Meeting Agenda
1. Call to Order
2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas Flags
3. Special Recognition/Presentations
4. Hearing for Citizens Present to Address the Board about the Proposed 2024 Tax Rate (limit 3 minutes each)
5. Public Comments
6.A. Consider Approval of Minutes from the August 6, 2024 (Special Meeting) as presented.
6.B. Consider Approval of June and July Monthly Financial Reports as presented (Alignment with Goal 3)
6.C. Consider approval of 2024-2025 Texas Teacher Evaluation & Support Systems (T-TESS) & Texas Principal Evaluation & Support Systems (T-PESS) Calendar and Appraisers (Alignment with Goal 4)
6.D. Consider and Adopt the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Resolution for Extracurricular Status of 4-H Organization and Adjunct Faculty Agreement as presented (Alignment with Goal 1)
6.E. Final Reading of Revisions to Local Policies: DBA(LOCAL): Employment Requirements and Restrictions/Credentials and Records, DK(LOCAL): Assignment and Schedules, EB(LOCAL): School Year, EEB(LOCAL): Instructional Arrangements/ Class Size, FDA(LOCAL): Admissions/ Interdistrict Transfers, FEC(LOCAL): Attendance/Attendance for Credit, FDB(LOCAL): Admissions/Intradistrict Transfers.
7.A. Consider Approval of Resolution Authorizing the Defeasance of Outstanding Bonds as presented (Alignment with Goal 3)
7.B. Consider Approval of Order Authorizing the Issuance of Unlimited Tax Refunding Bonds, Series 2024; Setting Certain Parameters for the Bonds; Authorizing the Pricing Officer to Approve the Amount, the Interest Rate, Price, Including the Terms Thereof; Authorizing the Redemption Prior to Maturity of Certain Outstanding Bonds; And Certain Other Procedures and Provisions Related Thereto as presented (Alignment with Goal 3)
7.C. Consider Approval of Construction Delivery Method for Bond Projects as presented (Alignment with Goal 1, 2, and 3)
7.D. Consider Approval of Easement Agreement with the City of Montgomery regarding the Redbird Development as presented (Alignment with Goal 3)
7.E. Consider Approval of Purchases over $50,000 for the Competitive Sealed Proposals for the Transportation and Maintenance Projects (Alignment with Goal 3)
7.F. Consider, Adopt, and Set by Order/Resolution the 2024 Ad Valorem Tax Rate for Debt Service, $0.3743/$100. (Alignment with Goal 3)
7.G. Consider, Adopt, and Set by Order/Resolution the 2024 Ad Valorem Tax Rate for Maintenance and Operations, $.7169/$100. (Alignment with Goal 3)
7.H. Consider Approval of Order Calling an Election to Ratify School District Taxes Pursuant to Section 26.08 of the Property Code as presented (Alignment with Goals 1-5)
8.A. Report on Cooperative Purchasing and Management Fees (Alignment with Goal 3)
8.B. 2024-2025 Employee Handbooks (Alignment with Goals 1-5)
9. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
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Meeting: | August 19, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Call to Order
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2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas Flags
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3. Special Recognition/Presentations
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4. Hearing for Citizens Present to Address the Board about the Proposed 2024 Tax Rate (limit 3 minutes each)
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5. Public Comments
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Subject: |
6.A. Consider Approval of Minutes from the August 6, 2024 (Special Meeting) as presented.
Subject: |
6.B. Consider Approval of June and July Monthly Financial Reports as presented (Alignment with Goal 3)
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6.C. Consider approval of 2024-2025 Texas Teacher Evaluation & Support Systems (T-TESS) & Texas Principal Evaluation & Support Systems (T-PESS) Calendar and Appraisers (Alignment with Goal 4)
Subject: |
6.D. Consider and Adopt the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Resolution for Extracurricular Status of 4-H Organization and Adjunct Faculty Agreement as presented (Alignment with Goal 1)
Subject: |
6.E. Final Reading of Revisions to Local Policies: DBA(LOCAL): Employment Requirements and Restrictions/Credentials and Records, DK(LOCAL): Assignment and Schedules, EB(LOCAL): School Year, EEB(LOCAL): Instructional Arrangements/ Class Size, FDA(LOCAL): Admissions/ Interdistrict Transfers, FEC(LOCAL): Attendance/Attendance for Credit, FDB(LOCAL): Admissions/Intradistrict Transfers.
Subject: |
Subject: |
7.A. Consider Approval of Resolution Authorizing the Defeasance of Outstanding Bonds as presented (Alignment with Goal 3)
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7.B. Consider Approval of Order Authorizing the Issuance of Unlimited Tax Refunding Bonds, Series 2024; Setting Certain Parameters for the Bonds; Authorizing the Pricing Officer to Approve the Amount, the Interest Rate, Price, Including the Terms Thereof; Authorizing the Redemption Prior to Maturity of Certain Outstanding Bonds; And Certain Other Procedures and Provisions Related Thereto as presented (Alignment with Goal 3)
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7.C. Consider Approval of Construction Delivery Method for Bond Projects as presented (Alignment with Goal 1, 2, and 3)
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7.D. Consider Approval of Easement Agreement with the City of Montgomery regarding the Redbird Development as presented (Alignment with Goal 3)
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7.E. Consider Approval of Purchases over $50,000 for the Competitive Sealed Proposals for the Transportation and Maintenance Projects (Alignment with Goal 3)
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7.F. Consider, Adopt, and Set by Order/Resolution the 2024 Ad Valorem Tax Rate for Debt Service, $0.3743/$100. (Alignment with Goal 3)
Subject: |
7.G. Consider, Adopt, and Set by Order/Resolution the 2024 Ad Valorem Tax Rate for Maintenance and Operations, $.7169/$100. (Alignment with Goal 3)
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7.H. Consider Approval of Order Calling an Election to Ratify School District Taxes Pursuant to Section 26.08 of the Property Code as presented (Alignment with Goals 1-5)
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Subject: |
8.A. Report on Cooperative Purchasing and Management Fees (Alignment with Goal 3)
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8.B. 2024-2025 Employee Handbooks (Alignment with Goals 1-5)
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9. Adjourn