Meeting Agenda
3.A. Personnel
3.B. 90 Day State of the District
4.A. An SISD student will be recognized for winning the 2022 Congressional Art Contest
4.B. SISD students will be recognized for being selected for the UIL State Honor Crew in Theater Arts
4.C. Eastlake High School students will be recognized for being selected to perform at International Music Conference
4.D. SISD students will be recognized for being outstanding performers in the UIL Texas All State Solo and Ensemble Contest
4.E. SISD Varsity Baseball Teams will be recognized for winning 2021-2022 UIL Baseball Championships
4.F. The Americas Varsity Girls' Softball Team will be recognized for winning 2021-2022 UIL Softball Championships
6.A. Facilities Report
7.A. 2022-2023 Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Public Notice Meeting
7.B. Proposed 2022-2023 School District Budget and Discussion of Proposed Tax Rate
8.A. Consider approval of Regular Board Meeting Minutes for May 17, 2022, Special Board Meeting Minutes for June 7, 2022, and Board Workshop Minutes for June 14, 2022
8.B. Consider approval of Employment of Personnel
8.C. Consider approval of Budget Amendments
8.C.1. Amendments for June 21, 2022
8.C.2. Amendments for Fiscal Year 2022-2023
8.D. Consider approval of Awarding of Bids
8.D.1. Athletic Training Supplies - RFP No. E2258
8.D.2. Catering Services - RFP No. E2259
8.D.3. Digital Displays/Projectors, Accessories and Services - RFP No. E2261
8.D.4. Pharmaceutical - RFP No. E2262
8.D.5. Requests for Extension
8.D.5.a. Automotive Services - RFP No. E1939
8.D.5.b. Concrete Redi Mix - RFP No. E2055
8.D.5.c. Dairy Products - RFP No. E2045
8.D.5.d. District Insurance (Property, General, Automobile, Law Enforcement, Cyber and Crime) - RFP No. E1942
8.D.5.e. Electrical Installations and Services - RFP No. E2040
8.D.5.f. Food Service Equipment Repair Parts, Supplies and Services - RFP No. E2202
8.D.5.g. Garbage Disposal Services - RFP No. E2046
8.D.5.h. Health Clinic & Pharmacy Equipment and Supplies - RFP No. E2211
8.D.5.i. Medical Supplies and Services - RFP No. E2125
8.D.5.j. Retail Goods - RFP No. E1936
8.D.5.k. Stop Loss Reinsurance (Health Plan) - RFP No. E2137
8.D.6. Requests for Extension and Increase
8.D.6.a. Elevator Maintenance and Services - RFP No. E1954
8.D.6.b. Staffing Services - RFP No. E1924
8.D.7. Request for Increase - Musical Instruments RFP No. E2208
8.E. Consider approval of Contracts
8.E.1. Addendum #1 - Texas Workforce Commission Adult Education and Literacy Grant, Ysleta ISD Fiscal Agent
8.E.2. Agreements
8.E.2.a. Education Service Center Region 19 TEKS Resource System
8.E.2.b. Education Service Center Region 19
8.E.2.b.1. OnDataSuite
8.E.2.b.2. Texas Student Data Systems (TSDS) PEIMS Support Cooperative
8.E.2.c. Texas Tech University for Principal Residency Grant Program
8.E.3. Interlocal Agreements for Cooperative Purchasing - Three School Districts Print Shop Services
8.E.3.a. San Elizario Independent School District
8.E.3.b. Clint Independent School District
8.E.3.c. Fabens Independent School District
8.E.4. Maintenance Agreement - Tyler Technologies
8.E.5. Memorandum of Understanding - ESC Region 19 (Authorized Provider) Reading Academies Local Implementation
8.E.6. Purchasing Cooperatives
8.E.6.a. Region 19 #22-7434 Maintenance, Repair and Operation (MRO) Equipment, Supplies Materials and Services (Electrical Supplies)
8.E.6.b. Region 19 #22-7434 Maintenance, Repair and Operation (MRO) Equipment, Supplies, Materials and Services (Irrigation Supplies)
8.E.6.c. STEAM and Fine Arts Academy Remodeling Services
8.E.6.d. ESC Region 19 Allied States Cooperative #19-7352, Produce Delivery and Related Services
8.E.6.e. Region 19 Allied States Cooperative, USI Southwest Inc. (Ace American Insurance Company) Cyber Liability Insurance
8.E.6.f. Region 19 Allied States Cooperative - USI Southwest Inc. (Indian Harbor) Educator's Legal Liability Insurance
8.E.6.g. Texas DIR Contract
8.E.7. Service Agreement - Digital Ticketing and Event Management Software
8.F. Consider approval of Resolution for EHAA (E) Policy and Program suggestion for Human Sexuality from SHAC: Goodheart-Wilcox Health Curriculum
8.G. Consider approval of TEA Low Attendance Waiver
9.A. Consider approval of additional Professional Contract Recommendations for 2022-2023 School Year
9.B. Consider approval of 2022-2023 Employee Compensation Plan
9.C. Consider approval of 2022-2023 School District Budget
9.D. Consider approval of Resolution to approve list of Current Brokers, Investment Pools and Investment Training Sources
9.E. Consider approval to transfer $4,000,000 of General Fund Unassigned Fund Balance to the Health Care Fund
9.F. Discussion and possible action to designate an employee or Officer of the District to calculate required District tax rates and issue required notices related to tax rates and the School District Budget
9.G. Consider approval of revisions to local policy
9.H. Discussion and possible action regarding 1Government Procurement Alliance (1GPA) Contract #19-04PV-42 for Professional Development, Flippen Group (Capturing Kids' Hearts)
9.I. Consider approval of 2022-2023 Board Meeting Calendar and Agenda Cycle
9.J. Consider approval of Delegate and Alternate for the TASA/TASB Convention Delegate Assembly
10.A. The meeting is to be closed for consultation with legal counsel regarding intervention in Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUC) Proceeding PUC Docket No. 52195, SOAH Docket No. 473-21-2606, Application of El Paso Electric Company to Change Rates; to consider Level III Appeal of B. Leatherman; to consider request to rescind resignation of I.L., from Desert Wind School; to consider voluntary demotion of O. H., from Montwood High School; and to consider administrative recommendations for Chief Financial Officer, Assistant Superintendent of Administrative Services, Principal positions at Benito Martinez Elementary School, Elfida P. Chavez Elementary School, and Sierra Vista Elementary School, and ESSER Dean of Instruction for El Dorado High School under Texas Government Code Sections 551.071, 551.072 and 551.074.
11.A. Discussion and possible action related to Intervention in Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUC) Proceeding PUC Docket No. 52195, SOAH Docket No. 473-21-2606, Application of El Paso Electric Company to Change Rates
11.B. Discussion and possible action regarding Level III Appeal of B. Leatherman
11.C. Discussion and possible action regarding rescinding resignation for I. L., from Desert Wind School
11.D. Discussion and possible action regarding request for voluntary demotion of O. H., from Montwood High School
11.E. Consider approval of Administrative Recommendations
11.E.1. Chief Financial Officer
11.E.2. Assistant Superintendent of Administrative Services
11.E.3. Principal
11.E.3.a. Benito Martinez Elementary School
11.E.3.b. Elfida P. Chavez Elementary School
11.E.3.c. Sierra Vista Elementary School
11.E.4. ESSER Dean of Instruction, El Dorado High School
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | June 21, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Agenda of Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
3.A. Personnel
Subject: |
3.B. 90 Day State of the District
Subject: |
Presenter: |
Daniel Escobar
Subject: |
4.A. An SISD student will be recognized for winning the 2022 Congressional Art Contest
Subject: |
4.B. SISD students will be recognized for being selected for the UIL State Honor Crew in Theater Arts
Subject: |
4.C. Eastlake High School students will be recognized for being selected to perform at International Music Conference
Subject: |
4.D. SISD students will be recognized for being outstanding performers in the UIL Texas All State Solo and Ensemble Contest
Subject: |
4.E. SISD Varsity Baseball Teams will be recognized for winning 2021-2022 UIL Baseball Championships
Subject: |
4.F. The Americas Varsity Girls' Softball Team will be recognized for winning 2021-2022 UIL Softball Championships
Subject: |
Subject: |
Subject: |
6.A. Facilities Report
Presenter: |
Presenter: Gabriel Crespo
INFO: **A presentation of the 2017 Bond Program and other construction projects will be provided for the Board of Trustees.
Subject: |
Subject: |
7.A. 2022-2023 Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Public Notice Meeting
Presenter: |
Presenter: Dr. Adam Starke
INFO: **On an annual basis, the District is required to consult with parents, community, business members, and educational stakeholders on the ESSA federal grant entitlements and planned expenditures for the upcoming year. This public hearing is to be completed prior to the District committing any funds and prior to submitting the 2022-2023 ESSA Consolidated Federal Grant Application to the Texas Education Agency. The deadline to submit the application to TEA is June 30, 2022.
Subject: |
7.B. Proposed 2022-2023 School District Budget and Discussion of Proposed Tax Rate
Presenter: |
Presenter: Tony Reza
INFO: **The Board of Trustees is required to have conducted a public hearing for the purpose of discussing the proposed budget and the tax rate to support it before the adoption of the said item. The public is invited to provide comment on the proposed budget and tax rate. Note that the tax rate will not be adopted by the Board until August, when the certified property values are received from the Central Appraisal District.
Subject: |
Subject: |
8.A. Consider approval of Regular Board Meeting Minutes for May 17, 2022, Special Board Meeting Minutes for June 7, 2022, and Board Workshop Minutes for June 14, 2022
Subject: |
8.B. Consider approval of Employment of Personnel
INFO: **New employment contracts require Board of Trustees approval.
Subject: |
8.C. Consider approval of Budget Amendments
Subject: |
8.C.1. Amendments for June 21, 2022
Subject: |
8.C.2. Amendments for Fiscal Year 2022-2023
Subject: |
8.D. Consider approval of Awarding of Bids
Subject: |
8.D.1. Athletic Training Supplies - RFP No. E2258
INFO: **Solicitation to purchase athletic training supplies as needed district wide. (Maximum $125,000-General Fund Budget and Special Revenue)
Subject: |
8.D.2. Catering Services - RFP No. E2259
INFO: **Solicitation to provide catering services as needed district wide. (Maximum $500,000)
Subject: |
8.D.3. Digital Displays/Projectors, Accessories and Services - RFP No. E2261
INFO: **Solicitation to purchase digital displays, projectors, accessories, supplies, and services as needed district wide. (Maximum $2,500,000-General Fund Budget and Special Revenue)
Subject: |
8.D.4. Pharmaceutical - RFP No. E2262
INFO: **To provide the Socorro Independent School District with pharmaceutical/medication as needed for the SISD Employee Health Clinic. (Maximum $150,000)
Subject: |
8.D.5. Requests for Extension
Subject: |
8.D.5.a. Automotive Services - RFP No. E1939
INFO: **Extension of this bid for an additional year, through May 15, 2023, which is the third and last possible extension. (Maximum $310,000-General and National School Lunch Program Funds)
Subject: |
8.D.5.b. Concrete Redi Mix - RFP No. E2055
INFO: **Extension of this bid for an additional year, through July 8, 2023, which is the second and last possible extension. (Maximum $200,000)
Subject: |
8.D.5.c. Dairy Products - RFP No. E2045
INFO: **Extension of this bid for an additional year, through June 30, 2023, which is the second and last possible extension. (Maximum $1,700,000-National School Lunch Program Funds)
Subject: |
8.D.5.d. District Insurance (Property, General, Automobile, Law Enforcement, Cyber and Crime) - RFP No. E1942
INFO: **Extension of this bid for an additional year, through June 30, 2023, which is the fourth and last possible extension. (Maximum $2,116,518.30-General Fund Budget and Special Revenue)
Subject: |
8.D.5.e. Electrical Installations and Services - RFP No. E2040
INFO: **Extension of this bid through June 23, 2023, which is the second and last possible extension. (Maximum $525,000)
Subject: |
8.D.5.f. Food Service Equipment Repair Parts, Supplies and Services - RFP No. E2202
INFO: **Extension of this bid for an additional year, through June 30, 2023, which is the first extension with one possible extension left. (Maximum $150,000-National School Lunch Program Funds)
Subject: |
8.D.5.g. Garbage Disposal Services - RFP No. E2046
INFO: **Extension of this bid for an additional year, through June 30, 2023, which is the second and last possible extension. (Maximum $350,000-General and National School Lunch Program Funds)
Subject: |
8.D.5.h. Health Clinic & Pharmacy Equipment and Supplies - RFP No. E2211
INFO: **Extension of this bid through August 17, 2023, which is the first extension with two possible extensions left. (Maximum $350,000-General Fund Budget and Special Revenue)
Subject: |
8.D.5.i. Medical Supplies and Services - RFP No. E2125
INFO: **Extension of this bid through May 23, 2023, which is the first extension with one possible extension left. (Maximum $450,000-General Fund Budget and Special Revenue)
Subject: |
8.D.5.j. Retail Goods - RFP No. E1936
INFO: **Extension of this bid for an additional year, through May 21, 2023, which is the second and last possible extension. (Maximum $850,000-General Fund Budget and Special Revenue)
Subject: |
8.D.5.k. Stop Loss Reinsurance (Health Plan) - RFP No. E2137
INFO: **Extension of this bid for an additional six months, through December 31, 2022. Administration is issuing a new solicitation for the Socorro ISD Employee Health Plan which will include the Stop Loss Reinsurance. (Maximum $1,666,105.00 for 6-month forecast-General Fund Budget and Special Revenue)
Subject: |
8.D.6. Requests for Extension and Increase
Subject: |
8.D.6.a. Elevator Maintenance and Services - RFP No. E1954
INFO: **Extension of this bid for an additional year, through June 30, 2023, which is the third and last possible extension. Increase the total annual amount by $50,000 for a new total annual amount of $200,000 for this current term and any remaining extended terms.
Subject: |
8.D.6.b. Staffing Services - RFP No. E1924
INFO: **Extension of this bid for an additional year, through June 30, 2023, which is the third and last possible extension. Increase the total amount by $1,600,000 for a new total annual amount of $6,600,000 for this current term and any remaining extended terms.
Subject: |
8.D.7. Request for Increase - Musical Instruments RFP No. E2208
INFO: **Administration recommends consideration and approval to increase the total annual awarded amount by $320,000 for a new total annual amount of $3,570,000 for this current term and any remaining extended terms. (Maximum $3,750,000-General Fund and Special Revenue)
Subject: |
8.E. Consider approval of Contracts
Subject: |
8.E.1. Addendum #1 - Texas Workforce Commission Adult Education and Literacy Grant, Ysleta ISD Fiscal Agent
INFO: **The purpose is to increase the amount of the ongoing SISD Adult Education and Literacy contract by $37,203 in federal funds from the original total of $812,470 for a new total of $849,673.
Subject: |
8.E.2. Agreements
Subject: |
8.E.2.a. Education Service Center Region 19 TEKS Resource System
INFO: **For the continuation of commitment for the TEKS Resource System, a curriculum support system for K-12. This system is designed to provide a common language, process and structure for curriculum development. (Maximum $297,020)
Subject: |
8.E.2.b. Education Service Center Region 19
Subject: |
8.E.2.b.1. OnDataSuite
INFO: **OnDataSuite is a software that provides LEA administrators and staff the ability to collect, analyze, and share TSDS/PEIMS academic performance data. (Maximum $28,366.80)
Subject: |
8.E.2.b.2. Texas Student Data Systems (TSDS) PEIMS Support Cooperative
INFO: **Statewide system that modernizes and improves the quality of data collection, management and reporting in Texas education. (Maximum Membership Fee is $1,250 for four (4) LEA attendees)
Subject: |
8.E.2.c. Texas Tech University for Principal Residency Grant Program
INFO: **The purpose is to continue with the Scope of Work between TTU and SISD. TTU has agreed to use its personnel, facilities, and reasonable efforts in the performance of the work. (Maximum $210,000-Federal Funds)
Subject: |
8.E.3. Interlocal Agreements for Cooperative Purchasing - Three School Districts Print Shop Services
INFO: **The purpose of these Agreements is to facilitate the provision of certain printing and print shop services by SISD and the School District, listed below, in an effort to relieve the burdens of the governmental purchasing function for the purchase of these services, and to realize potential economies of scale available through cooperative use of SISD's print shop services, including administrative cost savings to the Parties. School Districts may purchase from SISD certain print shop services and various goods and services commonly utilized by each entity related to the printing of various materials.
Subject: |
8.E.3.a. San Elizario Independent School District
Subject: |
8.E.3.b. Clint Independent School District
Subject: |
8.E.3.c. Fabens Independent School District
Subject: |
8.E.4. Maintenance Agreement - Tyler Technologies
INFO: **This ongoing maintenance agreement will be for the 2022-2023 fiscal year. (Maximum $609,612.81)
Subject: |
8.E.5. Memorandum of Understanding - ESC Region 19 (Authorized Provider) Reading Academies Local Implementation
INFO: **The purpose is to continue the participation with ESC 19-Authorized Provider in conducting Reading Academies as required by HB 3 (2019) (Reading Academies). (Maximum $70,000-General and State Funds)
Subject: |
8.E.6. Purchasing Cooperatives
Subject: |
8.E.6.a. Region 19 #22-7434 Maintenance, Repair and Operation (MRO) Equipment, Supplies Materials and Services (Electrical Supplies)
INFO: **To purchase electrical supplies as needed district wide. (Maximum $360,000)
Subject: |
8.E.6.b. Region 19 #22-7434 Maintenance, Repair and Operation (MRO) Equipment, Supplies, Materials and Services (Irrigation Supplies)
INFO: **To purchase irrigation supplies as needed district wide. (Maximum $300,000)
Subject: |
8.E.6.c. STEAM and Fine Arts Academy Remodeling Services
INFO: **To purchase and install flooring as needed for the STEAM and Fine Arts Academy. (Maximum $500,000)
Subject: |
8.E.6.d. ESC Region 19 Allied States Cooperative #19-7352, Produce Delivery and Related Services
INFO: **For the acquisition of produce for school cafeterias for the 2022-2023 school year. (Maximum $1,500,000-CNS Federal Funds)
Subject: |
8.E.6.e. Region 19 Allied States Cooperative, USI Southwest Inc. (Ace American Insurance Company) Cyber Liability Insurance
INFO: **The purpose is to procure Cyber Liability Insurance. (Maximum $65,697)
Subject: |
8.E.6.f. Region 19 Allied States Cooperative - USI Southwest Inc. (Indian Harbor) Educator's Legal Liability Insurance
INFO: **The purpose is to procure Educator's Legal Liability Insurance. (Maximum $134,461.39)
Subject: |
8.E.6.g. Texas DIR Contract
INFO: **To purchase technology equipment and accessories related to desktop computers, laptops, tablets, servers, network appliances, and services. (Maximum $10,000,000 per year-General and Federal Fund Budget)
Subject: |
8.E.7. Service Agreement - Digital Ticketing and Event Management Software
INFO: **HomeTown will provide a platform to allow Socorro ISD to make online ticket sales to its customers and provide an online dedicated "box-office" software platform for SISD's departments or teams to access at any time, from any compatible, web-capable device, which will allow relevant personnel to create, manage, and monitor their event ticketing needs. System will enable customers/fans of SISD to purchase digital tickets to listed events via SISD's website.
Subject: |
8.F. Consider approval of Resolution for EHAA (E) Policy and Program suggestion for Human Sexuality from SHAC: Goodheart-Wilcox Health Curriculum
INFO: **Section 28.004(e-1) (1) of the Texas Education Code requires the Board of Trustees from each Texas Public School District to adopt a resolution convening the local school health advisory council (SHAC) for the purpose of making recommendations regarding curriculum materials for the School District’s human sexuality instruction. Two public meetings must be held on the curriculum and materials before adopting recommendations to present to the Board. The recommended curriculum and materials must comply with the instructional content requirements in law, are suitable for the subject and grade level for which the materials are intended and are reviewed by academic experts in the subject and grade level for which the materials are intended. The recommendations must be presented to the Board by July 1, 2022. It is recommended that EHAA Resolution and Goodheart Wilcox Health Curriculum be presented to the Board on June 21, 2022 for approval.
Subject: |
8.G. Consider approval of TEA Low Attendance Waiver
INFO: **The Texas Education Agency allows school districts that have experienced a significant drop in attendance to apply for a waiver application for low attendance days. Due to safety related concerns, on Tuesday, April 19, 2022, Pebble Hills High School qualifies for this waiver.
Subject: |
Subject: |
9.A. Consider approval of additional Professional Contract Recommendations for 2022-2023 School Year
Presenter: |
Presenter: Dr. Angela Gonzalez
INFO: **Administration recommends consideration and approval of the additional 2022-2023 professional recommendations for certified contracts for teachers, librarians, nurses, counselors, speech therapists and educational diagnosticians as presented.
Subject: |
9.B. Consider approval of 2022-2023 Employee Compensation Plan
Presenter: |
Presenter: Dr. Angela Gonzalez
INFO: **Administration recommends consideration and approval of the item as presented.
Subject: |
9.C. Consider approval of 2022-2023 School District Budget
Presenter: |
Presenter: Tony Reza
INFO: **The Board of Trustees has been provided with a copy of the proposed budget for their review. The budget is in accordance with the Texas Eduation Agency's legal requirements stated in section 2.6.2 of the Financial Accountability System Resource Guide, Update 14.
Subject: |
9.D. Consider approval of Resolution to approve list of Current Brokers, Investment Pools and Investment Training Sources
Presenter: |
Presenter: Tony Reza
INFO: **The Public Funds Investment Act (PFIA) requires the Board of Trustees to approve and adopt a list of brokers and investment pools as well as an independent source for training for the investment officers. The brokers and investment pools that are listed have been used by the district and have met all requirements. This resolution will ensure that the district is in compliance with the Public Funds Investment Act.
Subject: |
9.E. Consider approval to transfer $4,000,000 of General Fund Unassigned Fund Balance to the Health Care Fund
Presenter: |
Presenter: Tony Reza
INFO: **The transfer will allow current benefits to be offered at the present amounts and plan designs through the fiscal year 2023.
Subject: |
9.F. Discussion and possible action to designate an employee or Officer of the District to calculate required District tax rates and issue required notices related to tax rates and the School District Budget
Presenter: |
Presenter: Tony Reza
INFO: **Under Tax Code, Section 26.04(c), the Board must designate the officer or employee responsible for calculating the no-new-revenue tax rate and the voter-approval tax rate. With that requirement, the Administration is recommending that the Chief Financial Officer be responsible for calculating these two tax rates.
Subject: |
9.G. Consider approval of revisions to local policy
Presenter: |
Presenter: Tony Reza
INFO: **Administration recommends consideration and approval of the revisions to the following local policy: CFB (Accounting/Inventory) and DEE (Compensation and Benefits).
Subject: |
9.H. Discussion and possible action regarding 1Government Procurement Alliance (1GPA) Contract #19-04PV-42 for Professional Development, Flippen Group (Capturing Kids' Hearts)
Presenter: |
Presenter: Tammi Mackeben
INFO: **The Flippen Group offers professional development training, coaching and support services for administrators, teachers, and staff to develop safe, self-managing, high-performing classroom cultures. Training series provides a brain science-supported, research-based, comprehensive approach providing powerful transformation in the following areas: Leadership Development; Social, Emotional Learning; Culture and Climate Development; Strategic and Organizational Planning; Response to Intervention, Classroom and Behavioral Management, and student achievement. The program includes a character trait to focus on for the month and provides four 30-minute lessons to use with students, per character trait. (Maximum $368,225-ESSER Funds)
Subject: |
9.I. Consider approval of 2022-2023 Board Meeting Calendar and Agenda Cycle
Presenter: |
Presenter: Board President Eduardo Mena
INFO: **As in the past, the Board meeting calendar has been developed using the third (3rd) Tuesday of the month for the Regular Board meetings with the following exceptions: July 2022 we are proposing the fourth (4th) Tuesday of the month due to the summer break; and December 2022 we are proposing the second (2nd) Tuesday of the month due to the Winter Break.
Subject: |
9.J. Consider approval of Delegate and Alternate for the TASA/TASB Convention Delegate Assembly
Presenter: |
Presenter: Board President Eduardo Mena
INFO: **Delegates and alternates in each region will meet with the TASB Directors to discuss the issues coming before the Assembly and to clarify Delegate and Assembly processes.
Subject: |
Subject: |
10.A. The meeting is to be closed for consultation with legal counsel regarding intervention in Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUC) Proceeding PUC Docket No. 52195, SOAH Docket No. 473-21-2606, Application of El Paso Electric Company to Change Rates; to consider Level III Appeal of B. Leatherman; to consider request to rescind resignation of I.L., from Desert Wind School; to consider voluntary demotion of O. H., from Montwood High School; and to consider administrative recommendations for Chief Financial Officer, Assistant Superintendent of Administrative Services, Principal positions at Benito Martinez Elementary School, Elfida P. Chavez Elementary School, and Sierra Vista Elementary School, and ESSER Dean of Instruction for El Dorado High School under Texas Government Code Sections 551.071, 551.072 and 551.074.
Subject: |
Subject: |
11.A. Discussion and possible action related to Intervention in Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUC) Proceeding PUC Docket No. 52195, SOAH Docket No. 473-21-2606, Application of El Paso Electric Company to Change Rates
Presenter: |
Presenter: Legal Counsel
Subject: |
11.B. Discussion and possible action regarding Level III Appeal of B. Leatherman
Presenter: |
Presenter: Legal Counsel
Subject: |
11.C. Discussion and possible action regarding rescinding resignation for I. L., from Desert Wind School
Presenter: |
Presenter: Legal Counsel
Subject: |
11.D. Discussion and possible action regarding request for voluntary demotion of O. H., from Montwood High School
Presenter: |
Presenter: Legal Counsel
Subject: |
11.E. Consider approval of Administrative Recommendations
Presenter: |
Dr. Nate Carman
Subject: |
11.E.1. Chief Financial Officer
Subject: |
11.E.2. Assistant Superintendent of Administrative Services
Subject: |
11.E.3. Principal
Subject: |
11.E.3.a. Benito Martinez Elementary School
Subject: |
11.E.3.b. Elfida P. Chavez Elementary School
Subject: |
11.E.3.c. Sierra Vista Elementary School
Subject: |
11.E.4. ESSER Dean of Instruction, El Dorado High School
Subject: |