Meeting Agenda
1. Establish a quorum and call the meeting to order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Open Forum
4. Board Recognitions
5. Information/Reports/Presentations
5.A. Presentation by MNK Architects on bond projects.
5.B. Superintendent's Report
5.C. TEA Accountability Ratings
5.D. Financial Reports-Information Only
5.D.1. Check Register-August
5.D.2. Cash Activity Report-August
5.D.3. Monthly Investment Report-August
5.E. Athletic Supply Fund Balance Update
5.F. Donations to Tornillo ISD
5.F.1. UT Land System-Technology
5.F.2. Miscellaneous Items-Elementary School
5.G. Supper Program SY 2016-2017 Update
6. Consent Agenda
(All items on the Consent Agenda shall be acted upon by one vote without separate discussion, unless a Board Member requests that an item be withdrawn for individual consideration) |
6.A. Approve minutes from previous meetings
6.A.1. 8/24/2016 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
6.A.2. 9/14/2016 Special Board Meeting Minutes
6.B. Consider approval of Budget Amendments
6.C. Consider approval of Contract for Provider of Special Education Related Services-Adaptive PE.
6.D. Consider approval of TASB Policy Manual Updates (2ndReading)
6.D.1. Policy Manual Update 105 (2nd Reading), affecting the following (LOCAL) Policies:
6.D.1.a. BJCF (LOCAL) Superintendent Nonrenewal
6.D.1.b. BQ (LOCAL) Planning and Decision-Making Process
6.D.1.c. CLB (LOCAL) Buildings, Grounds, and Equipment Management
6.D.1.d. CLE (LOCAL) Buildings, Grounds, and Equipment Management Flag Displays
6.D.1.e. CPC (LOCAL) Office Management Records Management
6.D.1.f. DBA (LOCAL) Employment Requirements and Restrictions Credentials and Records
6.D.1.g. DFBB (LOCAL) Term Contracts Nonrenewal
6.D.1.h. DFFA (LOCAL) Reduction in Force Financial Exigency
6.D.1.i. DFFB (Local) Reduction in Force Program Change
6.D.1.j. EHBD (LOCAL) Special Programs Federal Title I
6.D.1.k. FDC (LOCAL) Admissions Homeless Students
6.D.2. Policy Manual Update 106 (2nd Reading), affecting the following (LOCAL) Policies:
6.D.2.a. EHBAF (LOCAL) Special Education Video/Audio Monitoring
6.E. Consider Approval of the Interlocal Agreement For The Establishment and Operation of El Paso County Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Programs Pursuant to Chapter 37 of The Texas Education Code
6.F. Consider approval of resolution for observance of the Texas Education Human Resource Day.
6.G. Consider approval of final list of County early voting sites, dates and times for November 2016 general election
6.H. Consider approval of 2nd renewal of lease #9267 with University of Texas System for 282 acres (encompassing the High School, Intermediate School and Junior High school campuses) and authorize payment of rent in the amount of $5,000 for ten year term of lease.
6.I. Consider approval disposal of school buses.
6.J. Consider approval for payment of invoice number 2016-18.01 from MNK Architects for services rendered to district for TISD 2016 Bond Projects.
6.K. Consider approval of Technology Equipment Disposal
6.L. Consider approval of the E-Verify Memorandum of Understanding for Employers
6.M. Consider approval of potential affiliation agreement with the Department of State Health Services for Preventive Dental Services.
7. Board Items
7.A. Consider approval of the 2017 Senior Trip
7.B. Consider approval of ESC Region 19 Contract (Meals for Children in Head Start Program)
7.C. Consider approval of ESC Region 19 Contract (Meals for Adults in Head Start Program)
7.D. Legislative Agenda-Input on the needs and challenges currently facing Tornillo ISD
7.E. Review and discussion of the Far West Texas School Boards Association Bylaws.
7.F. Consider approval of resolution reviewing the investment policy of Tornillo ISD.
7.G. Consider approval of Resolution to approve Investment Brokers.
8. Executive Session. The Board will enter into a closed meeting to discuss
personnel matters, to consult with attorney, to discuss real estate
matters, to consider recommendations or hiring personnel or termination
of personnel and other personnel matters under Sections 551.071, 551.072
and 551.074, Texas Government Code. The Board will reconvene into open
session to take any necessary action.
9. Next Meeting Tentative Date: October 26, 2016
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | September 28, 2016 at 5:30 PM - Regular | |
Subject: |
1. Establish a quorum and call the meeting to order
Subject: |
2. Pledge of Allegiance
Subject: |
3. Open Forum
Subject: |
4. Board Recognitions
Subject: |
5. Information/Reports/Presentations
Subject: |
5.A. Presentation by MNK Architects on bond projects.
Presenter: |
MNK Architects
Subject: |
5.B. Superintendent's Report
Presenter: |
Dr. Jeannie Meza-Chavez, Superintendent
Subject: |
5.C. TEA Accountability Ratings
Presenter: |
Dr. Jeannie Meza-Chavez, Superintendent
Subject: |
5.D. Financial Reports-Information Only
Presenter: |
Ms. Blanca Cruz, Executive Director of Finance
Subject: |
5.D.1. Check Register-August
Subject: |
5.D.2. Cash Activity Report-August
Subject: |
5.D.3. Monthly Investment Report-August
Subject: |
5.E. Athletic Supply Fund Balance Update
Presenter: |
Mr. Cody Burris, Athletic Director
Subject: |
5.F. Donations to Tornillo ISD
Presenter: |
Dr. Jeannie Meza-Chavez, Superintendent
Subject: |
5.F.1. UT Land System-Technology
Subject: |
5.F.2. Miscellaneous Items-Elementary School
Subject: |
5.G. Supper Program SY 2016-2017 Update
Presenter: |
Ms. Sonia Gomez, District Food Services Manager
Subject: |
6. Consent Agenda
(All items on the Consent Agenda shall be acted upon by one vote without separate discussion, unless a Board Member requests that an item be withdrawn for individual consideration) |
Subject: |
6.A. Approve minutes from previous meetings
Subject: |
6.A.1. 8/24/2016 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
Subject: |
6.A.2. 9/14/2016 Special Board Meeting Minutes
Subject: |
6.B. Consider approval of Budget Amendments
Presenter: |
Ms. Blanca Cruz, Executive Director of Finance
Subject: |
6.C. Consider approval of Contract for Provider of Special Education Related Services-Adaptive PE.
Presenter: |
Ms. Norma Castillo, SPED Coordinator/Diagnostician
Subject: |
6.D. Consider approval of TASB Policy Manual Updates (2ndReading)
Presenter: |
Dr. Jeannie Meza-Chavez, Superintendent
Subject: |
6.D.1. Policy Manual Update 105 (2nd Reading), affecting the following (LOCAL) Policies:
Subject: |
6.D.1.a. BJCF (LOCAL) Superintendent Nonrenewal
Subject: |
6.D.1.b. BQ (LOCAL) Planning and Decision-Making Process
Subject: |
6.D.1.c. CLB (LOCAL) Buildings, Grounds, and Equipment Management
Subject: |
6.D.1.d. CLE (LOCAL) Buildings, Grounds, and Equipment Management Flag Displays
Subject: |
6.D.1.e. CPC (LOCAL) Office Management Records Management
Subject: |
6.D.1.f. DBA (LOCAL) Employment Requirements and Restrictions Credentials and Records
Subject: |
6.D.1.g. DFBB (LOCAL) Term Contracts Nonrenewal
Subject: |
6.D.1.h. DFFA (LOCAL) Reduction in Force Financial Exigency
Subject: |
6.D.1.i. DFFB (Local) Reduction in Force Program Change
Subject: |
6.D.1.j. EHBD (LOCAL) Special Programs Federal Title I
Subject: |
6.D.1.k. FDC (LOCAL) Admissions Homeless Students
Subject: |
6.D.2. Policy Manual Update 106 (2nd Reading), affecting the following (LOCAL) Policies:
Subject: |
6.D.2.a. EHBAF (LOCAL) Special Education Video/Audio Monitoring
Subject: |
6.E. Consider Approval of the Interlocal Agreement For The Establishment and Operation of El Paso County Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Programs Pursuant to Chapter 37 of The Texas Education Code
Presenter: |
Dr. Jeannie Meza-Chavez, Superintendent
Subject: |
6.F. Consider approval of resolution for observance of the Texas Education Human Resource Day.
Presenter: |
Dr. Jeannie Meza-Chavez, Superintendent
Subject: |
6.G. Consider approval of final list of County early voting sites, dates and times for November 2016 general election
Presenter: |
Dr. Jeannie Meza-Chavez, Superintendent
Subject: |
6.H. Consider approval of 2nd renewal of lease #9267 with University of Texas System for 282 acres (encompassing the High School, Intermediate School and Junior High school campuses) and authorize payment of rent in the amount of $5,000 for ten year term of lease.
Presenter: |
Mr. Cody Burris, Interim Facilities Director
Subject: |
6.I. Consider approval disposal of school buses.
Presenter: |
Mr. Cody Burris, Interim Facilities Director
Subject: |
6.J. Consider approval for payment of invoice number 2016-18.01 from MNK Architects for services rendered to district for TISD 2016 Bond Projects.
Presenter: |
Mr. Cody Burris, Interim Facilities Director
Subject: |
6.K. Consider approval of Technology Equipment Disposal
Presenter: |
Mr. Carlos Garcia, Executive Director of Technology
Subject: |
6.L. Consider approval of the E-Verify Memorandum of Understanding for Employers
Presenter: |
Ms. Elisa Davis, Human Resources Manager
Subject: |
6.M. Consider approval of potential affiliation agreement with the Department of State Health Services for Preventive Dental Services.
Presenter: |
Ms. Linda Rivero, District Nurse
Subject: |
7. Board Items
Subject: |
7.A. Consider approval of the 2017 Senior Trip
Presenter: |
Mr. Mauro Guerrero, High School Principal
Subject: |
7.B. Consider approval of ESC Region 19 Contract (Meals for Children in Head Start Program)
Presenter: |
Ms. Sonia Gomez, District Food Service Manager
Subject: |
7.C. Consider approval of ESC Region 19 Contract (Meals for Adults in Head Start Program)
Presenter: |
Ms. Sonia Gomez, District Food Services Manager
Subject: |
7.D. Legislative Agenda-Input on the needs and challenges currently facing Tornillo ISD
Subject: |
7.E. Review and discussion of the Far West Texas School Boards Association Bylaws.
Presenter: |
Ms. Marlene Bullard, Board President
Subject: |
7.F. Consider approval of resolution reviewing the investment policy of Tornillo ISD.
Presenter: |
Ms. Blanca Cruz, Executive Director of Finance
Subject: |
7.G. Consider approval of Resolution to approve Investment Brokers.
Presenter: |
Ms. Blanca Cruz, Executive Director of Finance
Subject: |
8. Executive Session. The Board will enter into a closed meeting to discuss
personnel matters, to consult with attorney, to discuss real estate
matters, to consider recommendations or hiring personnel or termination
of personnel and other personnel matters under Sections 551.071, 551.072
and 551.074, Texas Government Code. The Board will reconvene into open
session to take any necessary action.
Subject: |
9. Next Meeting Tentative Date: October 26, 2016