Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order
II. Recognitions
II.A. Appointment to the Virginia Military Institute (VMI) Class of 2023 - David E. Martinez
II.B. Fine Arts Program - Texas All-Staters
II.C. Pharr Housing Authority's Project Read Check Presentation
II.D. Proclamation to declare National Boys and Girls Week - April 8-12, 2019
III. Consent Agenda Items
III.A. Minutes of School Board Meetings and/or Workshops
III.A.1. Minutes of January 29, 2019
III.A.2. Minutes of February 11, 2019
III.A.3. Minutes of February 18, 2019
III.B. Minutes of School Board Committee Meetings
III.B.1. Minutes of February 13, 2019 of Governmental Relations & Partnerships Committee
III.B.2. Minutes of February 20, 2019 of the Budget Committee
III.B.3. Minutes of February 27, 2019 of Human Resources Committee
III.C. Technology and Student Services
III.C.1. District's Calendar for 2019-2020 school year
III.D. Curriculum and Instruction
III.D.1. Out-of-State travel request for Mario Bracamontes, Principal at PSJA Buell Central-DAEP High School and teachers, Rene Rocha, Sergio Sanchez and Julian Zamora to attend the Comparative & International Education Society in San Francisco, California April 14-18, 2019 (all expenses will be paid by Title I Funds)
III.D.2. Out-of-State travel request for Griselda Quintanilla, CTE Director to travel to Detroit, MI, to present the Pharr-San Juan-Alamo ISD's FIRST RGV story at the FIRST Robotics Championship on April 24-27, 2019. (Meals will be paid by CTE Funds and FIRST will cover flight and hotel expenses)
III.E. Finance
III.E.1. Functional Budget Amendments
III.E.2. Bids, Contracts and/or proposals to be awarded
III.E.2.a. Award bids for Drill Team Uniforms for the four comprehensive high schools/$142,634.44
III.E.2.b. Instructional Material and Office Equipment, Services and Supplies - Catalog Bids
III.E.2.c. Award bids for Paper Towels and Dispenses for use District Wide/$107,640.00
III.E.3. Use of District facilities for 2019 City of Pharr Municipal Election (Kelly-Pharr and Buckner Schools)
III.E.4. Authorization to proceed with the renewal purchase of Palo Alto 5250 Network Appliance Licensing and Support/$58,940.00
IV. Report
IV.A. Communities of Excellence Award - Quality Texas Foundation
V. Finance
V.A. Award Request for Proposals for Special Education Medicaid Reimbursement Filing
V.B. Award Request for Proposals for Enhancement of Network Infrastructure/E-Rate Round 22/$1,364,146.52
V.C. Resolution stating review of Investment Policy and Investment Strategies, Designation of Investment Officer, and Approval of Independent Sources for Investment Training for the Pharr-San Juan-Alamo Independent School District
V.D. Proposal to engage Design Team (s) for Upgrades of Softball and Baseball Fields
V.E. Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between Pharr-San Juan-Alamo ISD and the County of Hidalgo Precinct 2 to provide information regarding resources for the improvement of health, safety, and welfare of individuals in the District area
VI. Superintendent of Schools
VI.A. Board Committees
VII. Human Resources
VII.A. Employment of Instructional and Non-Instructional Professional Personnel
VII.B. Employment of Non-Teaching Professional Personnel
VII.C. School Board Policies
VII.C.1. Policy Update 110 affecting local policy BBB (Local) Board Members - Elections
VII.C.2. Policy Update 111 - affecting local policies
VII.C.2.a. BBD (Local: Board Members - Training and Orientation
VII.C.2.b. CAA (Local): Fiscal Management Goals and Objectives - Financial Ethics
VII.C.2.c. CJA (Local): contracted Services - Criminal History
VII.C.2.d. DEA (Local): Compensation and Benefits - Compensation Plan
VII.C.2.e. DHE (Local): Employee Standards of Conduct - Searches and Alcohol/Drug Testing
VII.C.2.f. DI (Local); Employee Welfare
VII.C.2.g. FEA (Local): Attendance - Compulsory Attendance
VII.C.3. Policy Update 112 - affecting local policies
VII.C.3.a. BJA (Local): Superintendent - Qualifications and Duties
VII.C.3.b. CCG (Local): Local Revenue Sources - Ad Valorem Taxes
VII.C.3.c. CCGA (Local): Ad Valorem Taxes - Exemptions and Payments
VII.C.3.d. CH (Local): Purchasing and Acquisition
VII.C.3.e. CQ (Local): Technology Resources
VII.C.3.f. CV (Local): Facilities Construction
VII.C.3.g. DCB (Local): Employment Practices - Term Contracts
VII.C.3.h. DH (Local): Employee Standards of Conduct
VII.C.3.i. DIA (Local): Employee Welfare - Freedom from Discrimination Harassment and Retaliation
VII.C.3.j. FMA (Local): Student Activities - School-Sponsored Publications
VII.C.3.k. GF (Local): Public Complaints
VII.C.3.l. GKA (Local): Community Relations - Conduct on School Premises
VII.C.3.m. GKB (Local): Community Relations - Advertising and Fundraising
VII.D. School Board Policy EHBE (Local)- Special Programs: Bilingual Education/ESL
VIII. Executive Session
VIII.A. Government Code 551.071 through 551.084
VIII.A.1. Consultation with Attorney
VIII.A.2. Purchase and/or sale of real estate and/or easements
VIII.A.3. Personnel Matters
VIII.A.3.a. Employment of Instructional and Non-Instructional Professional Personnel
VIII.A.3.b. Employment of Non-Teaching Professional Personnel
IX. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | March 18, 2019 at 6:00 PM - Regular School Board Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Call to Order
Subject: |
II. Recognitions
Subject: |
II.A. Appointment to the Virginia Military Institute (VMI) Class of 2023 - David E. Martinez
Subject: |
II.B. Fine Arts Program - Texas All-Staters
Subject: |
II.C. Pharr Housing Authority's Project Read Check Presentation
Subject: |
II.D. Proclamation to declare National Boys and Girls Week - April 8-12, 2019
Subject: |
III. Consent Agenda Items
Subject: |
III.A. Minutes of School Board Meetings and/or Workshops
Subject: |
III.A.1. Minutes of January 29, 2019
Subject: |
III.A.2. Minutes of February 11, 2019
Subject: |
III.A.3. Minutes of February 18, 2019
Subject: |
III.B. Minutes of School Board Committee Meetings
Subject: |
III.B.1. Minutes of February 13, 2019 of Governmental Relations & Partnerships Committee
Subject: |
III.B.2. Minutes of February 20, 2019 of the Budget Committee
Subject: |
III.B.3. Minutes of February 27, 2019 of Human Resources Committee
Subject: |
III.C. Technology and Student Services
Subject: |
III.C.1. District's Calendar for 2019-2020 school year
Subject: |
III.D. Curriculum and Instruction
Subject: |
III.D.1. Out-of-State travel request for Mario Bracamontes, Principal at PSJA Buell Central-DAEP High School and teachers, Rene Rocha, Sergio Sanchez and Julian Zamora to attend the Comparative & International Education Society in San Francisco, California April 14-18, 2019 (all expenses will be paid by Title I Funds)
Subject: |
III.D.2. Out-of-State travel request for Griselda Quintanilla, CTE Director to travel to Detroit, MI, to present the Pharr-San Juan-Alamo ISD's FIRST RGV story at the FIRST Robotics Championship on April 24-27, 2019. (Meals will be paid by CTE Funds and FIRST will cover flight and hotel expenses)
Subject: |
III.E. Finance
Subject: |
III.E.1. Functional Budget Amendments
Subject: |
III.E.2. Bids, Contracts and/or proposals to be awarded
Subject: |
III.E.2.a. Award bids for Drill Team Uniforms for the four comprehensive high schools/$142,634.44
Subject: |
III.E.2.b. Instructional Material and Office Equipment, Services and Supplies - Catalog Bids
Subject: |
III.E.2.c. Award bids for Paper Towels and Dispenses for use District Wide/$107,640.00
Subject: |
III.E.3. Use of District facilities for 2019 City of Pharr Municipal Election (Kelly-Pharr and Buckner Schools)
Subject: |
III.E.4. Authorization to proceed with the renewal purchase of Palo Alto 5250 Network Appliance Licensing and Support/$58,940.00
Subject: |
Subject: |
IV. Report
Subject: |
IV.A. Communities of Excellence Award - Quality Texas Foundation
Subject: |
V. Finance
Subject: |
V.A. Award Request for Proposals for Special Education Medicaid Reimbursement Filing
Subject: |
V.B. Award Request for Proposals for Enhancement of Network Infrastructure/E-Rate Round 22/$1,364,146.52
Subject: |
V.C. Resolution stating review of Investment Policy and Investment Strategies, Designation of Investment Officer, and Approval of Independent Sources for Investment Training for the Pharr-San Juan-Alamo Independent School District
Subject: |
V.D. Proposal to engage Design Team (s) for Upgrades of Softball and Baseball Fields
Subject: |
V.E. Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between Pharr-San Juan-Alamo ISD and the County of Hidalgo Precinct 2 to provide information regarding resources for the improvement of health, safety, and welfare of individuals in the District area
Subject: |
VI. Superintendent of Schools
Subject: |
VI.A. Board Committees
Subject: |
VII. Human Resources
Subject: |
VII.A. Employment of Instructional and Non-Instructional Professional Personnel
Subject: |
VII.B. Employment of Non-Teaching Professional Personnel
Subject: |
VII.C. School Board Policies
Subject: |
VII.C.1. Policy Update 110 affecting local policy BBB (Local) Board Members - Elections
Subject: |
VII.C.2. Policy Update 111 - affecting local policies
Subject: |
VII.C.2.a. BBD (Local: Board Members - Training and Orientation
Subject: |
VII.C.2.b. CAA (Local): Fiscal Management Goals and Objectives - Financial Ethics
Subject: |
VII.C.2.c. CJA (Local): contracted Services - Criminal History
Subject: |
VII.C.2.d. DEA (Local): Compensation and Benefits - Compensation Plan
Subject: |
VII.C.2.e. DHE (Local): Employee Standards of Conduct - Searches and Alcohol/Drug Testing
Subject: |
VII.C.2.f. DI (Local); Employee Welfare
Subject: |
VII.C.2.g. FEA (Local): Attendance - Compulsory Attendance
Subject: |
VII.C.3. Policy Update 112 - affecting local policies
Subject: |
VII.C.3.a. BJA (Local): Superintendent - Qualifications and Duties
Subject: |
VII.C.3.b. CCG (Local): Local Revenue Sources - Ad Valorem Taxes
Subject: |
VII.C.3.c. CCGA (Local): Ad Valorem Taxes - Exemptions and Payments
Subject: |
VII.C.3.d. CH (Local): Purchasing and Acquisition
Subject: |
VII.C.3.e. CQ (Local): Technology Resources
Subject: |
VII.C.3.f. CV (Local): Facilities Construction
Subject: |
VII.C.3.g. DCB (Local): Employment Practices - Term Contracts
Subject: |
VII.C.3.h. DH (Local): Employee Standards of Conduct
Subject: |
VII.C.3.i. DIA (Local): Employee Welfare - Freedom from Discrimination Harassment and Retaliation
Subject: |
VII.C.3.j. FMA (Local): Student Activities - School-Sponsored Publications
Subject: |
VII.C.3.k. GF (Local): Public Complaints
Subject: |
VII.C.3.l. GKA (Local): Community Relations - Conduct on School Premises
Subject: |
VII.C.3.m. GKB (Local): Community Relations - Advertising and Fundraising
Subject: |
VII.D. School Board Policy EHBE (Local)- Special Programs: Bilingual Education/ESL
Subject: |
VIII. Executive Session
Subject: |
VIII.A. Government Code 551.071 through 551.084
Subject: |
VIII.A.1. Consultation with Attorney
Subject: |
VIII.A.2. Purchase and/or sale of real estate and/or easements
Subject: |
VIII.A.3. Personnel Matters
Subject: |
VIII.A.3.a. Employment of Instructional and Non-Instructional Professional Personnel
Subject: |
VIII.A.3.b. Employment of Non-Teaching Professional Personnel
Subject: |
IX. Adjourn