Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order
II. Consent Agenda Items
II.A. Minutes
II.A.1. Minutes of January 15, 2018
II.A.2. Minutes of January 24, 2018
II.A.3. Minutes of January 29, 2018
II.B. Technology and Student Services
II.B.1. Out-of-State travel request for Mr. Miguel Dominguez, Safe Schools Initiative Director, to attend the 12th International Conference on Positive Behavior in San Diego California, March 28-31, 2018 (all travel will be paid by the Safe Schools Initiative Grant)
II.B.2. Out-of-State travel request for Escobar Elementary Chess Team (4 students) and sponsor Guadalupe Olvera and Doedyns Elementary Chess Team (6 students) and sponsor Flor Medrano plus one other sponsor to attend the 2018 National Elementary K-6 Championship in Nashville TN on May 11-13, 2018 (all travel expenses will be paid by the Gifted and Talented Funds and Campus Activity Funds)
II.B.3. Out-of-State travel request for PSJA Thomas Jefferson T-STEM EC High School Chess Team (8 students) and sponsor Moises Diaz and one other sponsor to attend the 2018 National High School (1-12) Championship in Columbus, OH on April 27-29, 2018 (all travel expenses will be paid by Gifted and Talented Funds and Campus Activity Funds)
II.B.4. Out-of-State travel request for Arianna Vasquez-Hernandez, Director of Communications/Public Information and Santiago Zavala, Multimedia Communications Specialist to attend the National School Public Relations Association's Annual Seminar on July 14-17, 2018 in Anaheim, California. (all travel expenses will be paid by Public Relations Local Funds)
II.B.5. Waiver for 2017-2018 Application for Low Attendance Days
II.C. Curriculum & Instruction
II.C.1. Out-of-State travel request for Gina Saenz, Middle School Science Coordinator, to attend the Smithsonian STEM Education Summit on February 21-25, 2018 at Howard University in Washington, DC (all expenses will be paid by Shell Oil Company/some meals will be paid by local funds)
II.D. Finance
II.D.1. Functional Budget Amendments
II.D.2. Bids, contracts and/or proposals to be awarded
II.D.2.a. Award bids for Mariachi Uniforms and Accessories for the four comprehensive high schools/$96,750.00
II.D.2.b. Award bids for purchase of ten school buses for Transportation Department/$968,6780.00
II.D.2.c. Award bids for filter media and installation district-wide/$154,295.00
II.D.2.d. Award bids for tires for Maintenance and Transportation Vehicles/$83,738.28
II.D.2.e. Authorization to proceed with the service contract for Munters Corporation - Servicecaire® performance test and inspection plan for PSJA Early College High School and PSJA Memorial Early College High School/$54,566.00
II.D.3. Use of District Facilities for March 6, 2018 Primary Election, May 22, 2018 Primary Runoff election and November 6, 2018 General Election
II.E. Human Resources
II.E.1. Employment of Instructional and Non-Teaching Professional Personnel
II.F. Reports
II.F.1. Tax Collector's Report for the Month of January 2018
III. Finance
III.A. Report on Donations to the District
III.A.1. LBJ Middle School
III.A.1.a. Ronnie Cantu Construction, LLC/$500.00 for garden
III.A.2. PSJA Early College High School
III.A.2.a. Matt's Cash & Carry/$250.00 for Track of Hope Recipients
III.A.2.b. Ronnie Cantu Construction/$250.00 for Cancer Walk expenses
III.A.3. PSJA North Early College High School
III.A.3.a. American Dance Drill Team/$1,250.00 for national contest fees
III.A.3.b. Danny and Diana Smith/$1,000 for Spanish Club State Competition
III.A.4. PSJA Thomas Jefferson T-STEM ECHS
III.A.4.a. Ronnie Cantu Construction LLC/$500.00 for garden
III.B. Report on Workers' Compensation Performance results
III.C. Contract Extension - Authorization to proceed with the renewal of the TASB Risk Management Fund Interlocal Participation Agreement for the Workers' Compensation (Administrative Services Only)
III.D. Authorization to proceed with the purchase of Lincoln Mobiflex 400-MS Base Unit and Mobiflex LFA 2.1 10" Arm for CATE Department/$59,439.84
III.E. Award Request for Proposals for Enhancement of Network Infrastructure/#-Rate Round #21/$1,469,459.02
III.F. Update report on San Juan and Alamo City/School Parks Projects
III.G. Five Year Comparative Tax Collection Report and Expenses
III.H. Action on Request for extension for vacating property purchased by the District
IV. Construction
IV.A. Substantial completion of Palacios Elementary School parking lot and Anaya Elementary School driveway additions
IV.B. Substantial completion of Carman Elementary School and Kelly-Pharr Elementary School HVAC System Replacements
IV.C. Substantial completion of Liberty Middle School Athletic Additions - Phase I
IV.D. Substantial completion of PSJA Memorial Early College High School Re-Roofing and HVAC Upgrades
IV.E. Award bids for the District's re-roofing projects at Cesar Chavez Elementary School, Arnoldo Cantu Elementary School, John Doedyns Elementary School, Carman and Kelly-Pharr Elementary Schools
V. Curriculum & Instruction
V.A. 2017-2018 District's Improvement Plan
VI. Human Resources
VI.A. Election of Non-Teaching Professional Personnel
VI.B. District's Security and Procedures
VII. Superintendent
VII.A. Superintendent's Evaluation and Contract
VIII. Executive Session
VIII.A. Government Code 551.071 through 551.084
VIII.A.1. Consultation with Attorney
VIII.A.2. Purchase and/or sale of real estate and/or easements
VIII.A.3. Personnel Matters
VIII.A.3.a. Superintendent's Evaluation and Contract
VIII.A.3.b. Election of Non-Teaching Professional Personnel
VIII.A.4. Security, Procedures, Devices and Audits
VIII.A.4.a. District's Security Procedures
IX. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | February 26, 2018 at 6:00 PM - Regular School Board Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Call to Order
Subject: |
II. Consent Agenda Items
Subject: |
II.A. Minutes
Subject: |
II.A.1. Minutes of January 15, 2018
Subject: |
II.A.2. Minutes of January 24, 2018
Subject: |
II.A.3. Minutes of January 29, 2018
Subject: |
II.B. Technology and Student Services
Subject: |
II.B.1. Out-of-State travel request for Mr. Miguel Dominguez, Safe Schools Initiative Director, to attend the 12th International Conference on Positive Behavior in San Diego California, March 28-31, 2018 (all travel will be paid by the Safe Schools Initiative Grant)
Subject: |
II.B.2. Out-of-State travel request for Escobar Elementary Chess Team (4 students) and sponsor Guadalupe Olvera and Doedyns Elementary Chess Team (6 students) and sponsor Flor Medrano plus one other sponsor to attend the 2018 National Elementary K-6 Championship in Nashville TN on May 11-13, 2018 (all travel expenses will be paid by the Gifted and Talented Funds and Campus Activity Funds)
Subject: |
II.B.3. Out-of-State travel request for PSJA Thomas Jefferson T-STEM EC High School Chess Team (8 students) and sponsor Moises Diaz and one other sponsor to attend the 2018 National High School (1-12) Championship in Columbus, OH on April 27-29, 2018 (all travel expenses will be paid by Gifted and Talented Funds and Campus Activity Funds)
Subject: |
II.B.4. Out-of-State travel request for Arianna Vasquez-Hernandez, Director of Communications/Public Information and Santiago Zavala, Multimedia Communications Specialist to attend the National School Public Relations Association's Annual Seminar on July 14-17, 2018 in Anaheim, California. (all travel expenses will be paid by Public Relations Local Funds)
Subject: |
II.B.5. Waiver for 2017-2018 Application for Low Attendance Days
Subject: |
II.C. Curriculum & Instruction
Subject: |
II.C.1. Out-of-State travel request for Gina Saenz, Middle School Science Coordinator, to attend the Smithsonian STEM Education Summit on February 21-25, 2018 at Howard University in Washington, DC (all expenses will be paid by Shell Oil Company/some meals will be paid by local funds)
Subject: |
II.D. Finance
Subject: |
II.D.1. Functional Budget Amendments
Subject: |
II.D.2. Bids, contracts and/or proposals to be awarded
Subject: |
II.D.2.a. Award bids for Mariachi Uniforms and Accessories for the four comprehensive high schools/$96,750.00
Subject: |
II.D.2.b. Award bids for purchase of ten school buses for Transportation Department/$968,6780.00
Subject: |
II.D.2.c. Award bids for filter media and installation district-wide/$154,295.00
Subject: |
II.D.2.d. Award bids for tires for Maintenance and Transportation Vehicles/$83,738.28
Subject: |
II.D.2.e. Authorization to proceed with the service contract for Munters Corporation - Servicecaire® performance test and inspection plan for PSJA Early College High School and PSJA Memorial Early College High School/$54,566.00
Subject: |
II.D.3. Use of District Facilities for March 6, 2018 Primary Election, May 22, 2018 Primary Runoff election and November 6, 2018 General Election
Subject: |
II.E. Human Resources
Subject: |
II.E.1. Employment of Instructional and Non-Teaching Professional Personnel
Subject: |
II.F. Reports
Subject: |
II.F.1. Tax Collector's Report for the Month of January 2018
Subject: |
Subject: |
III. Finance
Subject: |
III.A. Report on Donations to the District
Subject: |
III.A.1. LBJ Middle School
Subject: |
III.A.1.a. Ronnie Cantu Construction, LLC/$500.00 for garden
Subject: |
III.A.2. PSJA Early College High School
Subject: |
III.A.2.a. Matt's Cash & Carry/$250.00 for Track of Hope Recipients
Subject: |
III.A.2.b. Ronnie Cantu Construction/$250.00 for Cancer Walk expenses
Subject: |
III.A.3. PSJA North Early College High School
Subject: |
III.A.3.a. American Dance Drill Team/$1,250.00 for national contest fees
Subject: |
III.A.3.b. Danny and Diana Smith/$1,000 for Spanish Club State Competition
Subject: |
III.A.4. PSJA Thomas Jefferson T-STEM ECHS
Subject: |
III.A.4.a. Ronnie Cantu Construction LLC/$500.00 for garden
Subject: |
III.B. Report on Workers' Compensation Performance results
Subject: |
III.C. Contract Extension - Authorization to proceed with the renewal of the TASB Risk Management Fund Interlocal Participation Agreement for the Workers' Compensation (Administrative Services Only)
Subject: |
III.D. Authorization to proceed with the purchase of Lincoln Mobiflex 400-MS Base Unit and Mobiflex LFA 2.1 10" Arm for CATE Department/$59,439.84
Subject: |
III.E. Award Request for Proposals for Enhancement of Network Infrastructure/#-Rate Round #21/$1,469,459.02
Subject: |
III.F. Update report on San Juan and Alamo City/School Parks Projects
Subject: |
III.G. Five Year Comparative Tax Collection Report and Expenses
Subject: |
III.H. Action on Request for extension for vacating property purchased by the District
Subject: |
IV. Construction
Subject: |
IV.A. Substantial completion of Palacios Elementary School parking lot and Anaya Elementary School driveway additions
Subject: |
IV.B. Substantial completion of Carman Elementary School and Kelly-Pharr Elementary School HVAC System Replacements
Subject: |
IV.C. Substantial completion of Liberty Middle School Athletic Additions - Phase I
Subject: |
IV.D. Substantial completion of PSJA Memorial Early College High School Re-Roofing and HVAC Upgrades
Subject: |
IV.E. Award bids for the District's re-roofing projects at Cesar Chavez Elementary School, Arnoldo Cantu Elementary School, John Doedyns Elementary School, Carman and Kelly-Pharr Elementary Schools
Subject: |
V. Curriculum & Instruction
Subject: |
V.A. 2017-2018 District's Improvement Plan
Subject: |
VI. Human Resources
Subject: |
VI.A. Election of Non-Teaching Professional Personnel
Subject: |
VI.B. District's Security and Procedures
Subject: |
VII. Superintendent
Subject: |
VII.A. Superintendent's Evaluation and Contract
Subject: |
VIII. Executive Session
Subject: |
VIII.A. Government Code 551.071 through 551.084
Subject: |
VIII.A.1. Consultation with Attorney
Subject: |
VIII.A.2. Purchase and/or sale of real estate and/or easements
Subject: |
VIII.A.3. Personnel Matters
Subject: |
VIII.A.3.a. Superintendent's Evaluation and Contract
Subject: |
VIII.A.3.b. Election of Non-Teaching Professional Personnel
Subject: |
VIII.A.4. Security, Procedures, Devices and Audits
Subject: |
VIII.A.4.a. District's Security Procedures
Subject: |
IX. Adjourn