program (OFSDP) Application
9.F. Consider approval of donation from New York Life in the amount of $25,000
9.G. Consider approval of revisions to local policy
9.G.1. EHD - Curriculum Design Alternative Methods for Earning Credit
9.G.2. FMG - Student Activities Travel
9.G.3. EIF - Academic Achievement Graduation
9.H. Consider approval of Holiday Extra Duty Pay update to the Compensation Plan
9.I. Consider approval of the Compression Study/Reclassification Updates to the Compensation Plan
10.A. Consider approval of new member to fill a vacancy on the SISD Foundation Board of Directors
10.B. Discussion and possible action of Redistricting-Maps: Plan 1, Plan 1A, and/or other proposed plan
10.C. Consider approval of Audit Report for Fiscal Year 2021-2022
11.A. The meeting is to be closed for consultation with legal counsel; to receive letters regarding Intruder Detection Audit Report Findings for Col. John O. Ensor Middle School, Ernesto Serna School, Desert Wind School, El Dorado High School, and Paso Del Norte School; discussion on appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, dismissal of or complaint against an employee; to consider proposed settlements in A. Gomez v. SISD Cause No. 2021DCV2866 and L. Luna v. SISD Cause No. 2021DCV2865; to consider administrative recommendations for Assistant Principal position at Bill Sybert School and Director for Facilities/Construction under Texas Government Code Sections 551.071, 551.074 and 551.076.
12.A. Discussion and possible action regarding the proposed settlement in A. Gomez v. SISD; Cause No. 2021DCV2866
12.B. Discussion and possible action regarding proposed settlement in L. Luna v. SISD; Cause No. 2021DCV2865
12.C. Consider approval of Administrative Recommendations
12.C.1. Assistant Principal, Bill Sybert School
12.C.2. Director of Facilities/Construction
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | November 15, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Agenda of Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
3.A. Announcement of New Personnel
Subject: |
3.B. District Initiatives/Events
Subject: |
Presenter: |
Presenter: Daniel Escobar
Subject: |
4.A. Students and employees who won the SISD 4th Annual What's Poppin Pop Art Contest will be recognized
Subject: |
4.B. An SISD Athlete will be recognized for competing at the 2022 UIL State Cross Country Meet
Subject: |
Presenter: |
Presenter: Daniel Escobar
Subject: |
5.A. An SISD Community Education Graduate will be recognized for winning the 2022 Texas Workforce Commission Scholar of the Year Award
Subject: |
5.B. SISD teachers will be honored for earning The Arc of El Paso Everyday Hero of IDD Award
Subject: |
5.C. SISD Counseling Teams will be recognized for being 2022-2023 Lone Star State School Counselor Association Award Recipients
Subject: |
5.D. A representative from New York Life will present a $25,000 donation for Socorro ISD campuses
Subject: |
5.E. Presentation on Redistricting of Single-Member Trustee District's Boundaries
Subject: |
Subject: |
6.A. Community Input on Redistricting of Single-Member Trustee District's Boundaries
Presenter: |
Presenter: Redistricting Council
INFO: **A public hearing for the purpose of public comment regarding changes to the Board's Single-Member Trustee District's Boundaries as required by applicable law.
Subject: |
6.B. Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas (FIRST)
Presenter: |
Presenter: Vicki Perez
INFO: **The Board of Trustees will hold a public hearing on the District's 2021-2022 financial rating using 2021 data.
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
8.A. Districtwide Intruder Detection Audit Report Findings
Presenter: |
Presenter: James Nunn
INFO: **An Intruder Detection Audit was conducted in the district by Region 19 ESC. Findings will be shared with the District School Safety and Security Committee, and the Board of Trustees. A plan of action is in place and will be shared with the Board of Trustees.
Subject: |
Subject: |
9.A. Consider approval of Board Meeting Minutes
Subject: |
9.A.1. October 17, 2022 Board Workshop
Subject: |
9.A.2. October 18, 2022 Regular Board of Trustees Meeting
Subject: |
9.A.3. October 19, 2022 Board Workshop
Subject: |
9.B. Consider approval of Requests for the Use of School Facilities
Subject: |
9.B.1. All-Star Football Game and Combine for the use of the Student Activities Complex (SAC)
Subject: |
9.B.2. Sun Bowl Football Team for the use of the Student Activities Complex (SAC)
Subject: |
9.B.3. Urban Institute of Dance & Performing Arts for the use of Montwood High School Theater
Subject: |
9.C. Consider approval of Budget Amendments
Subject: |
9.D. Consider approval of Awarding of Bids
Subject: |
9.D.1. Instructional Materials, Supplies, and Services - RFP No. E2328
INFO: **Solicitation to purchase instructional materials, supplies and services as needed district wide. (Maximum $7,000,000-General Fund Budget, Federal Funds, and Special Revenue)
Subject: |
9.E. Consider approval of Contracts
Subject: |
9.E.1. Agreements
Subject: |
9.E.1.a. Care Solace, Inc.
INFO: **Care Solace provides a web-based navigation system to assist its school district clients and the districts' students and parents in locating and connecting with mental health treatment providers. The amendment is for the initial term (November 16, 2022 through June 30, 2023) and district cost (from $142,800 to $119,000-based on student enrollment of 47,600) upon execution of this Agreement.
Subject: |
9.E.1.b. Texas Tech University (Lubbock) Student Intern
INFO: **This agreement will establish a partnership between Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas and Socorro ISD. It outlines the responsibilities of the cooperating parties as they contribute to the learning experience of interns who benefit from and participate in the Internship Program.
Subject: |
9.E.2. Amendment - Project SEARCH at The Hospitals of Providence East Campus Agreement, Tenet Hospitals Limited
INFO: **This agreement is to implement the Hospitals of Providence East Campus Project SEARCH a best practice for hiring individuals with intellectual disabilities modeled after Project SEARCH at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Center.
Subject: |
9.E.3. Interlocal Agreements
Subject: |
9.E.3.a. El Paso Community College Operation of Mission Early College High School
INFO: **The purpose is for the continuation of an early college high school so that students will have the opportunity to earn a high school diploma and a two-year Associate's Degree upon graduation from the early college high school with the intent to enroll students in grades 9-12 in MECHS and provide the financial support necessary.
Subject: |
9.E.3.b. Region 13 Education Service Center Purchasing Membership
INFO: **Socorro ISD wishes to be a member of the Region 13 Education Service Center Purchasing Cooperative.
Subject: |
9.E.4. Memorandums of Understanding
Subject: |
9.E.4.a. El Paso County Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program (JJAEP) operated by Ysleta ISD
INFO: **This is for the continuation and operation of the JJAEP, for the students, school districts, and the juvenile board in El Paso. It services to combine into one system the operational, programmatic and educational standards for the JJAEP required students who have been expelled from school for conduct for which expulsion is mandatory under Texas Education Code Chapter 37.
Subject: |
9.E.4.b. New Mexico State University Student Teacher Experience
INFO: **This agreement is to establish a set of common regulations and procedures for the student teaching programs and appropriate student teacher placement that allows the student teacher to meet all certification requirements.
Subject: |
9.E.4.c. Western Carolina University Educator Preparation Program
INFO: **This MOU establishes a field and clinical experience essential to accomplish the educational objectives for those students enrolled in the EPP's Teacher Education Program; and for students to gain experience in school districts and partner schools: field experiences, clinical internships, and clinical residencies.
Subject: |
9.E.5. Purchasing Cooperatives (Purchases over $100,000)
Subject: |
9.E.5.a. Advanced Network Management, Inc. Texas DIR Contract DIR-TSO-4167
INFO: **To lease the upgrade of the existing phone system's hardware and software in the total amount of $2,640,775.91 to include principal and interest. The lease agreement will be through Key Government Finance Inc. for three (3) years with an annual payment of $880,258.64 starting December 15, 2022.
Subject: |
9.E.5.b. ESC Region 19 Allied States Cooperative #17-7247, Frontline
INFO: **For the renewal of the Special Education student system ESPED in the amount of $137,748.56.
Subject: |
9.E.5.c. Legal Services - RFQ No. E2254
INFO: **Solicitation to purchase Legal Services as needed district wide. (Maximum $750,000-General Fund Budget)
Subject: |
9.E.5.d. OMNIA Partners Contract #R190503, School Specialty
INFO: **For the purchase of Art Kits for grades 4-12 in the amount of $422,259.04 for 6 grade levels. (ESSER Funding)
Subject: |
9.E.5.e. OMNIA Partners Contract #R220601, Daktronics
INFO: **To purchase a video control system upgrade including cameras and headset for the Student Activities Complex (SAC) Production Booth in the amount of $157,697.00.
Subject: |
9.E.6. Texas Education Agency Optional Flexible School Day Program (OFSDP) Application
INFO: **The OFSDP application is in conjunction with the Graduation Alliance Texas Student Reengagement Program agreement which was approved by the Board of Trustees on October 18, 2022. In accordance with the requirements of Texas Education Code Section 29.081(e-2) the program is to provide educational opportunities for eligible students who are working toward course credits which can be converted to high school credits through the Student Program. Individuals under the age of 26 years who have not yet earned their high school diploma are eligible for the Program if they meet the criteria listed on the agreement.
Subject: |
9.F. Consider approval of donation from New York Life in the amount of $25,000
INFO: **To inform the Board of Trustees of a donation in the amount of $25,000; $500 per campus.
Subject: |
9.G. Consider approval of revisions to local policy
INFO: **Administration recommends consideration and approval of the revisions as presented.
Subject: |
9.G.1. EHD - Curriculum Design Alternative Methods for Earning Credit
Subject: |
9.G.2. FMG - Student Activities Travel
Subject: |
9.G.3. EIF - Academic Achievement Graduation
Subject: |
9.H. Consider approval of Holiday Extra Duty Pay update to the Compensation Plan
INFO: ** Administration recommends consideration and approval of the item as presented.
Subject: |
9.I. Consider approval of the Compression Study/Reclassification Updates to the Compensation Plan
INFO: **Administration recommends consideration and approval of the final results as presented.
Subject: |
Subject: |
10.A. Consider approval of new member to fill a vacancy on the SISD Foundation Board of Directors
Presenter: |
Presenter: Dr. Andrea Cruz
INFO: **The SISD Foundation met on September 13, 2022, and unanimously selected the individual to fill the current vacancy on the SISD Foundation Board of Directors.
Subject: |
10.B. Discussion and possible action of Redistricting-Maps: Plan 1, Plan 1A, and/or other proposed plan
Presenter: |
Presenter: Dr. Andrea Cruz
INFO: **A presentation of Maps: Plan 1, Plan 1A, and/or other proposed permissible plan will be provided for the Board's consideration.
Subject: |
10.C. Consider approval of Audit Report for Fiscal Year 2021-2022
Presenter: |
Presenter: Vicki Perez
INFO: **The managing partner in charge of the audit for the accounting firm of Gibson, Ruddock, and Patterson LLC, Mr. Craig Gibson, will present the audit report for the Board's consideration.
Subject: |
Subject: |
11.A. The meeting is to be closed for consultation with legal counsel; to receive letters regarding Intruder Detection Audit Report Findings for Col. John O. Ensor Middle School, Ernesto Serna School, Desert Wind School, El Dorado High School, and Paso Del Norte School; discussion on appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, dismissal of or complaint against an employee; to consider proposed settlements in A. Gomez v. SISD Cause No. 2021DCV2866 and L. Luna v. SISD Cause No. 2021DCV2865; to consider administrative recommendations for Assistant Principal position at Bill Sybert School and Director for Facilities/Construction under Texas Government Code Sections 551.071, 551.074 and 551.076.
Subject: |
Subject: |
12.A. Discussion and possible action regarding the proposed settlement in A. Gomez v. SISD; Cause No. 2021DCV2866
Presenter: |
Presenter: Legal Counsel
Subject: |
12.B. Discussion and possible action regarding proposed settlement in L. Luna v. SISD; Cause No. 2021DCV2865
Presenter: |
Presenter: Legal Counsel
Subject: |
12.C. Consider approval of Administrative Recommendations
Presenter: |
Presenter: Dr. Nate Carman
Subject: |
12.C.1. Assistant Principal, Bill Sybert School
Subject: |
12.C.2. Director of Facilities/Construction
Subject: |