Meeting Agenda
1. Establish a quorum and call the meeting to order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Open Forum
4. Board Recognitions
5. Information / Presentations
5.A. Board Training Information
5.B. 2016-2017 Program Effectiveness Review - Important Monitoring Information
5.C. DNA (REGULATION) - Performance Appraisal Evaluation of Teachers (Information Only)
5.D. Update on Teacher Evaluations in Texas
5.D.1. Guidance on Student Growth in T-TESS
5.E. Financial Reports-Information Only
5.E.1. Check Register - June
5.E.2. Cash Activity Report - June
5.E.3. Monthly Investment Report - June
5.E.4. Quarterly Investment Report
5.E.5. Bond 2016 Financial Report
5.E.6. Bond Sale 2017
5.E.7. Bond Projects Budget
5.F. Technology News: Office 365 E-Mail
5.G. Grant Proposal- Wells Fargo
5.H. 2016 Bond Committee Approved Minutes- 5/9/2017
6. Board Items
6.A. Review, Discussion, and possible action to approve policy AE (Local) Educational Philosophy (District Vision, Mission, and Motto) (2nd Reading)
6.B. Consider approval of ESC 19 Memorandum of Understanding School District Employee Stipend Payments
6.C. Discussion and possible action to authorize signatories for the purpose of issuing payments and authorizing wire transfers, including those due for bond related projects.
6.D. Consider approval of reclassification of Payroll Specialist to Payroll / HR Specialist
6.D.1. Consider approval of job description for the position of Payroll / HR Specialist
6.E. Discussion and possible action regarding eligibility requirements of the one-time payment of $600 for the 17 / 18 compensation year
6.F. Discussion and possible action on the district’s contribution towards the cost of the monthly employee health care premium.
6.G. Consider Approval of Pay Application #4 for the period to 7/11/2017 from Venegas Engineering Management and Construction for the Athletics Facilities Portion of the 2016 Bond Project
6.H. Consider approval of Pay Application #3 for the period to 7/11/2017 from Venegas Engineering Management and Construction for the HVAC/Roofing/Accessibility Portion of the 2016 Bond Project.
6.I. Discussion and Possible action – Regarding the disposal of district property – used John Deere tractor
6.J. Discussion on possible action regarding the approval of change order for the extension of contract days for the Athletic Facilities Contract with VEMAC related to the delivery of stadium bleachers.
6.K. Discussion and possible action regarding naming of the new Tornillo High School Athletics Stadium
7. Consent Agenda
(All items on the Consent Agenda shall be acted upon by one vote without separate discussion, unless a Board Member requests that an item be withdrawn for individual consideration) |
7.A. Approve minutes from previous meetings
7.A.1. Regular Board Meeting Minutes - June 28, 2017
7.A.2. Special Board Meeting Minutes - July 12, 2017
7.B. Consider the Approval of Contract between The University of Texas Austin (IPSI) and Tornillo ISD for the continuation of staff development support for the 2017-2018 school year.
7.C. Consider Approval of the Tornillo ISD 2017-2018 Student Handbook & Code of Conduct
7.D. Consider Approval of the Tornillo ISD 2017-2018 Athletic Handbook
7.E. Consider Approval of the Tornillo ISD 2017-2018 T-TESS Reference Manual
7.F. Consider Approval of the Tornillo ISD 2017-2018 Employee Handbook
7.G. Consider Approval of the Tornillo ISD 2017-2018 Substitute Handbook
7.H. Consider approval of job description: Tennis Coach
7.I. Consider approval of Workers' Compensation Plan Year 2017-2018 Renewal Addendum
8. Executive Session. The Board will enter into a closed meeting to discuss
personnel matters, and to consult with attorney, under Sections 551.071 and 551.074, Texas Government Code. The Board will reconvene into open
session to take any necessary action.
8.A. Discussion regarding employment and compensation of Interim Superintendent Marco Tristan.
8.B. Discussion regarding hire of a third party to conduct a superintendent search for the District.
8.C. Discussion regarding compensation and temporary pay scale for Interim Facilities Director Alicia Reyes
9. Continuation of Board Items in Open Session
9.A. Discussion and possible action regarding employment and compensation of Interim Superintendent Marco Tristan.
9.B. Discussion regarding and possible action to hire third party to conduct a superintendent search for the District.
9.C. Discussion regarding compensation and temporary pay scale for Interim Facilities Director Alicia Reyes
10. Next Meeting Tentative Date: August 23, 2017
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | July 26, 2017 at 5:30 PM - Regular | |
Subject: |
1. Establish a quorum and call the meeting to order
Presenter: |
Ms. Marlene Bullard, Board President
Subject: |
2. Pledge of Allegiance
Presenter: |
Ms. Marlene Bullard, Board President
Subject: |
3. Open Forum
Presenter: |
Ms. Marlene Bullard, Board President
Subject: |
4. Board Recognitions
Subject: |
5. Information / Presentations
Subject: |
5.A. Board Training Information
Presenter: |
Mr. Marco Tristan, Interim Superintendent
Subject: |
5.B. 2016-2017 Program Effectiveness Review - Important Monitoring Information
Presenter: |
Mr. Marco Tristan, Interim Superintendent
Subject: |
5.C. DNA (REGULATION) - Performance Appraisal Evaluation of Teachers (Information Only)
Presenter: |
Ms. Elisa Davis, Human Resources Manager
Subject: |
5.D. Update on Teacher Evaluations in Texas
Presenter: |
Ms. Elisa Davis, Human Resources Manager
Subject: |
5.D.1. Guidance on Student Growth in T-TESS
Presenter: |
Ms. Elisa Davis, Human Resources Manager
Subject: |
5.E. Financial Reports-Information Only
Presenter: |
Ms. Blanca Cruz, Executive Director of Finance
Subject: |
5.E.1. Check Register - June
Subject: |
5.E.2. Cash Activity Report - June
Subject: |
5.E.3. Monthly Investment Report - June
Subject: |
5.E.4. Quarterly Investment Report
Subject: |
5.E.5. Bond 2016 Financial Report
Subject: |
5.E.6. Bond Sale 2017
Subject: |
5.E.7. Bond Projects Budget
Subject: |
5.F. Technology News: Office 365 E-Mail
Presenter: |
Mr. Carlos Garcia, Executive Director of Technology
Subject: |
5.G. Grant Proposal- Wells Fargo
Presenter: |
Ms. Laura Roa, High School Assistant Principal
Subject: |
5.H. 2016 Bond Committee Approved Minutes- 5/9/2017
Subject: |
6. Board Items
Subject: |
6.A. Review, Discussion, and possible action to approve policy AE (Local) Educational Philosophy (District Vision, Mission, and Motto) (2nd Reading)
Presenter: |
Mr. Marco Tristan, Interim Superintendent
Subject: |
6.B. Consider approval of ESC 19 Memorandum of Understanding School District Employee Stipend Payments
Presenter: |
Mr. Marco Tristan, Interim Superintendent
Subject: |
6.C. Discussion and possible action to authorize signatories for the purpose of issuing payments and authorizing wire transfers, including those due for bond related projects.
Presenter: |
Mr. Marco Tristan, Interim Superintendent
Subject: |
6.D. Consider approval of reclassification of Payroll Specialist to Payroll / HR Specialist
Presenter: |
Ms. Elisa Davis, Human Resources Manager
Subject: |
6.D.1. Consider approval of job description for the position of Payroll / HR Specialist
Presenter: |
Ms. Elisa Davis, Human Resources Manager
Subject: |
6.E. Discussion and possible action regarding eligibility requirements of the one-time payment of $600 for the 17 / 18 compensation year
Presenter: |
Ms. Elisa Davis, Human Resources Manager
Subject: |
6.F. Discussion and possible action on the district’s contribution towards the cost of the monthly employee health care premium.
Presenter: |
Ms. Elisa Davis, Human Resources Manager
Subject: |
6.G. Consider Approval of Pay Application #4 for the period to 7/11/2017 from Venegas Engineering Management and Construction for the Athletics Facilities Portion of the 2016 Bond Project
Presenter: |
Ms. Alice Reyes, Interim Facilities Manager
Subject: |
6.H. Consider approval of Pay Application #3 for the period to 7/11/2017 from Venegas Engineering Management and Construction for the HVAC/Roofing/Accessibility Portion of the 2016 Bond Project.
Presenter: |
Ms. Alice Reyes, Interim Facilities Director
Subject: |
6.I. Discussion and Possible action – Regarding the disposal of district property – used John Deere tractor
Presenter: |
Ms. Alice Reyes, Interim Facilities Director
Subject: |
6.J. Discussion on possible action regarding the approval of change order for the extension of contract days for the Athletic Facilities Contract with VEMAC related to the delivery of stadium bleachers.
Presenter: |
Ms. Alice Reyes, Interim Facilities Director
Subject: |
6.K. Discussion and possible action regarding naming of the new Tornillo High School Athletics Stadium
Presenter: |
Ms. Marlene Bullard, Board President
Subject: |
7. Consent Agenda
(All items on the Consent Agenda shall be acted upon by one vote without separate discussion, unless a Board Member requests that an item be withdrawn for individual consideration) |
Subject: |
7.A. Approve minutes from previous meetings
Subject: |
7.A.1. Regular Board Meeting Minutes - June 28, 2017
Subject: |
7.A.2. Special Board Meeting Minutes - July 12, 2017
Subject: |
7.B. Consider the Approval of Contract between The University of Texas Austin (IPSI) and Tornillo ISD for the continuation of staff development support for the 2017-2018 school year.
Presenter: |
Mr. Marco Tristan, Interim Superintendent and Ms. Blanca Cruz, Executive Director of Finance
Subject: |
7.C. Consider Approval of the Tornillo ISD 2017-2018 Student Handbook & Code of Conduct
Subject: |
7.D. Consider Approval of the Tornillo ISD 2017-2018 Athletic Handbook
Presenter: |
Mr. Cody Burris, Athletic Director
Subject: |
7.E. Consider Approval of the Tornillo ISD 2017-2018 T-TESS Reference Manual
Presenter: |
Ms. Davis, Human Resources Manager
Subject: |
7.F. Consider Approval of the Tornillo ISD 2017-2018 Employee Handbook
Presenter: |
Ms. Elisa Davis, Human Resources Manager
Subject: |
7.G. Consider Approval of the Tornillo ISD 2017-2018 Substitute Handbook
Presenter: |
Ms. Elisa Davis, Human Resources Manager
Subject: |
7.H. Consider approval of job description: Tennis Coach
Presenter: |
Ms. Elisa Davis, Human Resources Manager
Subject: |
7.I. Consider approval of Workers' Compensation Plan Year 2017-2018 Renewal Addendum
Presenter: |
Ms. Elisa Davis, Human Resources Manager
Subject: |
8. Executive Session. The Board will enter into a closed meeting to discuss
personnel matters, and to consult with attorney, under Sections 551.071 and 551.074, Texas Government Code. The Board will reconvene into open
session to take any necessary action.
Subject: |
8.A. Discussion regarding employment and compensation of Interim Superintendent Marco Tristan.
Presenter: |
Ms. Marlene Bullard, Board President
Subject: |
8.B. Discussion regarding hire of a third party to conduct a superintendent search for the District.
Presenter: |
Ms. Marlene Bullard, Board President
Subject: |
8.C. Discussion regarding compensation and temporary pay scale for Interim Facilities Director Alicia Reyes
Presenter: |
Ms. Blanca Cruz, Executive Director of Finance
Subject: |
9. Continuation of Board Items in Open Session
Subject: |
9.A. Discussion and possible action regarding employment and compensation of Interim Superintendent Marco Tristan.
Presenter: |
Ms. Marlene Bullard, Board President
Subject: |
9.B. Discussion regarding and possible action to hire third party to conduct a superintendent search for the District.
Presenter: |
Ms. Marlene Bullard, Board President
Subject: |
9.C. Discussion regarding compensation and temporary pay scale for Interim Facilities Director Alicia Reyes
Presenter: |
Ms. Blanca Cruz, Executive Director of Finance
Subject: |
10. Next Meeting Tentative Date: August 23, 2017