Meeting Agenda
1. Roll Call, Establishment of Quorum and Call to Order
2. Notice of Meeting: This meeting has been posted in Accordance with Government Code Chapter 551, State of Texas Open Meetings Act
3. Moment of Silence/Pledge of Allegiance/Texas Pledge
4. Adopt Agenda
5. Public Participation [Policy BED]
6. New Business
6.A. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Educational Diagnosticians' Week Proclamation
6.B. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding National School Breakfast Week Proclamation
6.C. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Texas Public Schools Week Proclamation
6.D. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Kingsville ISD's Financial Audit for 2023-2024
6.E. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding the 2024-2025 Targeted Improvement Plans for Harrel Elementary School and Gillett Middle School
6.F. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding E-Rate Funding Year 2025 Category 2 Equipment Report
6.G. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding the Renewal of the District's Property, Casualty, & Active Shooter Insurances
6.H. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding School Psychologist Services RFQ
7. The Board will enter into Closed Session in Accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code 551.071 and 551.074 to Deliberate and Consider the Following:
7.A. Consider and Deliberate Regarding Resignation/Retirement of Contract Employee (Principal), DFE (LOCAL)
7.B. Discussion Regarding Proposed Litigation Settlement Agreement
7.C. Consultation with Legal Counsel Regarding Legal and Personnel Matters
8. Return to Open Session and Take Necessary Action on Matters Which the Board May Discuss in Open Session and Upon Which Action May Be Taken.
8.A. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding the Resignation of a Contract Employee (Principal)
8.B. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Litigation Settlement Matters
9. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | February 18, 2025 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting | |
Subject: |
1. Roll Call, Establishment of Quorum and Call to Order
Subject: |
2. Notice of Meeting: This meeting has been posted in Accordance with Government Code Chapter 551, State of Texas Open Meetings Act
Subject: |
3. Moment of Silence/Pledge of Allegiance/Texas Pledge
Subject: |
4. Adopt Agenda
Subject: |
5. Public Participation [Policy BED]
Subject: |
6. New Business
Subject: |
6.A. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Educational Diagnosticians' Week Proclamation
Presenter: |
Mrs. Zimmerman
Subject: |
6.B. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding National School Breakfast Week Proclamation
Presenter: |
Ms. Ochoa
Subject: |
6.C. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Texas Public Schools Week Proclamation
Presenter: |
Dr. Besinaiz
Subject: |
6.D. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Kingsville ISD's Financial Audit for 2023-2024
Presenter: |
Dr. Pitts
Subject: |
6.E. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding the 2024-2025 Targeted Improvement Plans for Harrel Elementary School and Gillett Middle School
Presenter: |
Dr. Besinaiz & Mrs. Flowers
Subject: |
6.F. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding E-Rate Funding Year 2025 Category 2 Equipment Report
Presenter: |
Dr. Pitts & Dr. Garcia
Subject: |
6.G. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding the Renewal of the District's Property, Casualty, & Active Shooter Insurances
Presenter: |
Dr. Pitts
Subject: |
6.H. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding School Psychologist Services RFQ
Presenter: |
Dr. Pitts
Subject: |
7. The Board will enter into Closed Session in Accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code 551.071 and 551.074 to Deliberate and Consider the Following:
Subject: |
7.A. Consider and Deliberate Regarding Resignation/Retirement of Contract Employee (Principal), DFE (LOCAL)
Subject: |
7.B. Discussion Regarding Proposed Litigation Settlement Agreement
Subject: |
7.C. Consultation with Legal Counsel Regarding Legal and Personnel Matters
Subject: |
8. Return to Open Session and Take Necessary Action on Matters Which the Board May Discuss in Open Session and Upon Which Action May Be Taken.
Subject: |
8.A. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding the Resignation of a Contract Employee (Principal)
Subject: |
8.B. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Litigation Settlement Matters
Subject: |
9. Adjourn