Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order
II. Recognition
II.A. PSJA teacher shares knowledge in STEM with student teachers from Uruguay
II.B. PSJA teacher invited as keynote speaker for Regional Education and Workforce Conference
II.C. Seven PSJA schools receive all possible TEA Distinctions
III. Consent Agenda Items
III.A. Minutes
III.A.1. Minutes of July 31, 2017
III.A.2. Minutes of August 7, 2017
III.A.3. Minutes of August 8, 2017
III.A.4. Minutes of August 14, 2017
III.A.5. Minutes of August 21, 2017
III.B. Finance
III.B.1. Functional Budget Amendments
III.B.2. Bids, contracts and/or proposals to be awarded
III.B.2.a. Award bids for Food Safety and Sanitation System/$89,283.84
III.B.2.b. Renewal - Authorization to proceed with the purchase of iStation Math for Pre-K through 2nd Grade for all elementary schools/$85,408.00
III.B.2.c. Letter of Commitment to Region 5 Education Service Center Southeast Texas Purchasing Cooperative for the 2017-2018 school year/$600.00
III.B.3. Out-of-State travel request for Child Nutrition staff members, Imelda Palacios, Director and Corina Gonzalez, Area Supervisor to travel to Baltimore, Maryland to attend the 2017 USDA Farm to School Grantee Conference September 25-27, 2017
III.C. Construction
III.C.1. Written Progress Reports on new construction projects, construction change directives and change orders
III.C.1.a. Gignac Architects
III.C.1.a.(1) New Alamo Middle School
III.C.1.a.(2) Yzaguirre Middle School
III.C.1.a.(3) PSJA Collegiate Academies
III.C.1.b. Milnet Architects
III.C.1.b.(1) Renovations at Buckner Elementary School for the Early Head Start Program
III.C.1.b.(2) PSJA Memorial Early College High School Re-Roofing and HVAC Upgrades
III.C.1.c. EGV Architects, Inc.
III.C.1.c.(1) Carman Elementary School and Kelly-Pharr Elementary School HVAC System Replacements
III.C.1.c.(2) Liberty Middle School Athletic Additions - Phase I
III.C.1.d. Pharr-San Juan-Alamo ISD
III.C.1.d.(1) PSJA North Early College High School and PSJA Memorial Early College High School auditorium seating and carpet replacement
III.D. Human Resources
III.D.1. Employment of Instructional and Non-Teaching Professional Personnel
III.E. Reports
III.E.1. Tax Collector's Report for the month of August 2017
III.E.2. Disbursements Report
IV. Proclamations
IV.A. Proclamation designating "Schoolyard Habitat Day"
IV.B. Proclamation designating September as "Childhood Cancer Awareness Month"
V. Public Hearing
V.A. Public Hearing on the 2017 Proposed Tax Rate
VI. Finance
VI.A. Report on Donations to the District
VI.A.1. PSJA Early College High School
VI.A.1.a. Siete Encinos, Inc./$675.00 for the FFA Class
VI.A.2. PSJA North Early College High School
VI.A.2.a. Ronnie Cantu Construction/$1,000.00 for supplies for Varsity Cheerleaders
VI.A.3. PSJA Memorial Early College High School
VI.A.3.a. Girls Basketball Booster Club/$1,140.00 for Girls Basketball equipment and uniforms
VI.B. 2017 Proposed Tax Rate
VI.C. Resolution amending authorized representatives for TexPool Participant Services
VI.D. Resolution nominating Board of Directors for the Hidalgo County Appraisal District for the 2018-19 year
VI.E. Interlocal Agreement between Pharr-San Juan-Alamo ISD and the City of Pharr on the Pharr Aquatic Facility
VI.F. Approve the 2017-2018 Region I Library Services & Instructional Resources Cooperative - Library Purchasing Co-op/$101,097.20
VI.G. Contract Agreement between Pharr-San Juan-Alamo ISD and the City of Pharr for K9 Policing Services
VI.H. Contract Agreement between Pharr-San Juan-Alamo ISD and the Cities of Pharr, San Juan and Alamo for Police Officers Services
VI.I. Catalog Bids - Instructional Materials & Office Equipment Services and Supplies
VI.J. Authorization to proceed with the purchase of Imagine Learning Software (Language, Literacy and Espanol) for all campuses Pre-K through 12th grade for the 2017-2018 school year/$800,000.00
VII. Superintendent of Schools
VII.A. Consideration and possible action regarding amending legal employment contract - reference Cause No. C-1269-16-B pending in the 93rd Judicial District Court of Hidalgo County, Texas, styled VCC, LLC v. PSJA ISD,
VII.B. Consideration and possible action regarding proposed settlements in Cause No. C-1269-16-B pending in the 93rd Judicial District Court in Hidalgo County, Texas, styled VCC, LLC v. PSJA ISD,
VIII. Executive Session
VIII.A. Government Code 551.071 through 551.084
VIII.A.1. Consultation with Attorney
VIII.A.1.a. Consideration and possible action regarding amending legal employment counsel - reference Cause No. C-1269-16-B pending in the 93rd Judicial District Court of Hidalgo County, Texas, styled VCC, LLC v. PSJA ISD,
VIII.A.1.b. Consideration and possible action regarding proposed settlements in Cause No. C-1269-16-B pending in the 93rd Judicial District Court of Hidalgo County, Texas, styled VCC, LLC v. PSJA ISD,
VIII.A.2. Purchase and/or sale of real estate and/or easements
VIII.A.3. Personnel Matters
IX. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | September 25, 2017 at 6:00 PM - Regular School Board Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Call to Order
Subject: |
II. Recognition
Subject: |
II.A. PSJA teacher shares knowledge in STEM with student teachers from Uruguay
Subject: |
II.B. PSJA teacher invited as keynote speaker for Regional Education and Workforce Conference
Subject: |
II.C. Seven PSJA schools receive all possible TEA Distinctions
Subject: |
III. Consent Agenda Items
Subject: |
III.A. Minutes
Subject: |
III.A.1. Minutes of July 31, 2017
Subject: |
III.A.2. Minutes of August 7, 2017
Subject: |
III.A.3. Minutes of August 8, 2017
Subject: |
III.A.4. Minutes of August 14, 2017
Subject: |
III.A.5. Minutes of August 21, 2017
Subject: |
III.B. Finance
Subject: |
III.B.1. Functional Budget Amendments
Subject: |
III.B.2. Bids, contracts and/or proposals to be awarded
Subject: |
III.B.2.a. Award bids for Food Safety and Sanitation System/$89,283.84
Subject: |
III.B.2.b. Renewal - Authorization to proceed with the purchase of iStation Math for Pre-K through 2nd Grade for all elementary schools/$85,408.00
Subject: |
III.B.2.c. Letter of Commitment to Region 5 Education Service Center Southeast Texas Purchasing Cooperative for the 2017-2018 school year/$600.00
Subject: |
III.B.3. Out-of-State travel request for Child Nutrition staff members, Imelda Palacios, Director and Corina Gonzalez, Area Supervisor to travel to Baltimore, Maryland to attend the 2017 USDA Farm to School Grantee Conference September 25-27, 2017
Subject: |
III.C. Construction
Subject: |
III.C.1. Written Progress Reports on new construction projects, construction change directives and change orders
Subject: |
III.C.1.a. Gignac Architects
Subject: |
III.C.1.a.(1) New Alamo Middle School
Subject: |
III.C.1.a.(2) Yzaguirre Middle School
Subject: |
III.C.1.a.(3) PSJA Collegiate Academies
Subject: |
III.C.1.b. Milnet Architects
Subject: |
III.C.1.b.(1) Renovations at Buckner Elementary School for the Early Head Start Program
Subject: |
III.C.1.b.(2) PSJA Memorial Early College High School Re-Roofing and HVAC Upgrades
Subject: |
III.C.1.c. EGV Architects, Inc.
Subject: |
III.C.1.c.(1) Carman Elementary School and Kelly-Pharr Elementary School HVAC System Replacements
Subject: |
III.C.1.c.(2) Liberty Middle School Athletic Additions - Phase I
Subject: |
III.C.1.d. Pharr-San Juan-Alamo ISD
Subject: |
III.C.1.d.(1) PSJA North Early College High School and PSJA Memorial Early College High School auditorium seating and carpet replacement
Subject: |
III.D. Human Resources
Subject: |
III.D.1. Employment of Instructional and Non-Teaching Professional Personnel
Subject: |
III.E. Reports
Subject: |
III.E.1. Tax Collector's Report for the month of August 2017
Subject: |
III.E.2. Disbursements Report
Subject: |
Subject: |
IV. Proclamations
Subject: |
IV.A. Proclamation designating "Schoolyard Habitat Day"
Subject: |
IV.B. Proclamation designating September as "Childhood Cancer Awareness Month"
Subject: |
V. Public Hearing
Subject: |
V.A. Public Hearing on the 2017 Proposed Tax Rate
Subject: |
VI. Finance
Subject: |
VI.A. Report on Donations to the District
Subject: |
VI.A.1. PSJA Early College High School
Subject: |
VI.A.1.a. Siete Encinos, Inc./$675.00 for the FFA Class
Subject: |
VI.A.2. PSJA North Early College High School
Subject: |
VI.A.2.a. Ronnie Cantu Construction/$1,000.00 for supplies for Varsity Cheerleaders
Subject: |
VI.A.3. PSJA Memorial Early College High School
Subject: |
VI.A.3.a. Girls Basketball Booster Club/$1,140.00 for Girls Basketball equipment and uniforms
Subject: |
VI.B. 2017 Proposed Tax Rate
Subject: |
VI.C. Resolution amending authorized representatives for TexPool Participant Services
Subject: |
VI.D. Resolution nominating Board of Directors for the Hidalgo County Appraisal District for the 2018-19 year
Subject: |
VI.E. Interlocal Agreement between Pharr-San Juan-Alamo ISD and the City of Pharr on the Pharr Aquatic Facility
Subject: |
VI.F. Approve the 2017-2018 Region I Library Services & Instructional Resources Cooperative - Library Purchasing Co-op/$101,097.20
Subject: |
VI.G. Contract Agreement between Pharr-San Juan-Alamo ISD and the City of Pharr for K9 Policing Services
Subject: |
VI.H. Contract Agreement between Pharr-San Juan-Alamo ISD and the Cities of Pharr, San Juan and Alamo for Police Officers Services
Subject: |
VI.I. Catalog Bids - Instructional Materials & Office Equipment Services and Supplies
Subject: |
VI.J. Authorization to proceed with the purchase of Imagine Learning Software (Language, Literacy and Espanol) for all campuses Pre-K through 12th grade for the 2017-2018 school year/$800,000.00
Subject: |
VII. Superintendent of Schools
Subject: |
VII.A. Consideration and possible action regarding amending legal employment contract - reference Cause No. C-1269-16-B pending in the 93rd Judicial District Court of Hidalgo County, Texas, styled VCC, LLC v. PSJA ISD,
Subject: |
VII.B. Consideration and possible action regarding proposed settlements in Cause No. C-1269-16-B pending in the 93rd Judicial District Court in Hidalgo County, Texas, styled VCC, LLC v. PSJA ISD,
Subject: |
VIII. Executive Session
Subject: |
VIII.A. Government Code 551.071 through 551.084
Subject: |
VIII.A.1. Consultation with Attorney
Subject: |
VIII.A.1.a. Consideration and possible action regarding amending legal employment counsel - reference Cause No. C-1269-16-B pending in the 93rd Judicial District Court of Hidalgo County, Texas, styled VCC, LLC v. PSJA ISD,
Subject: |
VIII.A.1.b. Consideration and possible action regarding proposed settlements in Cause No. C-1269-16-B pending in the 93rd Judicial District Court of Hidalgo County, Texas, styled VCC, LLC v. PSJA ISD,
Subject: |
VIII.A.2. Purchase and/or sale of real estate and/or easements
Subject: |
VIII.A.3. Personnel Matters
Subject: |
IX. Adjourn