Meeting Agenda
I. Call Meeting to Order
II. Invocation
III. Pledge of Allegience
V. COMMUNICATIONS: Instructional Student Service Report, Operations Report, Finance Report, Construction Updates, and Employee Recognitions.
Approval and possible discussion of the following items: (If any of the items are pulled they will be subject to discussion and possible action) |
VI.A. Approval of the November 08, 2021, Regular Board Meeting Minutes
VI.B. Approval of the TASB Policy update 118 changes: CFD (Local), CQB (Local), DFE (Local), DP (Local), EHAA (Local), EHBC (Local), FL (Local), EIE (Local), FDE (Local), FEA (Local), FEC (Local), and FFG (Local).
VI.C. Approval of the continuation for Property and Casualty Coverage Insurance to protect the District's Assets.
VI.D. Approval of the upcoming Governance Camp from March 2-5, 2022 in Galveston, Texas for continued education hours.
VI.E. Approval of the extended response RFP 22-002 CTE Parts, Supplies and Service to provide the needed instructional material and services from additional vendors.
VII.A. Discussion and possible action regarding the review and approval of the District's Annual Financial Audit report for fiscal year ending August 31, 2021.
VII.B. Presentation regarding the Somerset ISD Education Foundation Quarterly Report.
VII.C. Status Update Presentation on Bond 2019 projects as well as other property improvements.
VII.D. Discussion and possible action regarding the review and approval of the purchase of a new Lynx Timing System, Gold package.
VII.E. Discussion and possible action regarding the review and approval of the 2021-2022 Somerset ISD Substitute Teacher Compensation.
VII.F. Discussion and possible action regarding the review and approval of the 2022-2023 Somerset ISD Academic Calendar.
VII.G. Discussion and possible action regarding the review and approval of the purchase of the Summit K12 Reading and Writing modules.
VII.H. Discussion and possible action regarding the review and approval of the Resolution to allow administration to leave TRS ActiveCare and seek alternative Health Insurance.
VII.I. Discussion and possible action regarding the review and approval of the purchase and installation of a new marquee sign by Daktronics.
VII.J. Discussion and possible action regarding the review and approval of the purchase of two passenger buses and determine whether to equip these buses with the required seat belts.
VII.K. Discussion and possible action regarding the review and approval of the purchase of three passenger vans.
VII.L. Discussion and possible action regarding the review and approval of the proposals to repair, replace and reroute the DAEP sewer line located at 19644 Somerset Road.
VII.M. Discussion and possible action regarding the review and approval of the proposals to repair (1) 12.5 ton A/C System serving Somerset High School Dance Studio and Print Shop.
VII.N. Discussion and possible action regarding the review and approval of the proposals to repair (1) 20 ton A/C system of the Savannah Heights Intermediate School cafeteria.
VII.O. Discussion and possible action regarding the review and approval of the proposals to repair (1) 15 ton A/C system serving Somerset Central Office Special Education and Instructional Services offices.
VII.P. Discussion and possible action regarding the review and approval of the quotes provided by Waste Water Solutions to reprogram the Programmable Logic Controller at Somerset Jr. High School and replace and reprogram the Programmable Logic Controller at Savannah Heights Intermediate School.
VII.Q. Presentation of Somerset FIRST report followed by any public input related to the report.
VII.R. Presentation of the Somerset Independent School District Finance Update.
The Board will convene to a closed meeting in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code 551.071 et.seq. to consider the following: |
VIII.A. Discussion Regarding New Hires Resignations and/or Retirements. Texas Government Code 551.074.
VIII.B. Pursuant to Section 551.074, Texas Government Code, Attorney consultation regarding a Level III Personnel Management Relations Employee Grievance Hearing.
VIII.C. Pursuant to Section 551.074, Texas Government Codes, Conduct Level III Personnel Management Relations Employee Grievance Hearing and Deliberation of Grievance.
IX. OPEN SESSION: Return to Open Session to Take Action Deemed Necessary.
IX.A. Discussion and possible action regarding new hires.
IX.B. Discussion and possible action regarding the Employee Grievance.
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | December 13, 2021 at 6:30 PM - Public Hearing and Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Call Meeting to Order
Subject: |
II. Invocation
Subject: |
III. Pledge of Allegience
Subject: |
Subject: |
V. COMMUNICATIONS: Instructional Student Service Report, Operations Report, Finance Report, Construction Updates, and Employee Recognitions.
Subject: |
Approval and possible discussion of the following items: (If any of the items are pulled they will be subject to discussion and possible action) |
Subject: |
VI.A. Approval of the November 08, 2021, Regular Board Meeting Minutes
Presenter: |
Saul Hinojosa
Subject: |
VI.B. Approval of the TASB Policy update 118 changes: CFD (Local), CQB (Local), DFE (Local), DP (Local), EHAA (Local), EHBC (Local), FL (Local), EIE (Local), FDE (Local), FEA (Local), FEC (Local), and FFG (Local).
Presenter: |
Sheila Collazo
Subject: |
VI.C. Approval of the continuation for Property and Casualty Coverage Insurance to protect the District's Assets.
Presenter: |
Michael Carrales
Subject: |
VI.D. Approval of the upcoming Governance Camp from March 2-5, 2022 in Galveston, Texas for continued education hours.
Presenter: |
Don Green
Subject: |
VI.E. Approval of the extended response RFP 22-002 CTE Parts, Supplies and Service to provide the needed instructional material and services from additional vendors.
Presenter: |
Michael Carrales
Subject: |
Subject: |
VII.A. Discussion and possible action regarding the review and approval of the District's Annual Financial Audit report for fiscal year ending August 31, 2021.
Subject: |
VII.B. Presentation regarding the Somerset ISD Education Foundation Quarterly Report.
Presenter: |
Susie Hernandez
Subject: |
VII.C. Status Update Presentation on Bond 2019 projects as well as other property improvements.
Presenter: |
Mark Hodges
Subject: |
VII.D. Discussion and possible action regarding the review and approval of the purchase of a new Lynx Timing System, Gold package.
Presenter: |
Keith Higginbotham
Subject: |
VII.E. Discussion and possible action regarding the review and approval of the 2021-2022 Somerset ISD Substitute Teacher Compensation.
Presenter: |
Gloria Wynkoop
Subject: |
VII.F. Discussion and possible action regarding the review and approval of the 2022-2023 Somerset ISD Academic Calendar.
Presenter: |
Sheila Collazo
Subject: |
VII.G. Discussion and possible action regarding the review and approval of the purchase of the Summit K12 Reading and Writing modules.
Presenter: |
Sheila Collazo
Subject: |
VII.H. Discussion and possible action regarding the review and approval of the Resolution to allow administration to leave TRS ActiveCare and seek alternative Health Insurance.
Presenter: |
Michael Carrales
Subject: |
VII.I. Discussion and possible action regarding the review and approval of the purchase and installation of a new marquee sign by Daktronics.
Presenter: |
Mark Hodges
Subject: |
VII.J. Discussion and possible action regarding the review and approval of the purchase of two passenger buses and determine whether to equip these buses with the required seat belts.
Presenter: |
Ramiro Nava
Subject: |
VII.K. Discussion and possible action regarding the review and approval of the purchase of three passenger vans.
Presenter: |
Ramiro Nava
Subject: |
VII.L. Discussion and possible action regarding the review and approval of the proposals to repair, replace and reroute the DAEP sewer line located at 19644 Somerset Road.
Presenter: |
Ramiro Nava
Subject: |
VII.M. Discussion and possible action regarding the review and approval of the proposals to repair (1) 12.5 ton A/C System serving Somerset High School Dance Studio and Print Shop.
Presenter: |
Ramiro Nava
Subject: |
VII.N. Discussion and possible action regarding the review and approval of the proposals to repair (1) 20 ton A/C system of the Savannah Heights Intermediate School cafeteria.
Presenter: |
Ramiro Nava
Subject: |
VII.O. Discussion and possible action regarding the review and approval of the proposals to repair (1) 15 ton A/C system serving Somerset Central Office Special Education and Instructional Services offices.
Presenter: |
Ramiro Nava
Subject: |
VII.P. Discussion and possible action regarding the review and approval of the quotes provided by Waste Water Solutions to reprogram the Programmable Logic Controller at Somerset Jr. High School and replace and reprogram the Programmable Logic Controller at Savannah Heights Intermediate School.
Presenter: |
Ramiro Nava
Subject: |
VII.Q. Presentation of Somerset FIRST report followed by any public input related to the report.
Presenter: |
Michael Carrales
Subject: |
VII.R. Presentation of the Somerset Independent School District Finance Update.
Presenter: |
Michael Carrales
Subject: |
The Board will convene to a closed meeting in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code 551.071 et.seq. to consider the following: |
Subject: |
VIII.A. Discussion Regarding New Hires Resignations and/or Retirements. Texas Government Code 551.074.
Presenter: |
Saul Hinojosa
Subject: |
VIII.B. Pursuant to Section 551.074, Texas Government Code, Attorney consultation regarding a Level III Personnel Management Relations Employee Grievance Hearing.
Presenter: |
Saul Hinojosa
Subject: |
VIII.C. Pursuant to Section 551.074, Texas Government Codes, Conduct Level III Personnel Management Relations Employee Grievance Hearing and Deliberation of Grievance.
Presenter: |
Saul Hinojosa
Subject: |
IX. OPEN SESSION: Return to Open Session to Take Action Deemed Necessary.
Subject: |
IX.A. Discussion and possible action regarding new hires.
Presenter: |
Saul Hinojosa
Subject: |
IX.B. Discussion and possible action regarding the Employee Grievance.
Presenter: |
Saul Hinojosa
Subject: |