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Meeting Agenda
1. Establish Quorum
2. Invocation
3. Welcome Guest/Open Forum
4. Consent Items
4.a. Approve Previous Minutes
4.b. Approve Bills and Credit Card Statement
4.c. Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures
4.d. Accept Donations
4.e. Approve Budget Amendment(s)
5. Ag. Report
6. A.D. Report
7. Principal's Report:
8. Supt's Report:
9. Public Hearing: 2023-2024 Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR)/Annual Report of Educational Performance. (Presentation by Principal, Mandy Moore)
10. Consideration and possible action to accept the Certification of Unopposed Candidates for the May 3rd, 2025 Paducah ISD School Board of Trustee Election.
11. Consideration and possible action to adopt and issue an Order declaring the May 3rd, 2025 School Board of Trustee Election canceled and the unopposed candidates elected.
12. Consideration and possible action to adopt the proposed 2024-2025 Paducah ISD State and Federal Grant Administrative Procedures Manual.
13. Consideration and possible action to allow the superintendent to cooperate with Excel Energy Group in applying for and submitting the state energy conservation office (SECO) LED lighting grant.
14. Consideration and possible action to participate in the Nortex RPC Mitigation Action Plan Update (HMAP) for Cottle County.
15. Closed /Executive Session
15.a. Personnel- TGC Chapter - 551.074  Deliberate the appointment, employment, compensation, evaluation, reassignment, duties, resignation, discipline or dismissal of a public employee.
15.a.1. Personnel
15.a.2. Principal Contract
15.a.3. Athletic Director Contract
15.b. Seek and receive legal advice from the District's legal counsel in closed session under Texas government Code 551.071 regarding: (1) attorney-client privileged discussions (i.e., the District's lawyer's duty under Texas State Bar Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct conflicts with Texas Open Meetings Act); and/or pending or contemplated litigation or a settlement offer.
16. Report out of closed session.
17. Consideration and possible action to extend the Principal's Term Contract (Administrator).
18. Consideration and possible action to renew the Athletic Director's Term Contract (Dual- Assignment, Certified Classroom Teacher/Coach).
19. Deliberation and possible action to enter into a settlement and licensing agreement regarding the District's past and future use and display of the "Dragon in the P" image.
20. Board President's Report/Future Board Meeting.
21. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: February 17, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
1. Establish Quorum
2. Invocation
3. Welcome Guest/Open Forum
4. Consent Items
4.a. Approve Previous Minutes
4.b. Approve Bills and Credit Card Statement
4.c. Comparison of Revenues and Expenditures
4.d. Accept Donations
4.e. Approve Budget Amendment(s)
5. Ag. Report
6. A.D. Report
7. Principal's Report:
8. Supt's Report:
9. Public Hearing: 2023-2024 Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR)/Annual Report of Educational Performance. (Presentation by Principal, Mandy Moore)
10. Consideration and possible action to accept the Certification of Unopposed Candidates for the May 3rd, 2025 Paducah ISD School Board of Trustee Election.
11. Consideration and possible action to adopt and issue an Order declaring the May 3rd, 2025 School Board of Trustee Election canceled and the unopposed candidates elected.
12. Consideration and possible action to adopt the proposed 2024-2025 Paducah ISD State and Federal Grant Administrative Procedures Manual.
13. Consideration and possible action to allow the superintendent to cooperate with Excel Energy Group in applying for and submitting the state energy conservation office (SECO) LED lighting grant.
14. Consideration and possible action to participate in the Nortex RPC Mitigation Action Plan Update (HMAP) for Cottle County.
15. Closed /Executive Session
Discussion regarding the vacant elementary teaching position.
15.a. Personnel- TGC Chapter - 551.074  Deliberate the appointment, employment, compensation, evaluation, reassignment, duties, resignation, discipline or dismissal of a public employee.
15.a.1. Personnel
15.a.2. Principal Contract
15.a.3. Athletic Director Contract
15.b. Seek and receive legal advice from the District's legal counsel in closed session under Texas government Code 551.071 regarding: (1) attorney-client privileged discussions (i.e., the District's lawyer's duty under Texas State Bar Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct conflicts with Texas Open Meetings Act); and/or pending or contemplated litigation or a settlement offer.
16. Report out of closed session.
17. Consideration and possible action to extend the Principal's Term Contract (Administrator).
18. Consideration and possible action to renew the Athletic Director's Term Contract (Dual- Assignment, Certified Classroom Teacher/Coach).
19. Deliberation and possible action to enter into a settlement and licensing agreement regarding the District's past and future use and display of the "Dragon in the P" image.
20. Board President's Report/Future Board Meeting.
21. Adjourn

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