Meeting Agenda
1. Roll Call, Establishment of Quorum and Call to Order
2. Notice of Meeting: This meeting has been posted in Accordance with Government Code Chapter 551, State of Texas Open Meetings Act
3. Moment of Silence/Pledge of Allegiance/Texas Pledge
4. Adopt Agenda
5. Public Participation [Policy BED (Local)]
6. Communication from Administration
6.A. Recognition of Food Service Staff
6.B. Attendance Campaign Poster Contest
6.C. Construction Update
6.D. Budget Recap Report/Check Register for August 2013
7. New Business
7.A. By Common Consent the Board Agrees to Consider as One Action Item
The Following: |
7.A.1. Approval of Special Board Meeting Minutes of August 30, 2013
7.A.2. Approval of Regular Board Meeting Minutes of September 2, 2013
7.A.3. Approval of Special Board Meeting Minutes of September 9, 2013
7.A.4. Approval of Special Board Meeting Minutes of September 30, 2013
7.A.5. Approval of Waiver of Tuition for Transfer Student
7.A.6. Approval of Budget Amendment #1
7.A.7. Approval of Tax Report for August 2013
7.A.8. Approval of Investment Report for August 2013
7.A.9. Approval of Purchases over $10,000
7.A.10. Approval of Grant from Wal-Mart
7.B. Consider Approval of First Six Weeks Attendance Report and Awarding of Campus Incentives
7.C. Consider Approval of Red Ribbon Week Proclamation
7.D. Consider Approval of National School Bus Safety Week Proclamation
7.E. Consider Approval of Schematic Design of the FEMA Safe Room / Gymnasium at the High School
7.F. Consider Approval of Location Change and Construction of Central Warehouse
7.G. Consider Approval of Extension Agents of Kleberg-Kenedy County as Adjunct Faculty for 4-H Members Extracurricular Participation
7.H. Consider Approval of Health Fair and Related Expenses
7.I. Consider Approval of Online Auction for Retired Assets
7.J. Consider Approval of Targeted School Improvement Plan: Kleberg Elementary
7.K. Consider Approval of Employment of Contracted Employee(s)
8. Closed Session, As Authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.074
8.A. Consider and Discuss Administrator, Principal, Auxiliary TASB Study
9. Open Session, If Any, on Closed Session Deliberations
9.A. Administrator, Principal, Auxiliary TASB Study
10. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | October 7, 2013 at 6:15 PM - Regular | |
Subject: |
1. Roll Call, Establishment of Quorum and Call to Order
Subject: |
2. Notice of Meeting: This meeting has been posted in Accordance with Government Code Chapter 551, State of Texas Open Meetings Act
Subject: |
3. Moment of Silence/Pledge of Allegiance/Texas Pledge
Subject: |
4. Adopt Agenda
Subject: |
5. Public Participation [Policy BED (Local)]
Subject: |
6. Communication from Administration
Subject: |
6.A. Recognition of Food Service Staff
Presenter: |
K. Griffith
Subject: |
6.B. Attendance Campaign Poster Contest
Presenter: |
S. Sanchez
Subject: |
6.C. Construction Update
Presenter: |
K. Griffith
Subject: |
6.D. Budget Recap Report/Check Register for August 2013
Presenter: |
K. Griffith
Subject: |
7. New Business
Subject: |
7.A. By Common Consent the Board Agrees to Consider as One Action Item
The Following: |
Subject: |
7.A.1. Approval of Special Board Meeting Minutes of August 30, 2013
Subject: |
7.A.2. Approval of Regular Board Meeting Minutes of September 2, 2013
Subject: |
7.A.3. Approval of Special Board Meeting Minutes of September 9, 2013
Subject: |
7.A.4. Approval of Special Board Meeting Minutes of September 30, 2013
Subject: |
7.A.5. Approval of Waiver of Tuition for Transfer Student
Subject: |
7.A.6. Approval of Budget Amendment #1
Subject: |
7.A.7. Approval of Tax Report for August 2013
Subject: |
7.A.8. Approval of Investment Report for August 2013
Subject: |
7.A.9. Approval of Purchases over $10,000
Subject: |
7.A.10. Approval of Grant from Wal-Mart
Subject: |
7.B. Consider Approval of First Six Weeks Attendance Report and Awarding of Campus Incentives
Presenter: |
E. Blaha
Subject: |
7.C. Consider Approval of Red Ribbon Week Proclamation
Presenter: |
C. Perez
Subject: |
7.D. Consider Approval of National School Bus Safety Week Proclamation
Presenter: |
K. Griffith
Subject: |
7.E. Consider Approval of Schematic Design of the FEMA Safe Room / Gymnasium at the High School
Presenter: |
K. Griffith
Subject: |
7.F. Consider Approval of Location Change and Construction of Central Warehouse
Presenter: |
K. Griffith
Subject: |
7.G. Consider Approval of Extension Agents of Kleberg-Kenedy County as Adjunct Faculty for 4-H Members Extracurricular Participation
Presenter: |
C. Perez
Subject: |
7.H. Consider Approval of Health Fair and Related Expenses
Presenter: |
K. Griffith
Subject: |
7.I. Consider Approval of Online Auction for Retired Assets
Presenter: |
K. Griffith
Subject: |
7.J. Consider Approval of Targeted School Improvement Plan: Kleberg Elementary
Presenter: |
C. Perez
Subject: |
7.K. Consider Approval of Employment of Contracted Employee(s)
Presenter: |
S. Michalk
Subject: |
8. Closed Session, As Authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.074
Subject: |
8.A. Consider and Discuss Administrator, Principal, Auxiliary TASB Study
Subject: |
9. Open Session, If Any, on Closed Session Deliberations
Subject: |
9.A. Administrator, Principal, Auxiliary TASB Study
Subject: |
10. Adjourn