Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation
III. Public Comments
IV. Consent Agenda Items
IV.A. Minutes of School Board Meetings and/or Workshops
IV.A.1. Regular School Board Meeting Minutes - May 13, 2024
IV.B. Student Services
IV.B.1. Approve the Pharr-San Juan-Alamo ISD Student Code of Conduct
IV.C. Finance
IV.C.1. Functional Budget Amendments
IV.C.2. Bids, Proposals, Contracts, Agreements and/or Memorandum of Understanding to be awarded
IV.C.2.a. Approve the Interlocal Agreement between Pharr-San Juan-Alamo ISD and South Texas College to provide academic and technical instruction to eligible students for high school credit, college certificate and/or Associate Degree credit
IV.C.2.b. Approve awarding bids for the Best Value Contractor - American Contracting USA, Inc. for the roof replacement at Napper Gym, Sorensen Gym and Property Control Building and authorize the Superintendent of Schools to execute the contract/$440,000.00
IV.C.2.c. Approve awarding a proposal for Instructional and Curriculum Consultant Services to Hurst Educational Services to focus on the best practices in coaching teachers to seamlessly integrate Common Instructional Framework (CIF) training into all lesson planning/$14,500.00
IV.C.2.d. Approve awarding a proposal for Standardized Dress Code Polo Shirts for all students district-wide/$320,837.00
IV.C.2.e. Approve awarding a proposal for sale of IPv4 Addresses - Broker Services and authorize the Superintendent of Schools to negotiate and execute the contract
IV.D. School Operations
IV.D.1. Approve the purchase offer for Parcel 28 from Hidalgo County Precinct #2 - easement in the amount of $49,118.00; property damages for $39,576.00 for a total offer of $88,694.00 to expand the road from Business 83 along the Short Shot Golf Course on Cesar Chavez Road (0.385 of an acre (16,754 square feet)
IV.D.2. Approve Change Order # 1 for the PSJA Building Blocks Academy II in Alamo - Parking Lot Improvements Project for quantity adjustments for additional construction services in the amount of $134,645.70 for a new contract amount of $676,595.70 and an additional 30 days for a new substantial completion date of September 6, 2024
IV.E. Human Resources
IV.E.1. Approve the 2024-2025 Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System (T-TESS) Appraisal Process Timeline
VI. Superintendent of Schools
VI.A. Approve endorsing a candidate to serve on the Texas Association of School Boards - Board of Directors - Region I, Position A
VII. Finance
VII.A. Approve the appointment of Mrs. Rebecca Gonzales as the Secretary Ex-Officio to the Board for the purpose of conducting the November 5, 2024 School Trustee Election
VII.B. Approve the Notice and Order of the 2024 School Trustee Election
VII.C. Approval to set a date for Public Meeting of the 2024-2025 District's Budget and the Proposed Tax Rate
VII.D. Approve the Resolution of the Board of Trustees of the Pharr-San Juan-Alamo Independent School District to compensate employees for emergency closure
VIII. Curriculum and Instruction
VIII.A. Presentation on the progress towards House Bill 3 - Board Goals 1, 2, and 3
VIII.B. Presentation - Texas Strategic Leadership Planning Year Update
IX. Executive Session
IX.A. Government Code 551.071 through 551.084
IX.A.1. If, during the course of the meeting, discussion of any items on the agenda should be held in a closed meeting, the board will conduct a closed meeting in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, Subchapters D and E or Texas Government Code Session 418.183(f). Before any closed meeting is convened, the presiding officer will publicly identify the section or sections of the Act authorizing the closed meeting. All final votes, actions, or decisions will be taken in open meeting *See PSJA ISD Board Policy BEC (Local).
IX.A.2. Consultation with Attorney
IX.A.3. Personnel Matters
X. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | August 12, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular School Board Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Call to Order
Subject: |
II. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation
Subject: |
III. Public Comments
Subject: |
IV. Consent Agenda Items
Subject: |
IV.A. Minutes of School Board Meetings and/or Workshops
Subject: |
IV.A.1. Regular School Board Meeting Minutes - May 13, 2024
Subject: |
IV.B. Student Services
Subject: |
IV.B.1. Approve the Pharr-San Juan-Alamo ISD Student Code of Conduct
Subject: |
IV.C. Finance
Subject: |
IV.C.1. Functional Budget Amendments
Subject: |
IV.C.2. Bids, Proposals, Contracts, Agreements and/or Memorandum of Understanding to be awarded
Subject: |
IV.C.2.a. Approve the Interlocal Agreement between Pharr-San Juan-Alamo ISD and South Texas College to provide academic and technical instruction to eligible students for high school credit, college certificate and/or Associate Degree credit
Subject: |
IV.C.2.b. Approve awarding bids for the Best Value Contractor - American Contracting USA, Inc. for the roof replacement at Napper Gym, Sorensen Gym and Property Control Building and authorize the Superintendent of Schools to execute the contract/$440,000.00
Subject: |
IV.C.2.c. Approve awarding a proposal for Instructional and Curriculum Consultant Services to Hurst Educational Services to focus on the best practices in coaching teachers to seamlessly integrate Common Instructional Framework (CIF) training into all lesson planning/$14,500.00
Subject: |
IV.C.2.d. Approve awarding a proposal for Standardized Dress Code Polo Shirts for all students district-wide/$320,837.00
Subject: |
IV.C.2.e. Approve awarding a proposal for sale of IPv4 Addresses - Broker Services and authorize the Superintendent of Schools to negotiate and execute the contract
Subject: |
IV.D. School Operations
Subject: |
IV.D.1. Approve the purchase offer for Parcel 28 from Hidalgo County Precinct #2 - easement in the amount of $49,118.00; property damages for $39,576.00 for a total offer of $88,694.00 to expand the road from Business 83 along the Short Shot Golf Course on Cesar Chavez Road (0.385 of an acre (16,754 square feet)
Subject: |
IV.D.2. Approve Change Order # 1 for the PSJA Building Blocks Academy II in Alamo - Parking Lot Improvements Project for quantity adjustments for additional construction services in the amount of $134,645.70 for a new contract amount of $676,595.70 and an additional 30 days for a new substantial completion date of September 6, 2024
Subject: |
IV.E. Human Resources
Subject: |
IV.E.1. Approve the 2024-2025 Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System (T-TESS) Appraisal Process Timeline
Subject: |
Subject: |
VI. Superintendent of Schools
Subject: |
VI.A. Approve endorsing a candidate to serve on the Texas Association of School Boards - Board of Directors - Region I, Position A
Subject: |
VII. Finance
Subject: |
VII.A. Approve the appointment of Mrs. Rebecca Gonzales as the Secretary Ex-Officio to the Board for the purpose of conducting the November 5, 2024 School Trustee Election
Subject: |
VII.B. Approve the Notice and Order of the 2024 School Trustee Election
Subject: |
VII.C. Approval to set a date for Public Meeting of the 2024-2025 District's Budget and the Proposed Tax Rate
Subject: |
VII.D. Approve the Resolution of the Board of Trustees of the Pharr-San Juan-Alamo Independent School District to compensate employees for emergency closure
Subject: |
VIII. Curriculum and Instruction
Subject: |
VIII.A. Presentation on the progress towards House Bill 3 - Board Goals 1, 2, and 3
Subject: |
VIII.B. Presentation - Texas Strategic Leadership Planning Year Update
Subject: |
IX. Executive Session
Subject: |
IX.A. Government Code 551.071 through 551.084
Subject: |
IX.A.1. If, during the course of the meeting, discussion of any items on the agenda should be held in a closed meeting, the board will conduct a closed meeting in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, Subchapters D and E or Texas Government Code Session 418.183(f). Before any closed meeting is convened, the presiding officer will publicly identify the section or sections of the Act authorizing the closed meeting. All final votes, actions, or decisions will be taken in open meeting *See PSJA ISD Board Policy BEC (Local).
Subject: |
IX.A.2. Consultation with Attorney
Subject: |
IX.A.3. Personnel Matters
Subject: |
X. Adjourn