Meeting Agenda
1. Roll Call, Establishment of Quorum and Call to Order
2. Notice of Meeting: This meeting has been posted in Accordance with Government Code Chapter 551, State of Texas Open Meetings Act
3. Moment of Silence/Pledge of Allegiance/Texas Pledge
4. Adopt Agenda
5. Public Participation [Policy BED (Local)]
6. Communication from Administration
6.A. Construction Update
6.B. Kingsville ISD Attendance Campaign - "What You Miss Matters"
6.C. Budget Recap Report/Check Register for June 2013
7. New Business
7.A. By Common Consent the Board Agrees to Consider as One Action Item
The Following: |
7.A.1. Approval of Special Board Meeting Minutes of July 11, 2013
7.A.2. Approval of Regular Board Meeting Minutes of July 15, 2013
7.A.3. Approval of Special Board Meeting Minutes of July 29, 2013
7.A.4. Approval of Budget Amendment #13
7.A.5. Approval of Tax Report for June 2013
7.A.6. Approval of Financial Report for June 2013
7.A.7. Approval of Investment Report for June 2013
7.A.8. Approval of 2013-2014 Transfer Student Agreements
7.B. Consider Approval of Delegate and Alternate for the 2013 TASB Delegate Assembly at the TASA/TASB Convention
7.C. Consider Approval of Endorsement of Region 2 Representative to TASB Board of Directors
7.D. Consider Approval of Second Reading of Local Policy Update 97 Affecting: CNA(LOCAL): Transportation Management - Student Transportation; DBAA(LOCAL): Employment Requirements And Restrictions - Criminal History And Credit Reports; DPB(LOCAL): Personnel Positions - Substitute, Temporary, And Part-Time Positions; and GBBA(LOCAL): School Communications Program - News Media Relations
7.E. Consider Approval of the 2013-2014 Student Code of Conduct
7.F. Consider Approval of KISD Mission Statement and Vision Statement
7.G. Consider Approval of Public Meeting Date for the 2013-2014 Budget
7.H. Consider Approval of Health Insurance Benefit Coverage and Rate Changes for 2013-2014
7.I. Consider Approval of County Tax Assessor-Collector Certification of 2012 Excess Debt Collections and the Certification of the 2013 Anticipated Collection Rate
7.J. Consider Approval of Employment of Contracted Employee(s)
8. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | August 5, 2013 at 6:00 PM - Regular | |
Subject: |
1. Roll Call, Establishment of Quorum and Call to Order
Subject: |
2. Notice of Meeting: This meeting has been posted in Accordance with Government Code Chapter 551, State of Texas Open Meetings Act
Subject: |
3. Moment of Silence/Pledge of Allegiance/Texas Pledge
Subject: |
4. Adopt Agenda
Subject: |
5. Public Participation [Policy BED (Local)]
Subject: |
6. Communication from Administration
Subject: |
6.A. Construction Update
Presenter: |
K. Griffith
Subject: |
6.B. Kingsville ISD Attendance Campaign - "What You Miss Matters"
Presenter: |
S. Sanchez
Subject: |
6.C. Budget Recap Report/Check Register for June 2013
Presenter: |
K. Griffith
Subject: |
7. New Business
Subject: |
7.A. By Common Consent the Board Agrees to Consider as One Action Item
The Following: |
Subject: |
7.A.1. Approval of Special Board Meeting Minutes of July 11, 2013
Subject: |
7.A.2. Approval of Regular Board Meeting Minutes of July 15, 2013
Subject: |
7.A.3. Approval of Special Board Meeting Minutes of July 29, 2013
Subject: |
7.A.4. Approval of Budget Amendment #13
Subject: |
7.A.5. Approval of Tax Report for June 2013
Subject: |
7.A.6. Approval of Financial Report for June 2013
Subject: |
7.A.7. Approval of Investment Report for June 2013
Subject: |
7.A.8. Approval of 2013-2014 Transfer Student Agreements
Subject: |
7.B. Consider Approval of Delegate and Alternate for the 2013 TASB Delegate Assembly at the TASA/TASB Convention
Presenter: |
E. Blaha
Subject: |
7.C. Consider Approval of Endorsement of Region 2 Representative to TASB Board of Directors
Presenter: |
E. Blaha
Subject: |
7.D. Consider Approval of Second Reading of Local Policy Update 97 Affecting: CNA(LOCAL): Transportation Management - Student Transportation; DBAA(LOCAL): Employment Requirements And Restrictions - Criminal History And Credit Reports; DPB(LOCAL): Personnel Positions - Substitute, Temporary, And Part-Time Positions; and GBBA(LOCAL): School Communications Program - News Media Relations
Presenter: |
S. Michalk
Subject: |
7.E. Consider Approval of the 2013-2014 Student Code of Conduct
Presenter: |
G. Ruiz
Subject: |
7.F. Consider Approval of KISD Mission Statement and Vision Statement
Presenter: |
E. Blaha
Subject: |
7.G. Consider Approval of Public Meeting Date for the 2013-2014 Budget
Presenter: |
K. Griffith
Subject: |
7.H. Consider Approval of Health Insurance Benefit Coverage and Rate Changes for 2013-2014
Presenter: |
K. Griffith
Subject: |
7.I. Consider Approval of County Tax Assessor-Collector Certification of 2012 Excess Debt Collections and the Certification of the 2013 Anticipated Collection Rate
Presenter: |
K. Griffith
Subject: |
7.J. Consider Approval of Employment of Contracted Employee(s)
Presenter: |
S. Michalk
Subject: |
8. Adjourn