Meeting Agenda
I. PSJA Early College High School Lady Bears and Bears Swim Teams
II. Call to Order
III. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation
IV. Recognition
IV.A. PSJA Memorial Early College High School Cheerleaders
IV.B. PSJA Early College High School named Dave Campbell's Most Spirited School Champion
IV.C. PSJA Early College High School, PSJA Memorial Early College High School and Kennedy Middle School were ranked among the top Pandemic Resilient Schools by Children at Risk 2021 School Rankings: Pandemic Edition
IV.D. All-State Band, Choir, and Orchestra Students
IV.E. PSJA Early College High School Lady Bears Wrestling Team
IV.F. PSJA Early College High School Lady Bears and Bears Swim Teams
V. Public Comments
VI. Consent Agenda Items
VI.A. Minutes of School Board Meetings and/or Workshops
VI.A.1. Regular School Board Meeting Minutes - January 17, 2022
VI.B. Chief of Human Resources Departments
VI.B.1. Approve adoption of School Board Policy Update 118 and Revision to School Board Policies CH (Local) - Purchasing and Acquisition and FDA (Local) - Admissions - Interdistrict transfers
VI.B.1.a. CFD (Local) Accounting - Activity Funds Management
VI.B.1.b. CQB (Local) Technology Resources - Cybersecurity
VI.B.1.c. DFE (Local) Termination of Employee - Resignation
VI.B.1.d. DP (Local) Personnel Positions
VI.B.1.e. EHAA (Local) Basic Instructional Program - Required Instruction (All Levels)
VI.B.1.f. EHBC (Local) Special Programs - Compensatory/Accelerated Services
VI.B.1.g. EIE (Local) Academic Achievement - Retention and Promotion
VI.B.1.h. FDE (Local) Admissions - School Safety Transfers
VI.B.1.i. FDE (Local) Admissions - School Safety Transfers
VI.B.1.j. FEA (Local) Attendance - Compulsory Attendance
VI.B.1.k. FEC (Local) Attendance - Attendance for Credit
VI.B.1.l. FFG (Local) Student Welfare - Child Abuse and Neglect
VI.B.1.m. FL (Local) Student Records
VI.B.1.n. CH (Local) Purchasing and Acquisition
VI.B.1.o. FDA (Local) Admissions - Interdistrict Transfers
VI.B.2. Approve action to delegate authority to accept a contract employee's resignation effective before the end of the school year
VI.B.3. Approve action to delegate authority to accept a contract employee's resignation effective at the end of the school year or submitted before penalty free resignation date
VI.C. Chief Financial Officer Departments
VI.C.1. Functional Budget Amendments
VI.C.2. Bids, contracts and/or proposals to be awarded
VI.C.2.a. Approve rejecting and re-advertising bids for Janitorial Dilution Systems
VI.C.2.b. Approve awarding bids for Charter Bus Services
VI.C.2.c. Approve awarding the Request for Proposals for Food Safety and Sanitation System for Training and Detergents/$60,750.00
VI.C.2.d. Approve rejecting and readvertising bids for the Marching Band Uniforms for PSJA Memorial Early College High School
VI.C.2.e. Approve the Educational Experience Affiliation Agreement between Pharr-San Juan-Alamo ISD and the University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley to provide UTRGV student interns the opportunity to complete field work practicum for the Professional School Counselor Certificate
VI.C.3. Approve an additional polling location for the 2022 Election - Farias Elementary School
VI.C.4. Consideration and Approval of Ranking of Proposals and the Approval to enter negotiations with the highest ranked vendors in the order of selection and the approval to enter into a contract with vendor, not to exceed $11,894,850 for the PSJA Early College High School Re-Roofing and HVAC Upgrades Project - Competitive Sealed Proposals
VI.C.5. Award Best Value Contractor (CAHS, INC.) for the PSJA ISD - PSJA Memorial Early College High School HVAC Upgrades Competitive Sealed Proposal # 21-22-049 and Authorize the Superintendent to Execute the Contract for Construction
VIII. Chief Financial Officer Departments
VIII.A. Presentation and Approval of Requests for Proposals for Instructional and Curriculum Consultant Services of BeGlad for Dual Language Professional Development/$191,800.00
VIII.B. Investment report for quarter ending November 30, 2021
IX. Assistant Superintendent for Technology Departments
IX.A. Approve the Competitive Sealed Written Quotes for Safe and Secure Schools - Access Control Solutions/$482,410.55
X. Executive Session
X.A. Government Code 551.071 through 551.084
X.A.1. If, during the course of the meeting, discussion of any items on the agenda should be held in a closed meeting, the board will conduct a closed meeting in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, Subchapters D and E or Texas Government Code Session 418.183(f). Before any closed meeting is convened, the presiding officer will publicly identify the section or sections of the Act authorizing the closed meeting. All final votes, actions, or decisions will be taken in open meeting *See PSJA ISD Board Policy BEC (Local).
X.A.2. Consultation with Attorney
X.A.2.a. Superintendent's Evaluation
X.A.2.b. Board Operating Procedures
X.A.3. Personnel Matters
X.A.3.a. Employment of Instructional Professional Personnel
X.A.3.b. Employment of Non-Teaching Professional Personnel
X.A.3.b.(1) Assistant Principals
XI. Superintendent of Schools
XI.A. Approve Superintendent's Evaluation Instrument
XI.B. Approve Board Operating Procedures
XII. Human Resources Departments
XII.A. Employment of Instructional Professional Personnel
XII.B. Employment of Non-Teaching Professional Personnel
XII.B.1. Assistant Principals
XIII. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | February 7, 2022 at 5:30 PM - Regular School Board Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. PSJA Early College High School Lady Bears and Bears Swim Teams
Subject: |
II. Call to Order
Subject: |
III. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation
Subject: |
IV. Recognition
Subject: |
IV.A. PSJA Memorial Early College High School Cheerleaders
Subject: |
IV.B. PSJA Early College High School named Dave Campbell's Most Spirited School Champion
Subject: |
IV.C. PSJA Early College High School, PSJA Memorial Early College High School and Kennedy Middle School were ranked among the top Pandemic Resilient Schools by Children at Risk 2021 School Rankings: Pandemic Edition
Subject: |
IV.D. All-State Band, Choir, and Orchestra Students
Subject: |
IV.E. PSJA Early College High School Lady Bears Wrestling Team
Subject: |
IV.F. PSJA Early College High School Lady Bears and Bears Swim Teams
Subject: |
V. Public Comments
Subject: |
VI. Consent Agenda Items
Subject: |
VI.A. Minutes of School Board Meetings and/or Workshops
Subject: |
VI.A.1. Regular School Board Meeting Minutes - January 17, 2022
Subject: |
VI.B. Chief of Human Resources Departments
Subject: |
VI.B.1. Approve adoption of School Board Policy Update 118 and Revision to School Board Policies CH (Local) - Purchasing and Acquisition and FDA (Local) - Admissions - Interdistrict transfers
Subject: |
VI.B.1.a. CFD (Local) Accounting - Activity Funds Management
Subject: |
VI.B.1.b. CQB (Local) Technology Resources - Cybersecurity
Subject: |
VI.B.1.c. DFE (Local) Termination of Employee - Resignation
Subject: |
VI.B.1.d. DP (Local) Personnel Positions
Subject: |
VI.B.1.e. EHAA (Local) Basic Instructional Program - Required Instruction (All Levels)
Subject: |
VI.B.1.f. EHBC (Local) Special Programs - Compensatory/Accelerated Services
Subject: |
VI.B.1.g. EIE (Local) Academic Achievement - Retention and Promotion
Subject: |
VI.B.1.h. FDE (Local) Admissions - School Safety Transfers
Subject: |
VI.B.1.i. FDE (Local) Admissions - School Safety Transfers
Subject: |
VI.B.1.j. FEA (Local) Attendance - Compulsory Attendance
Subject: |
VI.B.1.k. FEC (Local) Attendance - Attendance for Credit
Subject: |
VI.B.1.l. FFG (Local) Student Welfare - Child Abuse and Neglect
Subject: |
VI.B.1.m. FL (Local) Student Records
Subject: |
VI.B.1.n. CH (Local) Purchasing and Acquisition
Subject: |
VI.B.1.o. FDA (Local) Admissions - Interdistrict Transfers
Subject: |
VI.B.2. Approve action to delegate authority to accept a contract employee's resignation effective before the end of the school year
Subject: |
VI.B.3. Approve action to delegate authority to accept a contract employee's resignation effective at the end of the school year or submitted before penalty free resignation date
Subject: |
VI.C. Chief Financial Officer Departments
Subject: |
VI.C.1. Functional Budget Amendments
Subject: |
VI.C.2. Bids, contracts and/or proposals to be awarded
Subject: |
VI.C.2.a. Approve rejecting and re-advertising bids for Janitorial Dilution Systems
Subject: |
VI.C.2.b. Approve awarding bids for Charter Bus Services
Subject: |
VI.C.2.c. Approve awarding the Request for Proposals for Food Safety and Sanitation System for Training and Detergents/$60,750.00
Subject: |
VI.C.2.d. Approve rejecting and readvertising bids for the Marching Band Uniforms for PSJA Memorial Early College High School
Subject: |
VI.C.2.e. Approve the Educational Experience Affiliation Agreement between Pharr-San Juan-Alamo ISD and the University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley to provide UTRGV student interns the opportunity to complete field work practicum for the Professional School Counselor Certificate
Subject: |
VI.C.3. Approve an additional polling location for the 2022 Election - Farias Elementary School
Subject: |
VI.C.4. Consideration and Approval of Ranking of Proposals and the Approval to enter negotiations with the highest ranked vendors in the order of selection and the approval to enter into a contract with vendor, not to exceed $11,894,850 for the PSJA Early College High School Re-Roofing and HVAC Upgrades Project - Competitive Sealed Proposals
Subject: |
VI.C.5. Award Best Value Contractor (CAHS, INC.) for the PSJA ISD - PSJA Memorial Early College High School HVAC Upgrades Competitive Sealed Proposal # 21-22-049 and Authorize the Superintendent to Execute the Contract for Construction
Subject: |
Subject: |
VIII. Chief Financial Officer Departments
Subject: |
VIII.A. Presentation and Approval of Requests for Proposals for Instructional and Curriculum Consultant Services of BeGlad for Dual Language Professional Development/$191,800.00
Subject: |
VIII.B. Investment report for quarter ending November 30, 2021
Subject: |
IX. Assistant Superintendent for Technology Departments
Subject: |
IX.A. Approve the Competitive Sealed Written Quotes for Safe and Secure Schools - Access Control Solutions/$482,410.55
Subject: |
X. Executive Session
Subject: |
X.A. Government Code 551.071 through 551.084
Subject: |
X.A.1. If, during the course of the meeting, discussion of any items on the agenda should be held in a closed meeting, the board will conduct a closed meeting in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, Subchapters D and E or Texas Government Code Session 418.183(f). Before any closed meeting is convened, the presiding officer will publicly identify the section or sections of the Act authorizing the closed meeting. All final votes, actions, or decisions will be taken in open meeting *See PSJA ISD Board Policy BEC (Local).
Subject: |
X.A.2. Consultation with Attorney
Subject: |
X.A.2.a. Superintendent's Evaluation
Subject: |
X.A.2.b. Board Operating Procedures
Subject: |
X.A.3. Personnel Matters
Subject: |
X.A.3.a. Employment of Instructional Professional Personnel
Subject: |
X.A.3.b. Employment of Non-Teaching Professional Personnel
Subject: |
X.A.3.b.(1) Assistant Principals
Subject: |
XI. Superintendent of Schools
Subject: |
XI.A. Approve Superintendent's Evaluation Instrument
Subject: |
XI.B. Approve Board Operating Procedures
Subject: |
XII. Human Resources Departments
Subject: |
XII.A. Employment of Instructional Professional Personnel
Subject: |
XII.B. Employment of Non-Teaching Professional Personnel
Subject: |
XII.B.1. Assistant Principals
Subject: |
XIII. Adjourn