Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order
II. Recognition
II.A. PSJA Memorial Boys Cross Country - 31-5A District Champions
II.B. PSJA Bears Football Team
II.C. Presentation of Board President's Plaque
II.D. Proclamation to commemorate "School Board Recognition Month" and Award Certificates
III. Public Comments
IV. Consent Agenda Items
IV.A. Minutes of School Board Meetings and/or Workshops
IV.A.1. Minutes of September 25, 2019 Special Called Board Meeting/Workshop
IV.A.2. Minutes of October 28, 2019 Regular School Board Meeting
IV.A.3. Minutes of November 4, 2019 Called School Board Meeting
IV.A.4. Minutes of November 18, 2019 Regular School Board Meeting
IV.A.5. Minutes of December 9, 2019 (Noon) Special Called Board Meeting
IV.A.6. Minutes of December 9, 2019 (6:00 p.m.) Regular School Board Meeting
IV.B. Minutes of School Board Committee Meetings
IV.B.1. Human Resources Committee Meeting Minutes - Victor Perez, Chairman
IV.B.2. Athletics Committee Meeting - Jesse Vela, Chairman
IV.C. Chief of Staff Departments
IV.C.1. Out-of-State travel request for Lorena Munoz, Special Education Licensed Specialist in School Psychology, to attend the National Association of School Psychologists' 2020 Annual Convention on February 18-21, 2020 in Baltimore, Maryland
IV.D. Chief of Technology and Student Services Departments
IV.D.1. District's calendar for the 2020-2021 school year
IV.D.2. 2019-2020 Application for Low Attendance Day Waiver
IV.D.3. Amendment to the 2019-2020 School Calendar
IV.E. Chief Financial Officer Departments
IV.E.1. Functional Budget Amendments
IV.E.2. Bids, contracts and/or proposals to be awarded
IV.E.2.a. Award bids for gasoline and diesel fuel/$869,000.10
IV.E.2.b. Award request for proposals for Cosmetology Operator License Services for the Career & Technical Education Department/$191,400.00
IV.E.2.c. Award request for proposals for Industry Based Certification Programs for the Career & Technical Education Department/$166,000.00
IV.E.2.d. Authorization to proceed with the renewal purchase of the District's Accelerated Reader Program for the 2019-2020 school year
V. Board Committee Reports
V.A. Human Resources Committee Meeting - Dr. Rebeca N. Garza, Facilitator
V.B. Athletic Committee Meeting - Orlando Garcia, Facilitator
VI. Chief of Technology and Student Services Departments
VI.A. Superintendent's Update the First 100 days and next steps for Mission/Vision Work
VII. Chief Financial Officer Departments
VII.A. Investment Report for quarter ending November 30, 2019
VII.B. District's Audit Report for the year ending August 31, 2019
VII.C. Notice to sell alcoholic beverages at Embajada Aztlan Restaurant
VII.D. Substantial Completion of Carnahan, Franklin and Buell Schools HVAC Additions to gyms project
VII.E. Substantial Completion of Reed-Mock Elementary School re-roofing project
VII.F. Substantial Completion of the walk-in coolers & freezers additions at Carman and Dr. Long Elementary Schools and LBJ Middle School project
VII.G. Change Order #1 at PSJA North ECHS restroom renovations and College & University Center restrooms and Science Labs renovations project
VII.H. Authorize Design of the LBJ Middle School Phase II Project
VII.I. Interlocal Agreement between Pharr-San Juan-Alamo ISD and the City of Alamo for the development of a recreational facility at Santos Livas Elementary School
VIII. Chief of Staff Departments
VIII.A. Lone Star Governance Goals
VIII.B. 2020 Back on Track Texas, a Greater Texas Foundation Grant Award/$100,000.00
VIII.C. Forde-Ferrier Instructional Materials and Professional Development
VIII.D. Consultant Services - Gloria Cepeda, Independent Consultant
VIII.E. Leader in Me Lighthouse School
VIII.F. Texas Valley Communities Foundation - Texas Graduate Program
VIII.G. District's Improvement Plan
VIII.H. Employment of Instructional Professional Personnel
VIII.I. Employment of Non-Teaching Professional Personnel
VIII.J. Employment of Non-Professional Personnel - Clerical/Technical and Manual Trades
VIII.K. Resignations, Terminations, Leaves, Retirement and Transfer of Personnel
IX. Superintendent of Schools
IX.A. Construction update and possible action on Natatorium with City of Pharr
IX.B. Approve contract with Karczewski, Bradshaw, Spalding, Law Firm for General Legal Services
IX.C. Approve contract with Thompson & Horton for General Legal Services
X. Executive Session
X.A. Government Code 551.071 through 551.084
X.A.1. Consultation with Attorney
X.A.1.a. Construction update and possible action on Natatorium with City of Pharr
X.A.1.b. Approve contract with Karczewski, Bradshaw, Spalding Law Firm for General Legal Services
X.A.1.c. Approve contract with Thompson and Horton Law Firm for General Legal Services
X.A.2. Purchase and/or sale of real estate and/or easements
X.A.3. Personnel Matters
X.A.3.a. Employment of Instructional Professional Personnel
X.A.3.b. Employment of Non-Teaching Professional Personnel
X.A.3.b.(1) Employment of Cabinet and Executive Level Personnel
X.A.3.c. Employment of Non-Professional Personnel - Clerical/Technical and Manual Trades
X.A.3.d. Resignations, Terminations, Leaves, Retirements and Transfer of Personnel
XI. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | January 20, 2020 at 6:00 PM - Regular School Board Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Call to Order
Subject: |
II. Recognition
Subject: |
II.A. PSJA Memorial Boys Cross Country - 31-5A District Champions
Subject: |
II.B. PSJA Bears Football Team
Subject: |
II.C. Presentation of Board President's Plaque
Subject: |
II.D. Proclamation to commemorate "School Board Recognition Month" and Award Certificates
Subject: |
III. Public Comments
Subject: |
IV. Consent Agenda Items
Subject: |
IV.A. Minutes of School Board Meetings and/or Workshops
Subject: |
IV.A.1. Minutes of September 25, 2019 Special Called Board Meeting/Workshop
Subject: |
IV.A.2. Minutes of October 28, 2019 Regular School Board Meeting
Subject: |
IV.A.3. Minutes of November 4, 2019 Called School Board Meeting
Subject: |
IV.A.4. Minutes of November 18, 2019 Regular School Board Meeting
Subject: |
IV.A.5. Minutes of December 9, 2019 (Noon) Special Called Board Meeting
Subject: |
IV.A.6. Minutes of December 9, 2019 (6:00 p.m.) Regular School Board Meeting
Subject: |
IV.B. Minutes of School Board Committee Meetings
Subject: |
IV.B.1. Human Resources Committee Meeting Minutes - Victor Perez, Chairman
Subject: |
IV.B.2. Athletics Committee Meeting - Jesse Vela, Chairman
Subject: |
IV.C. Chief of Staff Departments
Subject: |
IV.C.1. Out-of-State travel request for Lorena Munoz, Special Education Licensed Specialist in School Psychology, to attend the National Association of School Psychologists' 2020 Annual Convention on February 18-21, 2020 in Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: |
IV.D. Chief of Technology and Student Services Departments
Subject: |
IV.D.1. District's calendar for the 2020-2021 school year
Subject: |
IV.D.2. 2019-2020 Application for Low Attendance Day Waiver
Subject: |
IV.D.3. Amendment to the 2019-2020 School Calendar
Subject: |
IV.E. Chief Financial Officer Departments
Subject: |
IV.E.1. Functional Budget Amendments
Subject: |
IV.E.2. Bids, contracts and/or proposals to be awarded
Subject: |
IV.E.2.a. Award bids for gasoline and diesel fuel/$869,000.10
Subject: |
IV.E.2.b. Award request for proposals for Cosmetology Operator License Services for the Career & Technical Education Department/$191,400.00
Subject: |
IV.E.2.c. Award request for proposals for Industry Based Certification Programs for the Career & Technical Education Department/$166,000.00
Subject: |
IV.E.2.d. Authorization to proceed with the renewal purchase of the District's Accelerated Reader Program for the 2019-2020 school year
Subject: |
Subject: |
V. Board Committee Reports
Subject: |
V.A. Human Resources Committee Meeting - Dr. Rebeca N. Garza, Facilitator
Subject: |
V.B. Athletic Committee Meeting - Orlando Garcia, Facilitator
Subject: |
VI. Chief of Technology and Student Services Departments
Subject: |
VI.A. Superintendent's Update the First 100 days and next steps for Mission/Vision Work
Subject: |
VII. Chief Financial Officer Departments
Subject: |
VII.A. Investment Report for quarter ending November 30, 2019
Subject: |
VII.B. District's Audit Report for the year ending August 31, 2019
Subject: |
VII.C. Notice to sell alcoholic beverages at Embajada Aztlan Restaurant
Subject: |
VII.D. Substantial Completion of Carnahan, Franklin and Buell Schools HVAC Additions to gyms project
Subject: |
VII.E. Substantial Completion of Reed-Mock Elementary School re-roofing project
Subject: |
VII.F. Substantial Completion of the walk-in coolers & freezers additions at Carman and Dr. Long Elementary Schools and LBJ Middle School project
Subject: |
VII.G. Change Order #1 at PSJA North ECHS restroom renovations and College & University Center restrooms and Science Labs renovations project
Subject: |
VII.H. Authorize Design of the LBJ Middle School Phase II Project
Subject: |
VII.I. Interlocal Agreement between Pharr-San Juan-Alamo ISD and the City of Alamo for the development of a recreational facility at Santos Livas Elementary School
Subject: |
VIII. Chief of Staff Departments
Subject: |
VIII.A. Lone Star Governance Goals
Subject: |
VIII.B. 2020 Back on Track Texas, a Greater Texas Foundation Grant Award/$100,000.00
Subject: |
VIII.C. Forde-Ferrier Instructional Materials and Professional Development
Subject: |
VIII.D. Consultant Services - Gloria Cepeda, Independent Consultant
Subject: |
VIII.E. Leader in Me Lighthouse School
Subject: |
VIII.F. Texas Valley Communities Foundation - Texas Graduate Program
Subject: |
VIII.G. District's Improvement Plan
Subject: |
VIII.H. Employment of Instructional Professional Personnel
Subject: |
VIII.I. Employment of Non-Teaching Professional Personnel
Subject: |
VIII.J. Employment of Non-Professional Personnel - Clerical/Technical and Manual Trades
Subject: |
VIII.K. Resignations, Terminations, Leaves, Retirement and Transfer of Personnel
Subject: |
IX. Superintendent of Schools
Subject: |
IX.A. Construction update and possible action on Natatorium with City of Pharr
Subject: |
IX.B. Approve contract with Karczewski, Bradshaw, Spalding, Law Firm for General Legal Services
Subject: |
IX.C. Approve contract with Thompson & Horton for General Legal Services
Subject: |
X. Executive Session
Subject: |
X.A. Government Code 551.071 through 551.084
Subject: |
X.A.1. Consultation with Attorney
Subject: |
X.A.1.a. Construction update and possible action on Natatorium with City of Pharr
Subject: |
X.A.1.b. Approve contract with Karczewski, Bradshaw, Spalding Law Firm for General Legal Services
Subject: |
X.A.1.c. Approve contract with Thompson and Horton Law Firm for General Legal Services
Subject: |
X.A.2. Purchase and/or sale of real estate and/or easements
Subject: |
X.A.3. Personnel Matters
Subject: |
X.A.3.a. Employment of Instructional Professional Personnel
Subject: |
X.A.3.b. Employment of Non-Teaching Professional Personnel
Subject: |
X.A.3.b.(1) Employment of Cabinet and Executive Level Personnel
Subject: |
X.A.3.c. Employment of Non-Professional Personnel - Clerical/Technical and Manual Trades
Subject: |
X.A.3.d. Resignations, Terminations, Leaves, Retirements and Transfer of Personnel
Subject: |
XI. Adjourn