Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order
2. Determination of Quorum
3. Invocation
4. Pledges to Flags
5. Citizen Open Forum
6. Discuss/Reject/Approve Consent Agenda
6.A. February 10, 2025 Regular Meeting Minutes
6.B. Discuss/Reject/Approve the Financial Report for February 2025.
6.C. Discuss/Reject/Approve budget amendments for February 2025 - No budget amendments for February 2025
6.D. Discuss/Reject/Approve monthly investment report for February 2025.
6.E. Discuss/Reject/Approve payment of invoices for February 2025.
6.F. Discuss/Reject/Approve a request for parcel #18001, winning bidder Michael Budde, for the amount of $753.00. The property's legal description is: Lot Seven (7) and Eight (8), in Block Forty-five (45), of the Original Town of Colorado City, Mitchell County, Texas. Site description is W. 2nd, Colorado City, TX 79512.
6.G. Discuss/Reject/Approve a request for parcel #19301, winning bidder Michael Budde, for the amount of $888.00. The legal description of the property is: East One Hundred Feet (E/100') of the South Ten Feet (S10/10') of Lot Three (3) and the East One Hundred Feet (E/100') of Lot Four (4), Block Six (6), of the Dunn, Snyder, and Mooar Addition, to the City of Colorado City, Mitchell County, Texas. The site description is Dallas St, Colorado City, TX 79512.
6.H. Discuss/Reject/Approve a request for parcel #19040, winning bidder Barbara Worthington, for the amount of $1,000.00. The legal description of the property is: Lots One (1) and Two (2), Block One (1), Austin Heights #1 Addition, City of Colorado City, Mitchell County, Texas. Site description is 1905 Boyd Street, Colorado City, TX 79512.
6.I. Discuss/Reject/Approve a request for parcel #19296, the winning bidder, Panhandle Key, LLC, for the amount of $2,100.00. The legal description is as follows: West One Hundred Feet (W/100') of Lot Four (4), Block Five (5), of the Dunn, Snyder, and Mooar Addition, City of Colorado City, Mitchell County, Texas, as more particularly described in a deed recorded in Vol. 714, Pg. 196 & 200 of the Deed Records of Mitchel County, Texas. Site description is 184 S. Austin St., Colorado City, TX 79512.
8.A. Discuss/Reject/Approve an update of Bond 2024 from Gallagher Construction.
8.B. Discuss/Reject/Approve financial overview for facility projects
8.C. Discuss/Reject/Approve: memo regarding the Certification of Unopposed Candidates and Order of Cancellation for the School Board Election on May 3, 2025, for Place 3 & 7.
8.D. Discuss/Reject/Approve Certification of Unopposed Candidates for the School Board Election on May 3, 2025, for Place 3 &7.
8.E. Discuss/Reject/Approve Order of Cancellation for Place 3 &7.
8.F. Discuss/Reject/Approve Colorado ISD District of Innovation Plan Amendment
8.G. Discuss/Reject/Approve Days of Grace Facility Lease Agreement.
8.H. Discuss/Reject/Approve the Resolution to participate in the West Texas Food Service Cooperative for the 2025-2026 school year.
8.I. Discuss/Reject/Approve Lone Star Governance
8.I.1. Goal 3
8.I.2. GPM 3.2
8.I.3. Superintendent Constraint 3
8.I.4. CPM 3.1
8.I.5. Board Self Contraint 3
9.A. Discuss/Reject/Approve Student Outcomes and Performances.
9.B. Discuss/Reject/Approve District Safety Report
12.A. The Board will convene in a Closed Meeting in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Chapter 551.074 for the purposes of discussing personnel and Texas Government Code Chapter 551.071 and 551.129 for the purpose of discussing property and Texas Government Code Chapter 551.076 for the purpose of discussing safety and security.
12.B. Discuss/Reject/Approve recommendations for certified personnel
13.A. Information: Calendar: The Board may set dates for special meetings and hearings, and receive information regarding other special dates. Request: The Board may submit a request for information to be considered at the next regular Board meeting.
13.B. Information: Remarks: Superintendent
13.C. Information: Remarks: Members of the Board of Trustees
14. Adjournment
14.A. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | March 10, 2025 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Call to Order
Subject: |
2. Determination of Quorum
Subject: |
3. Invocation
Subject: |
4. Pledges to Flags
Subject: |
5. Citizen Open Forum
Subject: |
6. Discuss/Reject/Approve Consent Agenda
Subject: |
6.A. February 10, 2025 Regular Meeting Minutes
Subject: |
6.B. Discuss/Reject/Approve the Financial Report for February 2025.
Subject: |
6.C. Discuss/Reject/Approve budget amendments for February 2025 - No budget amendments for February 2025
Subject: |
6.D. Discuss/Reject/Approve monthly investment report for February 2025.
Subject: |
6.E. Discuss/Reject/Approve payment of invoices for February 2025.
Subject: |
6.F. Discuss/Reject/Approve a request for parcel #18001, winning bidder Michael Budde, for the amount of $753.00. The property's legal description is: Lot Seven (7) and Eight (8), in Block Forty-five (45), of the Original Town of Colorado City, Mitchell County, Texas. Site description is W. 2nd, Colorado City, TX 79512.
Subject: |
6.G. Discuss/Reject/Approve a request for parcel #19301, winning bidder Michael Budde, for the amount of $888.00. The legal description of the property is: East One Hundred Feet (E/100') of the South Ten Feet (S10/10') of Lot Three (3) and the East One Hundred Feet (E/100') of Lot Four (4), Block Six (6), of the Dunn, Snyder, and Mooar Addition, to the City of Colorado City, Mitchell County, Texas. The site description is Dallas St, Colorado City, TX 79512.
Subject: |
6.H. Discuss/Reject/Approve a request for parcel #19040, winning bidder Barbara Worthington, for the amount of $1,000.00. The legal description of the property is: Lots One (1) and Two (2), Block One (1), Austin Heights #1 Addition, City of Colorado City, Mitchell County, Texas. Site description is 1905 Boyd Street, Colorado City, TX 79512.
Subject: |
6.I. Discuss/Reject/Approve a request for parcel #19296, the winning bidder, Panhandle Key, LLC, for the amount of $2,100.00. The legal description is as follows: West One Hundred Feet (W/100') of Lot Four (4), Block Five (5), of the Dunn, Snyder, and Mooar Addition, City of Colorado City, Mitchell County, Texas, as more particularly described in a deed recorded in Vol. 714, Pg. 196 & 200 of the Deed Records of Mitchel County, Texas. Site description is 184 S. Austin St., Colorado City, TX 79512.
Subject: |
Subject: |
Lorianne Toombs - Colorado Elementary/Middle School
Steve Komppa - Colorado High School/Wallace Acc High School |
Subject: |
Subject: |
8.A. Discuss/Reject/Approve an update of Bond 2024 from Gallagher Construction.
Subject: |
8.B. Discuss/Reject/Approve financial overview for facility projects
Subject: |
8.C. Discuss/Reject/Approve: memo regarding the Certification of Unopposed Candidates and Order of Cancellation for the School Board Election on May 3, 2025, for Place 3 & 7.
Subject: |
8.D. Discuss/Reject/Approve Certification of Unopposed Candidates for the School Board Election on May 3, 2025, for Place 3 &7.
Subject: |
8.E. Discuss/Reject/Approve Order of Cancellation for Place 3 &7.
Subject: |
8.F. Discuss/Reject/Approve Colorado ISD District of Innovation Plan Amendment
Subject: |
8.G. Discuss/Reject/Approve Days of Grace Facility Lease Agreement.
Subject: |
8.H. Discuss/Reject/Approve the Resolution to participate in the West Texas Food Service Cooperative for the 2025-2026 school year.
Subject: |
8.I. Discuss/Reject/Approve Lone Star Governance
Subject: |
8.I.1. Goal 3
Subject: |
8.I.2. GPM 3.2
Subject: |
8.I.3. Superintendent Constraint 3
Subject: |
8.I.4. CPM 3.1
Subject: |
8.I.5. Board Self Contraint 3
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Subject: |
9.A. Discuss/Reject/Approve Student Outcomes and Performances.
Subject: |
9.B. Discuss/Reject/Approve District Safety Report
Subject: |
Subject: |
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Subject: |
12.A. The Board will convene in a Closed Meeting in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Chapter 551.074 for the purposes of discussing personnel and Texas Government Code Chapter 551.071 and 551.129 for the purpose of discussing property and Texas Government Code Chapter 551.076 for the purpose of discussing safety and security.
Subject: |
12.B. Discuss/Reject/Approve recommendations for certified personnel
Subject: |
Subject: |
13.A. Information: Calendar: The Board may set dates for special meetings and hearings, and receive information regarding other special dates. Request: The Board may submit a request for information to be considered at the next regular Board meeting.
Subject: |
13.B. Information: Remarks: Superintendent
Subject: |
13.C. Information: Remarks: Members of the Board of Trustees
Subject: |
14. Adjournment
Subject: |
14.A. Adjourn