Meeting Agenda
Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
24-08-8 Consent Agenda: These items are considered to be routine by the board and will be enacted under one motion, unless a member of the board requests that an item be removed from the consent agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda.
a. Minutes from previous meetings
b. Amend budget and pay outstanding bills
24-08-9 Review the Maintenance Tax Note Sale Results and take action to adopt the resolution authorizing the issuance of the notes |
24-08-10 Adopt an order calling a bond election to be held on November 5, 2024 with Proposition A in the amount of $19,300,000
24-08-11 Order Election for Board of Trustees
24-08-12 Discuss proposed 2024-2025 Tax Rate
24-08-13 Schedule Public Hearing to adopt Proposed Tax Rate
24-08-14 Certify Anticipated Collection Rate for 2024
24-08-15 Review 2024-2025 Student and Employee Handbook
24-08-16 Approve 2024-2025 Code of Conduct
24-08-17 Approve Resolution for extracurricular status of 4-H organization
24-08-18 Campus and District Reports
24-08-19 Public Comments
24-08-20 Personnel
a. New Hires
b. Resignations
24-08-21 Discuss Future Agenda Items and Meetings
24-08-22 Adjournment
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | August 12, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
Call to Order
Subject: |
Pledge of Allegiance
Subject: |
Subject: |
24-08-8 Consent Agenda: These items are considered to be routine by the board and will be enacted under one motion, unless a member of the board requests that an item be removed from the consent agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda.
Subject: |
a. Minutes from previous meetings
Subject: |
b. Amend budget and pay outstanding bills
Subject: |
24-08-9 Review the Maintenance Tax Note Sale Results and take action to adopt the resolution authorizing the issuance of the notes |
Subject: |
24-08-10 Adopt an order calling a bond election to be held on November 5, 2024 with Proposition A in the amount of $19,300,000
Subject: |
24-08-11 Order Election for Board of Trustees
Subject: |
24-08-12 Discuss proposed 2024-2025 Tax Rate
Subject: |
24-08-13 Schedule Public Hearing to adopt Proposed Tax Rate
Subject: |
24-08-14 Certify Anticipated Collection Rate for 2024
Subject: |
24-08-15 Review 2024-2025 Student and Employee Handbook
Subject: |
24-08-16 Approve 2024-2025 Code of Conduct
Subject: |
24-08-17 Approve Resolution for extracurricular status of 4-H organization
Subject: |
24-08-18 Campus and District Reports
Subject: |
24-08-19 Public Comments
Subject: |
24-08-20 Personnel
Subject: |
a. New Hires
Subject: |
b. Resignations
Subject: |
24-08-21 Discuss Future Agenda Items and Meetings
Subject: |
24-08-22 Adjournment