Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order
II. Presentation
II.A. The i3 Early College Expansion Story - "Educate Texas"
III. Consent Agenda Items
III.A. Deputy Superintendent for Administration
III.A.1. Out-of-State travel request for Middle School Staff Members (16) to attend the College for Every Student National Conference in Burlington, Vermont - October 27-29, 2016
III.B. Deputy Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction
III.B.1. Out-of-State travel request for Corina Ramirez and Iris Alvarez, Administrators for Elementary Schools, Nora Rivas-Garza, Administrator for Middle Schools, Olivia Martinez, Director for Dual Language and Debra Salinas, Director of Special Education to attend the Imagine Learning Partnership Forum in Provo, Utah - October 26-28, 2016
III.B.2. Out-of-State travel request for Melissa Morales, Business and Community Engagement Coordinator, to attend the Ford Next Generation Learning National Conference in Indiana Wells, California, October 19-21, 2016
III.C. Finance
III.C.1. Functional Budget Amendments
III.C.2. Bids, contracts and/or proposals to be awarded
III.C.2.a. Consultant Services
III.C.2.a.(1) Stanford Research Institute - Research Team for Safe Schools Initiative (SSI) from September 2016 through August 2017 for three (3) years of ongoing training - Evaluation of National Institute of Justice Study (NIJ) and provide data of SSI to NIJ/$1,366,642.00 - (Grant Requirement - Paid for by Grant Funding)
III.C.2.a.(2) Laura Hamilton - Safe and Civil Schools - Foundations Training September 2016 through August 2017 - to provide Foundation Teams with required training/$30,000.00 - (Grant Requirement - Paid for by Grant Funding)
III.C.2.a.(3) Humberto Vasquez - Safe School Initiative Grant/September 1-August 31, 2017/Point of Contact - Principal Investigator - Grant Compliance Officer (required) - to ensure all components of the grant are implemented appropriately and in a timely basis; responsible for collecting data for evaluation, managing the overall research plan and serve as a liaison with SRI and taking the lead in coordinating written articles about the project for publication/$39,000.00 (Grant Requirement - Paid for by Grant Funding)
III.C.2.b. Authorization to proceed with the renewal purchase of the District's Accelerate Reader Program for the 2016-17 school year/$175,000.00
III.C.2.c. Award bids for Copier Paper/$320,300.40
III.D. Human Resources
III.D.1. Employment of Instructional and non-Teaching Professional Personnel
III.E. Reports
III.E.1. Tax Collector's report for the month of August 2016
III.E.2. Use of District's Facilities
III.E.3. Fees paid to Purchasing Cooperatives for the 2016-17 school year
III.E.4. Report on sale of portable buildings
III.E.5. Annual Tax Collections Report (September 1, 2015 through August 31, 2016)
IV. Finance
IV.A. Report on Donations to the District
IV.A.1. PSJA Early College High School
IV.A.1.a. Red Men Nacoma Council #13/$300.00/for Bearettes miscellaneous supplies, shirts, camp and end of year banquet
IV.A.2. PSJA North Early College High School for Equipment
IV.A.2.a. Humberto and Consuelo Garza/$100.00
IV.A.2.b. Hosanna Hospice/$225.00
IV.A.2.c. VDP Health Care/$225.00
IV.A.2.d. RG Economic Advisors/$200.00
IV.A.2.e. TDL Properties LLC/$300.00
IV.A.3. John Henry "Jack" McKeever Elementary School
IV.A.3.a. Lone Star National Bank/$500.00/for sponsorship and planner
V. Human Resources
V.A. Name the PSJA Memorial Early College High School Theater in memory and honor of Roberto Gomez, Jr.
VI. Construction
VI.A. Award proposal to develop, design and launch the District's Family Health Clinic
VI.B. Award bids for Carman and Kelly-Pharr Elementary Schools Mechanical Upgrades
VII. Support Services
VII.A. Purchase and/or sale of real estate and/or easements
VIII. Superintendent of Schools
VIII.A. Superintendent's Evaluation and Contract
IX. Executive Session
IX.A. Government Code 551.071 through 551.084
IX.A.1. Consultation with Attorney
IX.A.2. Purchase and/or sale of real estate and/or easements
IX.A.3. Personnel Matters
IX.A.3.a. Superintendent's Evaluation and Contract
X. Adjourn
Agenda Item Details
Reload Your Meeting
Meeting: | October 3, 2016 at 6:00 PM - Regular School Board Meeting | |
Subject: |
I. Call to Order
Subject: |
II. Presentation
Subject: |
II.A. The i3 Early College Expansion Story - "Educate Texas"
Subject: |
III. Consent Agenda Items
Subject: |
III.A. Deputy Superintendent for Administration
Subject: |
III.A.1. Out-of-State travel request for Middle School Staff Members (16) to attend the College for Every Student National Conference in Burlington, Vermont - October 27-29, 2016
Subject: |
III.B. Deputy Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction
Subject: |
III.B.1. Out-of-State travel request for Corina Ramirez and Iris Alvarez, Administrators for Elementary Schools, Nora Rivas-Garza, Administrator for Middle Schools, Olivia Martinez, Director for Dual Language and Debra Salinas, Director of Special Education to attend the Imagine Learning Partnership Forum in Provo, Utah - October 26-28, 2016
Subject: |
III.B.2. Out-of-State travel request for Melissa Morales, Business and Community Engagement Coordinator, to attend the Ford Next Generation Learning National Conference in Indiana Wells, California, October 19-21, 2016
Subject: |
III.C. Finance
Subject: |
III.C.1. Functional Budget Amendments
Subject: |
III.C.2. Bids, contracts and/or proposals to be awarded
Subject: |
III.C.2.a. Consultant Services
Subject: |
III.C.2.a.(1) Stanford Research Institute - Research Team for Safe Schools Initiative (SSI) from September 2016 through August 2017 for three (3) years of ongoing training - Evaluation of National Institute of Justice Study (NIJ) and provide data of SSI to NIJ/$1,366,642.00 - (Grant Requirement - Paid for by Grant Funding)
Subject: |
III.C.2.a.(2) Laura Hamilton - Safe and Civil Schools - Foundations Training September 2016 through August 2017 - to provide Foundation Teams with required training/$30,000.00 - (Grant Requirement - Paid for by Grant Funding)
Subject: |
III.C.2.a.(3) Humberto Vasquez - Safe School Initiative Grant/September 1-August 31, 2017/Point of Contact - Principal Investigator - Grant Compliance Officer (required) - to ensure all components of the grant are implemented appropriately and in a timely basis; responsible for collecting data for evaluation, managing the overall research plan and serve as a liaison with SRI and taking the lead in coordinating written articles about the project for publication/$39,000.00 (Grant Requirement - Paid for by Grant Funding)
Subject: |
III.C.2.b. Authorization to proceed with the renewal purchase of the District's Accelerate Reader Program for the 2016-17 school year/$175,000.00
Subject: |
III.C.2.c. Award bids for Copier Paper/$320,300.40
Subject: |
III.D. Human Resources
Subject: |
III.D.1. Employment of Instructional and non-Teaching Professional Personnel
Subject: |
III.E. Reports
Subject: |
III.E.1. Tax Collector's report for the month of August 2016
Subject: |
III.E.2. Use of District's Facilities
Subject: |
III.E.3. Fees paid to Purchasing Cooperatives for the 2016-17 school year
Subject: |
III.E.4. Report on sale of portable buildings
Subject: |
III.E.5. Annual Tax Collections Report (September 1, 2015 through August 31, 2016)
Subject: |
Subject: |
IV. Finance
Subject: |
IV.A. Report on Donations to the District
Subject: |
IV.A.1. PSJA Early College High School
Subject: |
IV.A.1.a. Red Men Nacoma Council #13/$300.00/for Bearettes miscellaneous supplies, shirts, camp and end of year banquet
Subject: |
IV.A.2. PSJA North Early College High School for Equipment
Subject: |
IV.A.2.a. Humberto and Consuelo Garza/$100.00
Subject: |
IV.A.2.b. Hosanna Hospice/$225.00
Subject: |
IV.A.2.c. VDP Health Care/$225.00
Subject: |
IV.A.2.d. RG Economic Advisors/$200.00
Subject: |
IV.A.2.e. TDL Properties LLC/$300.00
Subject: |
IV.A.3. John Henry "Jack" McKeever Elementary School
Subject: |
IV.A.3.a. Lone Star National Bank/$500.00/for sponsorship and planner
Subject: |
V. Human Resources
Subject: |
V.A. Name the PSJA Memorial Early College High School Theater in memory and honor of Roberto Gomez, Jr.
Subject: |
VI. Construction
Subject: |
VI.A. Award proposal to develop, design and launch the District's Family Health Clinic
Subject: |
VI.B. Award bids for Carman and Kelly-Pharr Elementary Schools Mechanical Upgrades
Subject: |
VII. Support Services
Subject: |
VII.A. Purchase and/or sale of real estate and/or easements
Subject: |
VIII. Superintendent of Schools
Subject: |
VIII.A. Superintendent's Evaluation and Contract
Subject: |
IX. Executive Session
Subject: |
IX.A. Government Code 551.071 through 551.084
Subject: |
IX.A.1. Consultation with Attorney
Subject: |
IX.A.2. Purchase and/or sale of real estate and/or easements
Subject: |
IX.A.3. Personnel Matters
Subject: |
IX.A.3.a. Superintendent's Evaluation and Contract
Subject: |
X. Adjourn