Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order, Roll Call, Declaration of Quarum, Invocation
II. Public Comments/Open Forum
III. Recognition of District Achievements
IV. Approval of Minutes
V. Information Items
V.A. Principal's Report
V.A.1. Student Achievements
V.A.2. Curriculum/Instruction
V.A.3. Programs and Events
V.B. Athletic Director's Report
V.C. Director's Report
V.D. Superintendent's Report
V.D.1. Student Achievement
V.D.2. Curriculum/Instuction
V.D.3. Programs/Events
V.D.4. Maintenance/Operation
V.E. Hudspeth County Appraisal District
V.F. Report on Finances
VI. Discussion Items
VI.A. Staff Development Survey
VI.B. Graduation Plan
VI.C. UIL Academics
VII. Action Items
VII.A. SECCA Contracts
VII.B. 2008-09 School Calendar
VII.C. Payment of Bills
VII.D. Budget Amendments
VII.E. Personnel
VII.E.1. Professional Contracts
VII.E.2. Personnel Issue
VIII. Comments from Board Members
IX. Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | March 13, 2008 at 7:00 PM - Regular | |
Subject: |
I. Call to Order, Roll Call, Declaration of Quarum, Invocation
Subject: |
II. Public Comments/Open Forum
Subject: |
III. Recognition of District Achievements
Subject: |
IV. Approval of Minutes
Subject: |
V. Information Items
Subject: |
V.A. Principal's Report
The Principals will present their monthly update
Subject: |
V.A.1. Student Achievements
Subject: |
V.A.2. Curriculum/Instruction
Subject: |
V.A.3. Programs and Events
Subject: |
V.B. Athletic Director's Report
Mr. Medina will present his monthly report
Subject: |
V.C. Director's Report
Mr. Rogers will present his monthly report.
Subject: |
V.D. Superintendent's Report
I will present any news worthy items at the meeting
Subject: |
V.D.1. Student Achievement
Subject: |
V.D.2. Curriculum/Instuction
Subject: |
V.D.3. Programs/Events
Subject: |
V.D.4. Maintenance/Operation
Subject: |
V.E. Hudspeth County Appraisal District
Subject: |
V.F. Report on Finances
Vicky Gonzalez will present the monthly report on finances.
Subject: |
VI. Discussion Items
Subject: |
VI.A. Staff Development Survey
Presenter: |
The survey for 2008-09 staff development is being conducted. I will have results of that survey during the meeting.
Subject: |
VI.B. Graduation Plan
Presenter: |
The principals will discuss plans for graduations at their campuses. Some of these plans may change between now and May, however, you will have a general idea.
Subject: |
VI.C. UIL Academics
Presenter: |
The Principals will discuss academic competitions scheduled for their students.
Subject: |
VII. Action Items
Subject: |
VII.A. SECCA Contracts
Presenter: |
This is our annual contrat with SECCA to submit and audit our federal program grants and funding.
Subject: |
VII.B. 2008-09 School Calendar
Presenter: |
I provided you with a draft copy of next year's calendar. Each campus will provide their input on the calendar and we will adopt a compromise of all proposals.
Subject: |
VII.C. Payment of Bills
Monthly Bills
Subject: |
VII.D. Budget Amendments
Subject: |
VII.E. Personnel
Any personnel issues that need to be discussed of acted upon
Subject: |
VII.E.1. Professional Contracts
Presenter: |
This includes teachers and all other certified personnel
Subject: |
VII.E.2. Personnel Issue
Presenter: |
One item, request that we go into executive session with school attorney Larry Baskind.
Subject: |
VIII. Comments from Board Members
Subject: |
IX. Adjournment