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Meeting Agenda
1. Call the meeting to order
2. Establish a Quorum / Pledge of Allegiance / A Moment of Silence
3. Public Forum
4. Superintendent's Report
4.A. District Activities / General Information
4.A.1. School Health Advisory Council Presentation by District Nurse Jean Hubert
4.A.2. Texas Success Initiative Presentation by Kathy Kimball and Shelly Salazar
4.B. School Finance
4.B.1. November 2016 Tax Collections Report
4.C. Board Training
4.C.1. Hear a Report on Board Members' Training and Cause the Minutes to Reflect the Names of any Board Member who has Failed to Meet State Requirements.
4.D. Riviera ISD Celebrations
5. Consent Agenda
5.A. Consider Approval of Minutes from the November 16, 2016, Regular Board Meeting
5.B. Consider Approval of Financial Statements: Statement of Revenues and Expenditures, including Current Cumulative Revenues and Expenses; Cash and Investment Report; and Check Register including all Non-Payroll Checks; and Excluding the Riviera Telephone Company Bill
5.C. Consider Approval of Budget Amendments (if any)
6. Action Agenda
6.A. Consider Riviera Telephone Company Bill
7. Executive Session, As Authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section, 551.001:
7.A. Pursuant to Section 551.074, Consider the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of a Public Officer or Employee, or to Hear Complaints or Charges Against a Public Officer or Employee.
8. Open Session
8.A. Discuss and Take Possible Action on Any Item Discussed in Executive Session.
9. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: December 12, 2016 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
1. Call the meeting to order
2. Establish a Quorum / Pledge of Allegiance / A Moment of Silence
3. Public Forum
4. Superintendent's Report
4.A. District Activities / General Information
4.A.1. School Health Advisory Council Presentation by District Nurse Jean Hubert
4.A.2. Texas Success Initiative Presentation by Kathy Kimball and Shelly Salazar
4.B. School Finance
4.B.1. November 2016 Tax Collections Report
4.C. Board Training
4.C.1. Hear a Report on Board Members' Training and Cause the Minutes to Reflect the Names of any Board Member who has Failed to Meet State Requirements.
4.D. Riviera ISD Celebrations
5. Consent Agenda
5.A. Consider Approval of Minutes from the November 16, 2016, Regular Board Meeting
5.B. Consider Approval of Financial Statements: Statement of Revenues and Expenditures, including Current Cumulative Revenues and Expenses; Cash and Investment Report; and Check Register including all Non-Payroll Checks; and Excluding the Riviera Telephone Company Bill
5.C. Consider Approval of Budget Amendments (if any)
6. Action Agenda
6.A. Consider Riviera Telephone Company Bill
7. Executive Session, As Authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section, 551.001:
7.A. Pursuant to Section 551.074, Consider the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of a Public Officer or Employee, or to Hear Complaints or Charges Against a Public Officer or Employee.
8. Open Session
8.A. Discuss and Take Possible Action on Any Item Discussed in Executive Session.
9. Adjourn

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